Author Topic: Huge string combination TI-OS glitch on the TI-83+ series  (Read 6390 times)

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Huge string combination TI-OS glitch on the TI-83+ series
« on: April 30, 2009, 12:42:44 am »

I hate the huge string TI-OS glitch. when I try to store a long ass string with multiple parts combined together such as str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1+str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1+str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1+str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1+str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1+str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1+str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1+str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1+str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1+str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1+str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1+str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1+str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1+str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1+str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1+str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1+str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1+str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1+str1+str1+"    "+str2+str2+str1
When I try to store such large string (with many combined stuff), my TI-83+ feels like 3 MHz and my TI-Nspire 84+ at like 7-8 MHz until I press ON to break the prgm. Doing this multiple times during program execution won't cause any further slow downs and memory leaks, though.

When I was programming Zelda DLQ, I had this happening in early developpement stages when i started working on Dungeon 2, which had many boolean logic checks to do in the string. However, I discovered this also caused ERR:MEMORYs at many places. So I added a check during walking loop to see how many RAM i had, and after this glitch occured, I discovered my RAM went down from like 10 KB to something like 2 KB.

Now I got this happening again during Illusait 13 developpement. So far I never got any RAM clears from this, but be careful when using long strings. What I suggest is to break them in smaller chunks if you are combining many while storing them. I am unsure how small they need to be to prevent this, but this is sure an annoying bug at times when you need to work with large strings.

So if you have such strings and noticed your game runs awfully slow all of a suddent, this is probably why.

Tested on:

TI-83 Plus with OS 1.14 and 1.18
TI-83 Plus Silver Edition with OS 1.14 and 1.18
TI-Nspire with TI-84 Plus Silver Editon OS 2.46 (which came out with the latest TI Nspire OS, after 1.19 release)

Tested before and after a RAM clear, with and without ASM programs installed on the calc