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[...]Right now, I'm wondering if I should have an ending to the game.Originally, I was thinking of no level cap and just letting people play on until they get bored.My main issue with an ending though is where should it be?Also, after awhile I'm sure dungeon crawling will get a bit tiresome... especially since I have to account for characters levels. I could just set all creatures to the level of the character at the time they meet. If not, I'd have to have a dungeon for each level they get to.In either case, creating quests and/or bosses wil be a pain with this whole random generation thing too.Though, I'm just not sure which would be more fun. A fixed world with a fixed plot and a fixed ending.Or random world, no plot, and no ending.In either case it'll be battling monster after monster to level up and become more powerful.Argh... my mind has WAY too many conflicts.[...]