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:Lbl A:Input "NUMBER? ",N:If N=0:Goto X:If N=1:Then:"HYDROGEN"->Str1:"H"->Str2:Goto B:If N=2:Then:"HELIUM"->Str1:"HE"->Str2:GotoB...:If N=112:Then:"COPERNICIUM"->Str1:"CN"->Str2:Goto B:Lbl B:ClrHome:Disp Str2:Disp Str1:Pause:Goto A...
*Sigh*can we keep this on topic? The topic is about what the big thing might be, NOT SEX
If X=1Disp "x is 1"Disp "always displayed"If X=1:ThenDisp "X=1"Disp "Displayed when x=1"End
So how would I use End in my program?* holmes221b is kinda confused.
If A=1line Aline Bline C
if A=1:Thenline Aline BEndline C
Repeat GetkeyEnd