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If you want my true opinion on the state of the Ti-89 BASIC (or 68K BASIC in general for that matter), it's dead.It's pretty sad when I look around and it looks like me and Hiryu are the only ones active, and that's saying something since both of us are one step away from community retirement. It's one of the reason's Ive taken my time on Landel, since no one seems to want it, or even care for that matter. If it came out tomorrow, or 10 years from now, it's going to get the same response. Hell, I'd bet if we used the Landel engine for it's true purpose (FFVII Directors Edition.) on the 89, It wouldn't even break the Ti-92 FF7 download rate (currently 8999 on ticalc.org) even though the original 89 FF7 broke that in less than 3 months and is currently at 42900.Hell, I've haven't had a new post on my site for months now, And it was for a site that had JavaScript converters on it. the one before that asked where to buy an 83 keyboard for an Nspire. The Nspire forum is the second busiest on my site, probably because no one else puts a forum up for them. Either no one knows the site exists, are scared to post for some reason, or don't care. My guess is on #3
As for TI-BASIC, I would disagree that the opinion about TI-BASIC is bad from everyone, though. I'm not sure about 68k, but if you look at Omnimaga, United-TI and TI-BASIC Developper, pretty much everyone there code in BASIC or respects it. A BASIC project today will get more recognition than a few years ago because today, people finally realized that what counts is your contribution to the TI community.
Doing things the tricky way can be fun.And TI-BASIC in z80 line have some many ways to do things, that makes it kind an interesting language to explore.TI-BASIC if made well can be great and deserve more respect than some assembly works because of the work on optimization and exploring new techniques in the language.I think the problems in the past were people couldn't make good TI-BASIC as it is done today. If TI-BASIC at that time had some of the best works that today we have, TI-BASIC programmer wouldn't suffer much.Hopefully some people continued to develop and support TI-BASIC to arrive at this stage. ASM programmers also benefited TI-BASIC a lot with libs like xlib.