I am really tired of typing stuff onto my calculator. I have already used most of the tibasic on computer programs on ticalc, except that none of them are really good (in that i can actually program faster on the calculator...). Some of them i couldn't get to work, while some of them had this weird caps lock and non caps thingy. For example, to use the "output" argument, you would have to type in OUTPUT(1,1,"whatever"). If you wanted to display something you would have to use disp "whatever" If you wanted to text something it was Text(1,1,"387529). As you can see some of them are all lowercase, some of them are all uppercase while others are some upper and some lower case. I can't remember them all. If you use the wrong upper or lower case, it won't work on the calculator. I have tried. So yea, this is the end to my rambing. Oh and one of the purpose to this topic is so someone can direct me to a decent tibasic on computer program