Can anyone tell me why it doesn't work?
This is scrolling tilemap/sprite routine that I tried to make with xLib.
//Matrix [A] has 16X24 dimension
:Lbl A
:Goto A
:0->theta:While theta=0:getKey->theta:End
:L1(5)+(L1(5)<L1(2) and theta=26)-(L1(5)>L1(1) and theta=24)->A
:L1(6)+(L1(6)<L1(4) and theta=34)-(L1(6)>L1(3) and theta=25)->B
:If C<N:Then:A->L1(5):B->L1(4):End //N is the collition detection thingy. basically the tilemap value. the tilemap value smaller than N is passable
:L1(7)+8(theta=26 and C<N and (L1(7)<48 or L1(2)=24) and L1(7)<88)-8(theta=24 and C<N and (L1(7)>40 or L1(1)=0) and L1(7)>8)->L1(7)
:L1(8)+8(theta=34 and C<N and (L1(8)<32 or L1(4)=12) and L1(8)<56)-8(theta=25 and C<N and (L1(8)>24 or L1(3)=0) and L1(8)>8)->L1(8)
:L1(2)+(theta=26 and L1(2)!=24)-(theta=24 and L1(2)!=12)->L1(2
:L1(1)+(theta=26 and L1(1)!=12)-(theta=24 and L1(1)!=0)->L1(1
:L1(4)+(theta=34 and L1(4)!=16)-(theta=25 and L1(4)!=8)->L1(4
:L1(3)+(theta=34 and L1(3)!=8)-(theta=25 and L1(4)!=0)->L1(3