Author Topic: Bug with TI-boy  (Read 3802 times)

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Offline Léo MIALARET

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Bug with TI-boy
« on: November 21, 2015, 08:46:01 am »
Hi everyone and thank you for reading this topic. Here's my situation :
Whenever I try to run a game (by going to "apps" and pressing exe on the game) it says to me :
TI-Boy OS mod installation failed.
Reinstalling the OS may fix this.

Here's how I got there :
1st, my calculator is a TI-84 Silver edition (according to the ram). It's still written TI-83 on it but it is an 84. Before you ask, the factory number on the back is K-0414B so it looks like it is not a new one with the ram chipsets problems.
2d, I tried to put the emulator and then the game and backward and forward and ....... Doesn't matter.
For now, as I REAAAALLLLLYYY want this to work, I reseted my calculator fully (2d,+,7,right,right,exe,2). :w00t:
I tried. The same bug. ???
Then, as I had nothing to loose, I reinstalled the os (the official one from the official site), reseted my calculator and then transfered all my games to it (I've put Pkmn Red, Worms, Tetris and Space Invaders).
Still the same bug. :banghead:
I would reallly love if someone can help me.

Leave a comment even if you have only the beginning of an idea, any help is really welcome, as I don't have any idea on how to make it work

Edit (Eeems): Merged double post
« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 03:07:49 pm by Eeems »