Welcome to
Omnimaga bwang. I don't have a shell script, but I would be happy to give you instructions on how to do this(I might make a shell script in a bit, was thinking about it before but never got around to it).
What you need:
TI-Boy SE(of course

Wabbitsign(need wine):
Epic LinkageA GameBoy Rom
After you have all that, throw wabbitsign into your 'makeapp' directory. Open up your terminal and 'cd' to your 'makeapp' directory. Then type in what you see below:
cat 1.bin >> app.bin
echo -n "MyGBName" >> app.bin
cat 2.bin >> app.bin
cat your_rom.gb >> app.bin
cat 3.bin >> app.bin
wine ./wabbitsign.exe app.bin makeapp.8xk
rm ./app.bin
Please keep in mind, the name you place in the 'echo' has to be exactly 8 characters long, or it will not compile and of course replace 'your_rom.gb' with the rom you wish to convert

I'll whip up a script to automate this process and make life easier, until then you'll have to use this way.
I hope this helps =D