Author Topic: Official TI-Boy SE Beta Thread  (Read 135111 times)

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Re: Official TI-Boy SE Beta Thread
« Reply #135 on: February 03, 2013, 05:41:40 pm »
Well, the real problem is that the game should get notified that the byte is received an exact amount of time (in clock cycles) after the data transfer starts, and TI-Boy doesn't even count clock cycles per instruction for performance reasons. I suppose I might be able to give it another try one of these days, though.
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Re: Official TI-Boy SE Beta Thread
« Reply #136 on: February 06, 2013, 02:51:33 pm »
In beta 2.01, psychic no longer loops at the "shaking" effect but now loops when the screen has a "wavy" effect.
Any ideas as to what's causing this?

For me in 2.0.3 they last much longer than they should usually, but they do eventually stop. Was this bug fixed or semi-fixed?

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Re: Official TI-Boy SE Beta Thread
« Reply #137 on: February 06, 2013, 02:56:14 pm »

Wut? Interesting name for a patch :P

Do I need a silver cable to transfer it? I'm having no luck with usb

With serial cable and SilverLInk I remember I had some troubles sending files larger than 300 KB to my calculator before, but it was way more common with the serial cable. I am unsure about USB though but it might have to do with the file size. What error do you get?
« Last Edit: February 06, 2013, 02:57:04 pm by DJ_O »

Offline wyatt8740

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Re: Official TI-Boy SE Beta Thread
« Reply #138 on: February 07, 2013, 12:01:49 am »
Do I need a silver cable to transfer it? I'm having no luck with usb
I used USB with TiLP and transferred it just fine. If you run 64 bit windows with TiLP, it's the unsigned libusb drivers that are killing you.
Uninstall ti-connect, install TiLP, and then install this:

That is a signed libusb driver.

Otherwise, idk what the problem is, but if you Linux/non-mac *NIX, I can probably help. That's my main OS atm.

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Re: Official TI-Boy SE Beta Thread
« Reply #139 on: February 07, 2013, 11:48:50 am »
@DJ_O: Thanks for your warm welcome!

Also, since I fear it was buried, I'll reask (or rather bring attention back to) the concept of bi-directional save conversions. My question was if he could add a seperate utility binary that can transfer the save files used by emulators or dumped from actual carts to the Appvars used by Ti-boy and vice versa. A simple yes or no will do, but if Ti-boy stores the save data based on how it's saved (I think I'm saying that right, basically since it emulates the gameboy my logic seems to think) couldn't there be a way to do so?

Besides that, I am still quite impressed by the functionality of this Emulator. And since it is Beta, I'd like to point out the few little graphical glitches. (Wish I had already made screen-shots to show what I mean.) There are two with Kirby on my actual calculator (Hence, no screenshots ) first, when Kirby goes into water (such as in Castle Lololo) he appears to be rendered *behind* the water. Well at least that's my guess as to why I cannot see most of his sprite most of the time while in water, while sprite tracking still works so it *is* still playable, this seems to be a particularly troublesome glitch. I'll try today to get Wabbit up and going on this comp so I can provide more helpful examples. Then the smaller thing is the roughness of the sprite tracking. Can you set it to only track the center of the sprite? I'm not sure if that would help.

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Re: Official TI-Boy SE Beta Thread
« Reply #140 on: February 07, 2013, 12:00:53 pm »
Well, if you know how to use an Hex editor or to program on the computer, you can do it yourself pretty easily.
For your other question, I can't help you except that this won't work in Wabbit (for reasons I don't know (maybe flash unlock doesn't work on it (nested parentheses FTW))), so you'll have to take an actual pic. :P

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Re: Official TI-Boy SE Beta Thread
« Reply #141 on: February 07, 2013, 12:24:26 pm »
For your other question, I can't help you except that this won't work in Wabbit (for reasons I don't know (maybe flash unlock doesn't work on it (nested parentheses FTW))), so you'll have to take an actual pic. :P
TI-Boy works perfectly fine in Wabbitemu.  However, it does rely on real boot code, so it does not work with roms made with bootfree (that is what you get if you choose to "Create a ROM image using open source software").

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Re: Official TI-Boy SE Beta Thread
« Reply #142 on: February 07, 2013, 12:43:12 pm »
Aaaaaah, I see. I wonder if it is possible to dump just the boot code and create a ROM with that + an OS ?

Offline calc84maniac

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Re: Official TI-Boy SE Beta Thread
« Reply #143 on: February 07, 2013, 01:01:49 pm »
@DJ_O: Thanks for your warm welcome!

Also, since I fear it was buried, I'll reask (or rather bring attention back to) the concept of bi-directional save conversions. My question was if he could add a seperate utility binary that can transfer the save files used by emulators or dumped from actual carts to the Appvars used by Ti-boy and vice versa. A simple yes or no will do, but if Ti-boy stores the save data based on how it's saved (I think I'm saying that right, basically since it emulates the gameboy my logic seems to think) couldn't there be a way to do so?

Besides that, I am still quite impressed by the functionality of this Emulator. And since it is Beta, I'd like to point out the few little graphical glitches. (Wish I had already made screen-shots to show what I mean.) There are two with Kirby on my actual calculator (Hence, no screenshots ) first, when Kirby goes into water (such as in Castle Lololo) he appears to be rendered *behind* the water. Well at least that's my guess as to why I cannot see most of his sprite most of the time while in water, while sprite tracking still works so it *is* still playable, this seems to be a particularly troublesome glitch. I'll try today to get Wabbit up and going on this comp so I can provide more helpful examples. Then the smaller thing is the roughness of the sprite tracking. Can you set it to only track the center of the sprite? I'm not sure if that would help.
Yes, save conversions are one of the things on my to-do list.

As for Kirby rendering behind water, if that's what I'm thinking of (the "water" made up of a bunch of stars) it's actually a feature and not a glitch (that's how it appears on the Game Boy itself and it was fairly painful to implement).

The sprite tracking is imperfect by nature, because it tracks a certain sprite "slot" out of the 40 available in the hardware, and some games don't always keep the character in the same slot, and most games even have characters made out of multiple sprites because sprites are only 8 pixels wide (which is why it doesn't track the center of the character). A more effective sprite tracker would use the game's variables to tell where the main character is, but that's not something that can easily be automated.
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Offline Streetwalrus

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Re: Official TI-Boy SE Beta Thread
« Reply #144 on: February 07, 2013, 01:06:20 pm »
I guess the save file is in the same format as a raw .sav file ? If so, we could just get rid of the 8xv header with an hex editor.

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Re: Official TI-Boy SE Beta Thread
« Reply #145 on: February 07, 2013, 01:41:15 pm »
I guess the save file is in the same format as a raw .sav file ? If so, we could just get rid of the 8xv header with an hex editor.
Yes, that is correct. It's a little more annoying to go the other way though, because the 8xv format has a couple of checksums.
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Re: Official TI-Boy SE Beta Thread
« Reply #146 on: February 07, 2013, 02:16:21 pm »
Do I need a silver cable to transfer it? I'm having no luck with usb
I used USB with TiLP and transferred it just fine. If you run 64 bit windows with TiLP, it's the unsigned libusb drivers that are killing you.
Uninstall ti-connect, install TiLP, and then install this:

That is a signed libusb driver.

Otherwise, idk what the problem is, but if you Linux/non-mac *NIX, I can probably help. That's my main OS atm.

That didn't work... I have TI-Connect on one computer and TiLP on another... neither computer works, even with the newest libUSB filters on the TiLP computer. Thanks for trying to help, though!
I am Bach.

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Re: Official TI-Boy SE Beta Thread
« Reply #147 on: February 11, 2013, 11:29:32 pm »
My friend uses beta 0.2.03 a lot playing Pokemon Red on his TI-84+SE, but recently he turned on his calculator to find the dreaded random "RAM Cleared" screen. I thought, because he wasn't currently running TI-Boy at the time of RAM clear and both TI-Boy, the ROM, and the save AppVars are archived, he would have been fine, but now when he starts the POKEMON app, he is just presented with the option for a new game without the option to continue. I checked his calculator, and his save AppVars (POKEMON1 and POKEMON2) are still there. He hasn't started a new game yet so nothing should have been overwritten. What can be done to recover the data? Would retransferring the POKEMON app (but leaving the AppVars) pose any risk?

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Re: Official TI-Boy SE Beta Thread
« Reply #148 on: February 14, 2013, 01:40:28 pm »
Ah.  Thanks calc84. As per the gamevar thing... What in particular would make that difficult to automate? (I'm guessing that each game stores variables differently and/or doesn't use the same coordinate system, requiring seperate coding for each game? ) As per Kirby appearing behind the water, I'll have to check the actual ROM in an emulator... in the future I'll do that for reporting purposes. It does seem a bit counterproductive for the player, so I'm unsure why Kirby team did so. I have a question, again about the sounds, why is it that you can currently only support two sound channels? Is it possible to map all four sound channels to a PCM channel instead? (I imagine that would probably slow the emulator and fatten it considerably, but is that even possible? )

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Re: Official TI-Boy SE Beta Thread
« Reply #149 on: February 14, 2013, 03:02:36 pm »
All four sound channels are supported. Listen closely. :P