Author Topic: Terrible graphical errors and broken sprites in Pokemon Red  (Read 6655 times)

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Terrible graphical errors and broken sprites in Pokemon Red
« on: August 16, 2015, 08:09:58 pm »
The ROM is fine, but with the app made loaded into my calculator, I get sprites that are broken and - I can't even explain it.


This is the rom running in bgb, looks fine, right?

This is a screen from wabbit I took after I wondered if my calculator was at fault; evidently it wasn't.

Is this the way it's supposed to be? Text is illegible and the game is almost unplayable. I would use CSE instead but the 84+CSE had such a terrible processor speed it makes it unplayable there.

What do I do?

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Re: Terrible graphical errors and broken sprites in Pokemon Red
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2015, 10:50:14 pm »
Thats how it looks on the black and white models. It's no glitch. The Ti-83 and Ti-84 have smaller resolution than the gameboy, so for full screen graphics, it's unavoidable. There is a mode where you can zoom in though. The graphics will be full size and not distorted, but you won't be able to see the entire screen at once. Check the readme file included to see how to do this (I'm not sure how offhand). Hope that helps, and welcome to Omnimaga!

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Re: Terrible graphical errors and broken sprites in Pokemon Red
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2015, 09:13:57 am »
As Art_of_Camelot said, that's simply what happens when you try to downscale a 160x144 image to a 96x64 screen, especially with very little processing power available.

For reference, I personally prefer playing on the CSE just because of the much better graphics. The speed is definitely worse, but you can somewhat make up for it in games where framerate isn't very important (like Pokemon) by setting a high frameskip value (settable from 0-9 with the 0-9 buttons). I often use 7 or 8. And make sure to experiment with the two "zoom" modes on the CSE as well. One does no upscaling and is faster, but may be a bit of a strain on the eyes.