Author Topic: Game Compatibility  (Read 27038 times)

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Re: Game Compatibility
« Reply #30 on: July 02, 2011, 09:27:29 pm »
I have tried Pokemon Blue version, and it seems to work in wabbitemu. However, somehow, the character was constantly trying to move up when I'm not even pressing anything, and could not get him to move anywhere (he was right under the SNES gaming system, and tried to go upward)... So I never got to battle or even get him out of his room :P. I'm thinking either the Rom was bad, or it's incompatible, or my wabbitemu's messed up (but other programs like Kerby works fine)....

Then, I transferred to my calc, and crashed where two pokemons come out and fight in the opening... Never got to any of Ash throwing pokeball or naming of character or whatever  :'(

hmmmm i think your ROM may be corrupted or you just don't have enough RAM left on your calc. Try clearing the RAM then playing again. If not, delete the app, make sure you have enough memory, then reinstall it. DO NOT JOSTLE THE CALC OR CORD OR IT MAY CORRUPT THE APP.
It's highly unlikely that the jostling the calc cord would corrupt it.  In fact, Apps go through signature checks (Unless you've turned that off like I have) to prevent corrupted and bad apps from getting through, so it wouldn't matter.

That is a weird bug.  I would just assume it wasn't compatible unless other games do it too. (ie, non pokemon games)

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Re: Game Compatibility
« Reply #31 on: July 26, 2011, 08:15:19 pm »
Megaman works with ok compatibility
Avenging Spirit doesn't work at all

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Re: Game Compatibility
« Reply #32 on: August 04, 2011, 03:02:03 pm »
Please explain what you mean by the Kirby's Dream Land glitch. Are you using the sprite follow feature? I am aware that the camera jumps around in that case (which happens to be because the air sprites replace Kirby in the sprite list temporarily). I plan on making a smarter sprite follow feature in future version.

If the gameboy uses a method for displaying sprites similar to the method used by the NES, this would make a lot of sense

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Re: Game Compatibility
« Reply #33 on: August 04, 2011, 03:51:15 pm »
Please explain what you mean by the Kirby's Dream Land glitch. Are you using the sprite follow feature? I am aware that the camera jumps around in that case (which happens to be because the air sprites replace Kirby in the sprite list temporarily). I plan on making a smarter sprite follow feature in future version.

If the gameboy uses a method for displaying sprites similar to the method used by the NES, this would make a lot of sense
Yeah, there are 40 slots that sprite data can be placed in, and the sprite follow feature latches onto one of those slots. There's not really a good way to tell if the sprite in the slot changes to something that shouldn't be followed.
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