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Re: TI-Boy SE
« Reply #570 on: November 30, 2009, 11:38:24 pm »

Hopefully this will most likely be resumed at one point and those with Nspire will be able to run it when the Nspire will have a new OS done, because Calc84maniac is gonna port TI-Boy SE to the TI-Nspire. And when I say Nspire, I really mean the Nspire mode, not 84+ emulation.

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Re: TI-Boy SE
« Reply #571 on: December 01, 2009, 01:19:35 am »

Hopefully this will most likely be resumed at one point and those with Nspire will be able to run it when the Nspire will have a new OS done, because Calc84maniac is gonna port TI-Boy SE to the TI-Nspire. And when I say Nspire, I really mean the Nspire mode, not 84+ emulation.
Actually, it's not so much a port as just a new emulator. I'm not using any of TI-Boy's code in it.
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Re: TI-Boy SE
« Reply #572 on: December 01, 2009, 01:49:32 am »
Oh yeah right x.x

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Re: TI-Boy SE
« Reply #573 on: December 01, 2009, 08:10:48 pm »
I thought that the NSpire mode didn't have any programing capabilities.
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Re: TI-Boy SE
« Reply #574 on: December 01, 2009, 08:18:13 pm »
well it is being coded in arm which is the language of the processor so this can be run when we finnaly find a exploit to run code of our own

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Re: TI-Boy SE
« Reply #575 on: December 02, 2009, 02:31:25 am »
I thought that the NSpire mode didn't have any programing capabilities.
Calm down. -1 respect for that. First, Calc84maniac has a life. Secondly, when he works on calc stuff, he can work on whatever he feels like. He likes to experiment so obviously, now that the TI-Nspire was cracked, he's gonna mess around with ARM assembly, and he did. The only thing now is that it needs to be ran by replacing the TI-Nspire emulator Boot Code, which is impossible on real hardware. When someone will have made a third-party OS for the TI-Nspire, he'll be able to make the emulator possible to be sent to a real calculator (with the games).

For now, TI-Boy SE is on hold for a bit (altough a month ago, after a private chat with Calc84maniac, I got told there was some progress on TI-Boy SE, altough most involved rewriting the code to improve speed)

But you need to learn to respect people who work hard on these softwares Brianbdm. So far, you have yet to contribute something to the TI community (like a BASIC or ASM game). I would like to see you try to program something like TI-Boy SE yourself, maybe you would realise how much effort it takes.

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Re: TI-Boy SE
« Reply #576 on: December 02, 2009, 12:18:44 pm »
I thought that the NSpire mode didn't have any programing capabilities.
Calm down. -1 respect for that. First, Calc84maniac has a life. Secondly, when he works on calc stuff, he can work on whatever he feels like. He likes to experiment so obviously, now that the TI-Nspire was cracked, he's gonna mess around with ARM assembly, and he did. The only thing now is that it needs to be ran by replacing the TI-Nspire emulator Boot Code, which is impossible on real hardware. When someone will have made a third-party OS for the TI-Nspire, he'll be able to make the emulator possible to be sent to a real calculator (with the games).

For now, TI-Boy SE is on hold for a bit (altough a month ago, after a private chat with Calc84maniac, I got told there was some progress on TI-Boy SE, altough most involved rewriting the code to improve speed)

But you need to learn to respect people who work hard on these softwares Brianbdm. So far, you have yet to contribute something to the TI community (like a BASIC or ASM game). I would like to see you try to program something like TI-Boy SE yourself, maybe you would realise how much effort it takes.
I think you took that the wrong way. He's just asking whether it's possible to code for the TI-Nspire at all (a valid question since he probably hasn't been keeping up with the hacking scene)
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Re: TI-Boy SE
« Reply #577 on: December 02, 2009, 12:25:43 pm »
To me it seemed more like he wanted to force you to work on the 84+ version before attempting a Nspire one, with the reason that the Nspire doesn't have programming capabilities to make such emulator, assuming he probably isn't aware of the new Nspire stuff. Plus he seemed quite impatient sometimes before

Something typical from members who only visit a game website just for one single project or game or from download leechers

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Re: TI-Boy SE
« Reply #578 on: December 02, 2009, 07:52:40 pm »
At least the person that post was directed at understood it.
CAN THIS BE DONE? = IS THIS POSSIBLE?  :o Maybe I should have added that emoticon to it to better convey my meaning.
No, I haven't heard about the new NSpire stuff. Thus I stated that I /thought/ that it didn't have the programming capabilities. I'd ask for you to fill me in, but you probably wouldn't want to waste your time one a "leech" like me, anyways. I'll find out for myself.
Even if you were right about what I meant, I don't think that wanting him to work on the 84 version or being impatient is the same thing as being disrespectful.
I try to keep up with the calculator news, but much of it is way beyond me. Also, I happen to have other things on my mind besides calculators sometimes. I check every couple of days to see if they have news. That's my information source.
I don't think that I'd ever be able to learn enough to make a program for my calculator. I'm not that tech savvy. I hope you aren't saying that people who don't make programs shouldn't participate in the forums. I always thought that making things is only enjoyable if other people get to use them. I would assume that the majority of people who like to use calculator games are people who don't know very much about calculators and only visit for the downloads. Programming calculators is very neat, but I don't think that there are that many people who do a lot of it. By not very many, I don't imply just one or two, I mean like several hundred to a few thousand out of all the people who own TI calculators.
In the post above, I said absolutely nothing about him not having a life, I said absolutely nothing about which one he should work on, and I said nothing about how much effort I thought programming calculators would take. That's a lot of assumptions for just two sentences. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, too.
If you think you can do it on the NSpire, that would be great, because it has more resources available and a much higher resolution. Actually, I'd rather you did it for the NSpire first. Is it okay to state my preference?
I'll add some more game tests later, once I get around to them.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2009, 08:21:14 pm by brianbdm »
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Re: TI-Boy SE
« Reply #579 on: December 02, 2009, 08:20:11 pm »
Ok thanks for clarifying, it's just that I see way too many posts from members with few posts and contributions being rude to the author of calc projects putting too much pressure on them and acting as if these projects authors were their servants providing them with games as they request them. And given your previous forum posts, to me it seemed like you meant you wanted to force Calc84maniac to work on the SE version first, even if he didn't wanted to. On top of that, your question was written in all-caps.

By the way, I started TI calculator programming in July 2001. That's almost a decade ago. Since then, I got time to see people behave on forums, and eventually, I started visiting forums about freeware computer games too and eventually Youtube. In that entire time, I discovered that the majority of people who hardly contribute programs to a community are the most demanding ones toward authors. For all they do, authors of programs receive a much lower amount of respect and recognition than they deserve. Sure, I understand you come on Omnimaga just for the emulator and want progress, but you need to be realistic. Heck, I am amazed Calc84maniac produced a useable GB emu this fast. On the PC, there are GB emulators that have been worked on for years and today they're still not perfect. People are allowed to participate (and welcomed to do so) on these forums regardless of if they program or not. Everyone is allowed to, as long as they follow board rules and are respectful (this is not /b/, after all).

Regardless, Authors can do what they want, they also have a life and they spend a lot of time and effort on these softwares, so they deserve more respect than that, especially considering they are not even paid for what they are doing. If an author wants to, he can even decide to discontinue a project altogether if he doesn't feel like working on it anymore.

As for the TI-Nspire stuff, it is on the front page. There is also a link to the original thread on United-TI, altough it is very long.

And I don't have a problem with somebody stating his preferences, as long as they state them in a respectful way. I mean, when someone posts in a project topic something like "CAN THIS BE DONE?", when there weren't a lot of recent updates on it (which is TI-Boy SE case), it will sound more like "the Nspire doesn't have programming capabilities, why do you even bother trying to make an emu on it? I don't care about a Nspire emu, I want the 84+ one done now!".

Anyway if you meant you were curious about Nspire capabilities, then I am sorry.

Back on TI-Boy SE, from what I can gather, it will be much easier to do on Nspire now, because there are a lot of stuff that are way beyond the 83+SE capability, like that Galaga waving title screen effect. On top of that the Nspire got a much faster processor and more memory, which means stuff like Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System or Gameboy Color could even be possible too (altough the lack of colors would make some graphics hard to see)
« Last Edit: December 02, 2009, 08:37:03 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: TI-Boy SE
« Reply #580 on: December 02, 2009, 09:10:41 pm »
Regardless, Authors can do what they want, they also have a life and they spend a lot of time and effort on these softwares, so they deserve more respect than that, especially considering they are not even paid for what they are doing. If an author wants to, he can even decide to discontinue a project altogether if he doesn't feel like working on it anymore.
Do you understand now that I understand and respect that, and didn't/don't mean to imply otherwise?

I think that gameboy color games were still very rough color, as you can see from my pic on the left. It shouldn't need to look perfect on the calculator to see what's going on. It only used, like, 30 colors or so, anyways. Just out of curiosity, do you think that the NES would be another emulation possibility? I asked this before, but that was before the NSpire became a possibility.
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Re: TI-Boy SE
« Reply #581 on: December 02, 2009, 09:33:43 pm »
Just out of curiosity, do you think that the NES would be another emulation possibility? I asked this before, but that was before the NSpire became a possibility.
Well, I think so.
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Re: TI-Boy SE
« Reply #582 on: December 02, 2009, 09:54:45 pm »
Regardless, Authors can do what they want, they also have a life and they spend a lot of time and effort on these softwares, so they deserve more respect than that, especially considering they are not even paid for what they are doing. If an author wants to, he can even decide to discontinue a project altogether if he doesn't feel like working on it anymore.
Do you understand now that I understand and respect that, and didn't/don't mean to imply otherwise?

I think that gameboy color games were still very rough color, as you can see from my pic on the left. It shouldn't need to look perfect on the calculator to see what's going on. It only used, like, 30 colors or so, anyways. Just out of curiosity, do you think that the NES would be another emulation possibility? I asked this before, but that was before the NSpire became a possibility.
Yep I do, now. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I am pretty sure NES could be possible actually, altough Idk how the 3D-ish stuff like in Rad-racer would be implemented. THat said, the Nspire CPU is much better so it might still run fast enough, not to mention unlike a computer, a Nspire wouldn't be multitasking while running the emu (at least, I think)

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Re: TI-Boy SE
« Reply #583 on: December 03, 2009, 07:34:56 am »
O: wouldn't that be the first console (not handheld) emulation on a calculator? D:
massive :D

I think that gameboy color games were still very rough color, as you can see from my pic on the left. It shouldn't need to look perfect on the calculator to see what's going on. It only used, like, 30 colors or so, anyways. Just out of curiosity, do you think that the NES would be another emulation possibility? I asked this before, but that was before the NSpire became a possibility.
The console was capable of showing up to 56 different colors simultaneously on screen from its palette of 32,768, and could add basic four-color shading to games that had been developed for the original Game Boy. It could also give the sprites and backgrounds separate colors, for a total of more than four colors. This, however, resulted in graphic artifacts in certain games. For example, sometimes a sprite that was supposed to meld into the background would be colored separately, making it easily noticeable. (Wikipedia)

Thought that might be interesting/noticable/good to know [=
« Last Edit: December 03, 2009, 07:41:50 am by NecroF-_-ckk »

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Re: TI-Boy SE
« Reply #584 on: December 03, 2009, 08:40:54 am »
I thought the GBC only showed like 16 colors at once like the NES? o.o, I guess that's something new to me
« Last Edit: December 03, 2009, 08:44:06 am by DJ Omnimaga »