Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => TI-Nspire => Topic started by: someone on April 01, 2012, 04:01:20 pm
Nonogram (
Nonograms, also known as Hanjie, Paint by Numbers, or Griddlers, are picture logic puzzles in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. In this puzzle type, the numbers measure how many unbroken lines of filled-in squares there are in any given row or column.
Looking at pianoman's nonograms topic (, I saw that the puzzles weren't that interesting, but it had potential to be improved. I remembered that I used to play on the Internet a flash version called TylerK's Picross game, until it was taken down (The word picross is a registered word by Nintendo AFAIK). This version includes a little over 30 puzzles with a size of 15x15.
DIRECTIONAL KEYS - Moves through the puzzle
ENTER - fills a cell (you solve the puzzle with this one)
BACKSPACE - crosses out a cell
RETURN - marks a cell (just for guideline)
CONTEXT MENU - opens the context menu
ESC - closes the context menu
TAB - starts a new level, randomly chosen
c - checks the puzzle to see if is solved correctly or not
h - hint
r - resets the puzzle
s - solves the puzzle ;)
p - picks the next puzzle
There are a few things that could be improved, like creating a pop-up to choose the level, marking the already answered puzzles or even be able to create your own puzzles. I guess I'll consider those options if I decide to do a next version of this game...
At last, I would like to give credits to TylerK, I used his puzzles to create the game. And pianoman, I re-coded his work to make it more versatile, thanks a lot :)
EDIT: added control with the number keys (only on the LUA code, though)
Hmm interesting, I'll load this on my calc when I have a chance. :) I remember Pianoman's topic, but I never got time to check it out. I wonder what happened to him anyway, as he didn't post in half a year?
Wow nice! I like the graphics in this game, looked impressive from the first moment.
There's a light grey outline rectangle from the top left corner. Is this intended?
EDIT: Oh nice! It indicates your position. It is a bit glaring/blocking though
EDIT2: Here's a screenshot if you need one
EDIT3: Here's another one. This is fun! Well when I can solve it. I think there are harder ones which are not fun because I can't solve them.