
Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => TI-Nspire => Topic started by: Loulou 54 on September 25, 2011, 10:45:20 am

Title: [Lua] Translator
Post by: Loulou 54 on September 25, 2011, 10:45:20 am
I've already had the idee before making a traductor on-calc to get quickly and anywhere the meaning of an english or german word thanks to my calculator. But the TI 89 memory wouldn't be sufficient.. ^^
But this strange idee becomes interesting again thanks to the large memory of Nspires !! :D Moreover Lua has some good string finding features !

So what do you think about such a project ?
The problem remains that I can't find a data list with english-french words to copy and work in my script, without having to write them myself.. O.O
I've already sent a mail to the creator of this website who proposes a freeware like the one I'd like to make on the Nspire : Freelang (
No answer for the moment..

Do you know where I may find some data list of this kind ?
Thank you ! :)
Title: Re: [Lua] Traductor
Post by: Scipi on September 25, 2011, 11:01:12 am
Huge list of french verbs and english translations. As a start ;)

I can't wait to see how this project turns out! :D

I'll definitely be using it. (
Title: Re: [Lua] Traductor
Post by: Chockosta on September 25, 2011, 11:42:00 am
It would be great !
I don't know anything about translation, but I think that it's a huge project...

Good luck !
Title: Re: [Lua] Traductor
Post by: Adriweb on September 26, 2011, 01:59:04 pm ( is by far my favorite translation (not translator :P) website.
Title: Re: [Lua] Traductor
Post by: Loulou 54 on December 11, 2011, 12:21:36 pm
Hello !

Here is an usable first version of my translator. :)

This is a huge file, so it take some time to be loaded on the Nspire.. There is more then 52 000 words !
Otherwise, it seems to be usefull ! I've even used it monday in an english test ! xD 2 times. Just to prove it could be done. ;) lol

I will continue to improve this version and I will make a french-german one too.

If you have ideas of other functions, please suggest them ! :)

Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: Nick on December 11, 2011, 01:15:03 pm
:w00t: that's a lot of words :) great, could you make one from english to dutch too xp nice work!

maybe you could impement a search function? so it compares the input string with the first letters of the word?
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: aeTIos on December 15, 2011, 09:37:23 am
Hello !

Here is an usable first version of my translator. :)

This is a huge file, so it take some time to be loaded on the Nspire.. There is more then 52 000 words !
Otherwise, it seems to be usefull ! I've even used it monday in an english test ! xD 2 times. Just to prove it could be done. ;) lol

I will continue to improve this version and I will make a french-german one too.

If you have ideas of other functions, please suggest them ! :)

heck you can use a calc on your english test? O.o
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: Loulou 54 on December 17, 2011, 10:43:11 am
Hello !

Here is an usable first version of my translator. :)

This is a huge file, so it take some time to be loaded on the Nspire.. There is more then 52 000 words !
Otherwise, it seems to be usefull ! I've even used it monday in an english test ! xD 2 times. Just to prove it could be done. ;) lol

I will continue to improve this version and I will make a french-german one too.

If you have ideas of other functions, please suggest them ! :)

heck you can use a calc on your english test? O.o

No but my school bag was on the table so I could use my calculator being hidden. ;)

Nick > Why not. I'll see. ;)
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: AzNg0d1030 on January 28, 2012, 10:31:42 pm
Wait, does it have English -> French?
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: Loulou 54 on January 29, 2012, 12:42:16 pm
Yes, every version has both "direction". You can switch between english>french and french >english or german>french and french>german using the [tab] key. :)
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: AzNg0d1030 on January 29, 2012, 03:10:54 pm
Okay awesome. This is all already available in the version you posted above correct?
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: apcalc on January 29, 2012, 08:42:44 pm
This looks nice, good luck with this project! :)
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: njaddison on January 29, 2012, 08:49:53 pm
If I take my calculator out in any other class than math, it gets taken. And if I get caught playing games on it during math class, it gets taken.
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: Jim Bauwens on January 30, 2012, 01:48:52 am
If I take my calculator out in any other class than math, it gets taken. And if I get caught playing games on it during math class, it gets taken.
Easy solution, don't play during school ;D
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: Loulou 54 on February 04, 2012, 11:16:20 am
If I take my calculator out in any other class than math, it gets taken. And if I get caught playing games on it during math class, it gets taken.
I managed to use it thursday in a german test ! :D We have to count the words of our text, so I pretended like I was counting ! :P
But actually no, I was typing "dicht" or "besiedelt" ... !
(That's a good thing though, as I remember the words I searched ! ;) )

Okay awesome. This is all already available in the version you posted above correct?
The version I posted above already allows you to search and navigate in the whole list, but this is still a poor version compared to the actual version. ;)

EDIT : So here is the current versions of english and german :)
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: AzNg0d1030 on February 05, 2012, 04:24:22 pm
Do you think you could make a spanish english english spanish translator :O
It is a lot of work :P
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: Loulou 54 on February 11, 2012, 04:21:46 pm
Do you think you could make a spanish english english spanish translator :O
It is a lot of work :P

I could.. x) so I note it in my todo list ;) :
- german-english
- spanish-english
- spanish-french
- italian-french

Today I'm on holiday for two weeks ! So I'm working again on TI translate, on the hangman game actually. ;) Coming soon.. :D
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: cyanophycean314 on February 12, 2012, 11:55:28 am
Good to see it still progressing! Good luck with hangman!  :D

English-Spanish will be pretty nice.
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: Loulou 54 on February 14, 2012, 11:58:12 am
It's progressing.. :)

What a chance :
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: cyanophycean314 on February 14, 2012, 07:42:35 pm
Nice! I likes.  :)
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: Loulou 54 on February 16, 2012, 04:00:20 pm
Hi young children of globalisation !

Finally TI Translate and its Hangman game are going to be in 5 language. (I mean the language of the menu.) Thanks to the function, the correct language will be set automatically. (You can choose it in the software though.)

So I need some guys who could translate my strings into german, spanish and italian. x)
That's not difficult, there's no big sentences.. So I could do it myself with google but an human translation is better ! ;)

Here is my strings, please keep the form, just replace the strings in the correct language.
{"Actions","Change language","Search","Zoom in","Zoom out","german eszett","Go to ","Search only in the current language","Yes","No","Software language","English","French","German","Spanish","Italian","or","and","Questions? Problems?","to access the options","to scroll","Search a word :"}
{"HANGMAN","Play","2 Player","About","Instructions","Please Choose a word, < 31 characters long","Lives: ","in ","Trash: ","Original code by cyanophycean314,","adapted for TI-Translate by Louis DURAND","Thanks to Omnimaga and Inspired-Lua!","  Press letters on the keypad to play.","Guess the word within 6 tries.","When you have two lives left,","you get the translation !","In two player, one person picks the word,","the other will try and guess.","Letters - Guess letters","Tab - New Puzzle","Esc - Return to Menu","Enter - Retry word","by cyanophycean314, adapted by Loulou_54 for TI-Translate","You lost THE GAME","You have won !","The first bilingual hangman on a calculator","with "..tostring(dim[2]).." words in each language !","[tab] to choose the game language."}

Thank you !! :)
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: cyanophycean314 on February 16, 2012, 09:37:12 pm
You could probably change the instructions. They are pretty bad!  :P
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: Loulou 54 on February 17, 2012, 10:06:42 am
If you have better ones, submit them. ^^
But I think that's good enough. It is concise. :)
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: Loulou 54 on April 17, 2012, 10:20:42 am
After all, I did it !

TI Translate, the first translator on a calc is now available in its 5 versions !
spanish-english (for you AzNg0d1030 ! ;) )

TI Translate allows you to browse a list of tens of thousands of words and to search for any translation!  ;D(


Moreover, such a database allows unprecedented possibilities in terms of word games, and endless gameplay!
So you can find a HANGMAN game in the second "tab" in which you can play through both languages.
Besides, you get the translation when you have two lives left. ;)

Finally menus are available in 5 languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish and Italian) and, taking advantage of opportunities Lua, the right language is automatically selected according to the settings of your calculator !
(you can still chose it in the program.. ;) )

Hope you'll enjoy it ! ;)

NOTE that I would like to make a german-english version but the list I have is too huge ! It would take too much time to be launched on the device..
Maybe some other versions could be released or some new games ! ;)

The full news in french :

Downloads :
Try it now !!  ;D
English-French (
German-French (
Spanish-French (
Italien-French (
Spanish-English (

( (
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: Nick on April 17, 2012, 01:57:44 pm
wow, that's incredible ö is that  number on the top of te list (that 50000+) a indication of the page, or from the nr of words? anyway, it's a lot ö you must have spent a lot of time making these lists.. really congratz you did it!
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: Jim Bauwens on April 17, 2012, 02:02:03 pm
Loulou 54, could you not have german-english this way:
German <-> French <-> English
Or wouldn't that work properly?
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: cyanophycean314 on April 17, 2012, 05:41:31 pm
HOLY CRAP!  O.O AMAZINGNESS!! Thank you so much for releasing this and I can't wait to use it in Spanish.  :D

Once, again, great work.  :)

Edit: Just saw the hangman part of the screenshot, VERY NICE! :D
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on April 17, 2012, 09:00:32 pm
This is awesome Loulou. Someone on IRC asked for a dictionary the other day. I wonder if this could become useful for him? It looks nice too. :)
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: Yeong on April 17, 2012, 10:53:51 pm
I wonder if you can add Korean as well. :D
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: Chockosta on April 18, 2012, 06:19:29 am
Wow, that's impressive!

I wonder if you can add Korean as well. :D
I'm not sure that the Nspire has Korean characters...
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: Loulou 54 on April 18, 2012, 10:09:36 am
Thanks ! :D

Loulou 54, could you not have german-english this way:
German <-> French <-> English
Or wouldn't that work properly?

Mmh actually no.. That's difficult because the list is alphabetically sorted in german. Then you have french words in a "random" order and you can't link them to the right order of the french-english list.. (confusing.. x) )
Or I have to make a complicated program to do that.
Besides several words may correspond to the translation of one!
For example : aber [Konj] --> mais [conj, opposition], cependant [conj]

So it's a mess.. :P
Title: Re: [Lua] Translator
Post by: Loulou 54 on April 18, 2012, 10:15:49 am
I wonder if you can add Korean as well. :D

I have a romanized version of a Korean-English dictionnary !
So it could be possible ! ;)
(normally, I could do any language of this page : ^^