Author Topic: A New Font for the Nspire!  (Read 3723 times)

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Offline sammyMaX

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A New Font for the Nspire!
« on: February 27, 2012, 05:40:59 pm »
I ported the 16 pt variable width Ubuntu Light font over for use in Ndless programs!

ASCII characters 32-117 are supported right now, and I have two versions: a narrower spaced one and a wider spaced one. The screenshot shows the wider spaced one. The wider spaced one gives one more pixel of space between characters. I personally think the spacing should somewhere between the wider and narrower spaced ones, but there are no half pixels... The narrower spacing is also too small for some characters (try k and then a space) and screws them up.

Download the demo (source included) if you want! The character and spacing maps are free for you to use and modify!

In the demo, you can type in the top. Sorry, I didn't spend much time programming the typing, so right now it's not very smooth. Press CTRL to enter caps lock and CTRL again to exit it. Use "-" to lighten the text color and "+" to darken it. Press the multiplication button to darken the background and the division button to make it lighter. Sometimes, the string gets screwed up and it won't display new characters. Just restart the program by pressing escape to exit, and then re-running it.

Note: the demo doesn't run on OS 3. It would be appreciated if someone could compile the program to work for OS 3.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 06:16:50 pm by sammyMaX »

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Re: A New Font for the Nspire!
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2012, 03:54:50 am »
Wow, something exciting and new to try, we could have lots of exotic fonts in the future!
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