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Re: A viewer of html for Nspire
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2012, 01:56:15 pm »
Oh ok I see now, although I noticed certain Windows programs requires users to compile them prior installing/running too. Is that the same reason why or is it just due to programmers wanting to save time for releases?

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Re: A viewer of html for Nspire
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2012, 02:03:36 pm »
For linux, it's because no developer wants to attempt to compile their product for every single distro out there, so they release in source code tarballs and then other people maintain the repo's package by building from these sourcefiles and then packaging it up correctly for it's install system.
I don't entirely know why people release via the source on windows though, it seems kinda counter intuitive.

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Re: A viewer of html for Nspire
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2012, 02:51:57 pm »
Yeah I think that's the case with TiLP. I complained a bunch of times before about it but I forgot the reason why we have to do it for Windows. It could probably be that the software is updated way too often and takes a long while to compile (remember how TASM took 5 seconds on a Pentium II to compile Hello World to 8xp format? O.O) so to save time they only compile one update out of ten or something, but beforehand I did see Windows softwares (all of which were ports of Linux ones) which absolutely had no exe download  regardless of the version. It seems Linux developers or hardcore Linux fans who make softwares for both platforms decided that since Linux users have to compile everything, then there shouldn't be special treatments for Windows users. <_<

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Re: A viewer of html for Nspire
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2012, 04:30:39 pm »
You probably won't find any library directly compatible with the TI-Nspire except if it is compatible with SDL, since today SDL is the only standard UI interface supported by the TI-Nspire.
But hopefully this doesn't mean adapting these libraries or text-based browser is impossible.
But all I demande to the library is to return an image of 320*240 pixels which I display on the screen.
Why would it need any interface ?

Then why not simply convert the page on the computer side, and view it with mViewer? with the finest TI-Nspire programs

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Re: A viewer of html for Nspire
« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2012, 12:23:26 pm »
Take a look on this page: the source tarball is there
Thank's, I'm trying to use the tarball. But what's the difference between gzip links-2.7.tar.gz and  bzip2 links-2.7.tar.bz2 ?

Then why not simply convert the page on the computer side, and view it with mViewer?
For several reasons :
- we could save much more text with html format than mViewer with the same place of memory
- there is the problem of scrolling with mViewer which is not comfortable at all
- we could directly html pages without having to convert them
- we could edit/create html pages/notes directly on calc
- ...

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Re: A viewer of html for Nspire
« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2012, 02:13:10 pm »
The only difference between the gzip and the bzip is the compression they used on the source tarball. There should be no difference on the code inside it.

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Re: A viewer of html for Nspire
« Reply #21 on: November 01, 2012, 10:57:59 pm »
Yeah I think that's the case with TiLP. I complained a bunch of times before about it but I forgot the reason why we have to do it for Windows. It could probably be that the software is updated way too often and takes a long while to compile (remember how TASM took 5 seconds on a Pentium II to compile Hello World to 8xp format? O.O) so to save time they only compile one update out of ten or something, but beforehand I did see Windows softwares (all of which were ports of Linux ones) which absolutely had no exe download  regardless of the version. It seems Linux developers or hardcore Linux fans who make softwares for both platforms decided that since Linux users have to compile everything, then there shouldn't be special treatments for Windows users. <_<
I'm pretty sure TiLP has binaries nowadays...

mdr1: If you want to become insane try porting GUI web browsers, take a peek at the source of Origyn Web Browser and NetSurf. Both have SDL backends that, if you successfully port the guts of these browsers, can use to display the output.

Also, you're looking for a renderer. That's the "image" thing I suppose you're trying to mention. Text browsers usually are really "text-only" - you'd be using NspireIO instead of some kind of image based output. If you decide to port a real browser, you don't want an "image" - trying to get an image and then blit that on the screen is very slow, and the experience of using said browser becomes pretty terrible. Instead, the renderer will have settings for render size, zoom, etc. and you can simply give it a place to draw pixels on (the screen buffer). Or, with the above web browsers, you can just hook on the SDL backend, which Nspire has (nSDL). nSDL handles drawing and such automatically, and is probably much more preferred to "grabbing an image" (since most browsers depend on system or library drawing functions - rewriting them takes too much effort!).
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Re: A viewer of html for Nspire
« Reply #22 on: November 08, 2012, 03:46:42 pm »
Well, I think it's too hard for me, I don't use to do adaptations of programs.
So I'm creating my own viewer of text whose syntax will look like html's syntax.
When I'll have a first version of my program, I'll probably create a new subject. :)

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Re: A viewer of html for Nspire
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2012, 11:24:43 pm »
Yeah I think that's the case with TiLP. I complained a bunch of times before about it but I forgot the reason why we have to do it for Windows. It could probably be that the software is updated way too often and takes a long while to compile (remember how TASM took 5 seconds on a Pentium II to compile Hello World to 8xp format? O.O) so to save time they only compile one update out of ten or something, but beforehand I did see Windows softwares (all of which were ports of Linux ones) which absolutely had no exe download  regardless of the version. It seems Linux developers or hardcore Linux fans who make softwares for both platforms decided that since Linux users have to compile everything, then there shouldn't be special treatments for Windows users. <_<
I'm pretty sure TiLP has binaries nowadays...

mdr1: If you want to become insane try porting GUI web browsers, take a peek at the source of Origyn Web Browser and NetSurf. Both have SDL backends that, if you successfully port the guts of these browsers, can use to display the output.

Also, you're looking for a renderer. That's the "image" thing I suppose you're trying to mention. Text browsers usually are really "text-only" - you'd be using NspireIO instead of some kind of image based output. If you decide to port a real browser, you don't want an "image" - trying to get an image and then blit that on the screen is very slow, and the experience of using said browser becomes pretty terrible. Instead, the renderer will have settings for render size, zoom, etc. and you can simply give it a place to draw pixels on (the screen buffer). Or, with the above web browsers, you can just hook on the SDL backend, which Nspire has (nSDL). nSDL handles drawing and such automatically, and is probably much more preferred to "grabbing an image" (since most browsers depend on system or library drawing functions - rewriting them takes too much effort!).

Yeah I meant back when TiLP got revived. It used to have no binary.

Well, I think it's too hard for me, I don't use to do adaptations of programs.
So I'm creating my own viewer of text whose syntax will look like html's syntax.
When I'll have a first version of my program, I'll probably create a new subject. :)
Sorry to hear, but I understand. Good luck!

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Re: A viewer of html for Nspire
« Reply #24 on: November 09, 2012, 01:49:51 am »
Before I started providing beta-testing Windows builds of TILP, there were Windows builds of TILP for each release :)

mdr1: if you, or anyone else, is aiming at a formatted text viewer for the Nspire platform, I think you want to study the format defined by txtrider, slightly expanded by on-calc Hib-View, uView and computer-based WordRider. It represents the de-facto standard for formatted texts on the TI-68k series, thousands of publicly available documents use that format. It's a markup language inspired by HTML, but even much more compact.
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