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CAS OS on Standard TI-nspire [development idea]
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Topic: CAS OS on Standard TI-nspire [development idea] (Read 36941 times)
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DJ Omnimaga
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Re: CAS OS on Standard TI-nspire [development idea]
Reply #15 on:
April 12, 2010, 11:14:06 pm »
Another issue is that TI loses sales if people can put a CAS OS on a regular Nspire. A TI-Nspire CAS is considerably more expensive than a regular one. Now people would be able to get the CAS software on a regular Nspire for the price of a regular Nspire software+calc, and TI would most likely get mad. Again, a TI-89 on a Nspire would not make them happy either but at least, we don't provide the ROMs, we'll just provide the emu, so they wouldn't be able to do anything to us.
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Re: CAS OS on Standard TI-nspire [development idea]
Reply #16 on:
April 12, 2010, 11:18:43 pm »
Exactly. Also, if ACT takes nspire off the list, they lose probably half their sales to 84+ sales instead. Double Anger!!!
DJ Omnimaga
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Re: CAS OS on Standard TI-nspire [development idea]
Reply #17 on:
April 12, 2010, 11:41:45 pm »
, well, from what I heard, if dual booting or third party OSes exists in the future for the TI-Nspire, the softwares allowing so were gonna be made so you cannot send a CAS OS to a regular Nspire, to prevent piracy and TI getting mad. People would not be allowed to distribute hacked version of such software (modified to allow a CAS OS) in public on forums, so it should probably be fine.
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Re: CAS OS on Standard TI-nspire [development idea]
Reply #18 on:
April 12, 2010, 11:48:42 pm »
Well....how does Ndless get on there then?
DJ Omnimaga
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Re: CAS OS on Standard TI-nspire [development idea]
Reply #19 on:
April 12, 2010, 11:58:24 pm »
Ndless is not illegal. Distributing TI OSes seems to be apparently, now, though.
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Re: CAS OS on Standard TI-nspire [development idea]
Reply #20 on:
April 13, 2010, 01:15:45 am »
Software to install the CAS on the non-CAS is also most likely legal (after all, we are not distributing TI's files). The current agreement right now, though, seems to be to avoid financially damaging TI in order to placate them (Ndless does not make them happy).
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Re: CAS OS on Standard TI-nspire [development idea]
Reply #21 on:
April 13, 2010, 01:56:00 am »
The thing about the keyboard layout is that the SAT and ACT define a computer as a device with a screen and a QWERTY type keyboard that can store information. Computers are not allowed, however calculators are. The reasoning is that you could copy the test down onto such a keyboard equipped device. then use the test questions at your leisure to find out the answers to take it again and cheat the test. There are a few versions of the test, but a small group of people doing this, along with a few days of analysis could result in several people getting scores that are not realistic.
Personally I think TI needs to get off their high horse about open source development. The only thing they've accomplished by encrypting their stuff in the past and present, is to make a whole generation of programmers angry and want to break in that much more. If they simply just let us program these things, and supported it, there wouldn't be this many problems.
Last Edit: April 13, 2010, 02:00:24 am by AaroneusTheGreat
DJ Omnimaga
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Re: CAS OS on Standard TI-nspire [development idea]
Reply #22 on:
April 13, 2010, 02:08:56 am »
Quote from: bwang on April 13, 2010, 01:15:45 am
(Ndless does not make them happy).
I do not understand them about this part, though. Sure, it allows people to have a 89 or 83+ in their Nspire CAS/non cas, but they must own the original calc to have the ROM. If they get a ROM without owning the original calc, then it's not Ndless community problem. We provide this for legal use. We are not responsible if someone uses it illegally. It's like console emulators. They're written with 3rd party code so they're legal, as they do not contain any copyrighted content. If someone downloads ROMs online instead of dumping them off the cartridges, it's not the emulator authors problem. Plus, Ndless even attracts more customers. You could barely do anything on the Nspire in terms of coding before. People at school want to be able to do more, including playing games in some cases, to pass time. Obviously they'll hear shit about the Nspire, then go with the cheaper calcs. I myself never wanted a Nspire before. I only bought one because my TI-83+SE broke and I needed a 15 MHz calc, and the Nspire 84+ emu did the job, for me, since I used it for TI-BASIC (Illusiat 13). But had I not needed a 15 MHz calc, I would never have bought a Nspire until Ndless is out.
Heck, over here, Nspire sales went so poor that in 2008 you could get them for cheaper than a 84+SE, even if the Nspire included a 84+SE emulator. One year later, their price risen, but still remained the same as a 84+SE. Today, they're $185 at Staples over here, but it's still only $18 more than a 84+SE.
Internet-wise, did you notice the big increase in Nspire users when Ndless proof of concept were shown? UTI got a huge load of new members. Then when Ndless came out, along with the gbc emu, it became our turn. TI-BANK also got a lot of new members, IIRC.
In other words, Ndless is not going to kill TI sales.
Last Edit: April 13, 2010, 02:09:34 am by DJ Omnimaga
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Re: CAS OS on Standard TI-nspire [development idea]
Reply #23 on:
April 13, 2010, 03:40:54 am »
IIRC, some people on UTI (or TI-Bank) mentionned that since TI "declared war" by forcing to remove the 1.1 OS from websites, they could retaliate by allowing CAS to be run on the non-CAS version.
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Re: CAS OS on Standard TI-nspire [development idea]
Reply #24 on:
April 13, 2010, 11:29:40 am »
I wasn't saying it was illegal. I was just saying it must not use the actual TI-Connect thing to link it. The same method could likely be used to put on CAS.
If the ACT people found out the NSpire could run a ti-89 they would ban it from the test, and move on. TI would freak out, but they wouldn't care.
I think the price thing is just because you guys live in export areas, where supply is Less than Demand. In the US, nspires cost a good 40 or 50 bucks more.
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Re: CAS OS on Standard TI-nspire [development idea]
Reply #25 on:
April 13, 2010, 11:40:59 am »
I read on the Symbolic page on Detached Solutions that the ACT allows "external" CASes (but that FAQ was written in 2002). Is that still so?
DJ Omnimaga
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Re: CAS OS on Standard TI-nspire [development idea]
Reply #26 on:
April 13, 2010, 11:52:02 am »
@Will wouldn't higher demand than supply actually raise prices? I think you got it backward (typo?)
@Bwang Mhmm good question, DS has been pretty dead for a while. The Symbolic authors would most likely need to be contacted if they are still around.
Omnimagus of the Multi-Base.
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Re: CAS OS on Standard TI-nspire [development idea]
Reply #27 on:
April 14, 2010, 11:22:46 am »
I think I must have been really tired. I meant higher supply
ACT Doesn't allow running of any programs at all while you're testing now. I know, cause I took it last week.
DJ Omnimaga
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Re: CAS OS on Standard TI-nspire [development idea]
Reply #28 on:
April 14, 2010, 12:37:13 pm »
What I hate the most, though, is when the teacher blocks your 84+ with the PTT mode, then won't even bother disabling it at the end of the test. Final day of school, you return home not realizing. You turn on your calc and can't access PRGM menu until someone sends you something, but no one can. And you don't know any other way than RAM clear to disable it, so you lose your entire game progress.
Or worst: when the teacher resets your RAM before the test, or even worse, both Archive and RAM. Fortunately, on a TI-Nspire it's much harder to do so, though, since he has to remove a battery, put it back then when rebooting he needs to go through the maintenance menu (which means he needs to know the correct key combination, which isn't even gonna be the same on newer Nspires).
Over here for any test we could use our calc as much as we wanted in math, but the way test questions were written rendered every possible program unuseable. Programs gave the awnser, not the entire solution to the problem (that you were forced to write down and counted for 75% of the question score)
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Re: CAS OS on Standard TI-nspire [development idea]
Reply #29 on:
April 14, 2010, 01:00:28 pm »
Ram clear doesn't disable PTT, that's the evil thing about it. It's based on the most creepy thing in 84+ coding: certificate modification o.0
EDIT: actually, no kind of standard reset can clear a ptt.
Last Edit: April 14, 2010, 01:01:21 pm by mapar007
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