First, pretty cool game
Second : looking at the code, I was amazed. Why ? Because, well, it looks very much like a mix of coding style/habits from Levak, Jim and myself, combined.
At some point, the similarity is rather uncanny, actually, for the wave handling (you and me both)
You :
theWave = formations[(wave-1) % (#formations) + 1].wave(theView)
Me (in my towerdefense game) :
setmetatable( self.theTypes, { __index = function(tbl, key) return tbl[(key%(#tbl))+1] end } )
Anyway, goob job
BTW : some feedback :
- error when launching the first time on TINCS 3.2
- please use relative coordinates everywhere (so that it works on computerview and ipad)
- you may want to take a look at
http://inspired-lua.org/index.php/2013/05/a-new-smarter-way-to-create-a-screen-managerAlso, since you seem to be rather advanced at Lua scripting, you may also be intersted in this presentation I gave last month at the T3 conference :