Hey Hey Guys!
I figured the TI-NSpire could use a Connect 4 game! I would have wrote one but while searching to see if there were an existing algorithm on the Internet I came across Keith Pomakis' site:
http://www.pomakis.com/c4/ and I liked his Connect 4. His is a console program written in C and upon playing it I liked it! It is quite fast and beat me several times.
So I compiled his for the calculator. It wasn't too hard to do; I only had to change a few things to get it to compile! Also I added a couple of things to make things nicer on the calculator such as hold esc or q to quit (similar to Ctrl+C on the computer).
This uses newlib and nspireio to create the executable which is the newer Zhen binary. Don't worry if none of those words mean anything to you! For the most-part it means this will run on Ndless 3.6 (and newer) but I don't think it'll run with Ndless 3.1 as it didn't have Zhen loader.
Attached is a zip containing the file to put on your calculator as well as the source files. Hope you find it fun!
Holler if you have any questions! And have a great day!