(I may leave some things out, please notify me if I do so)
Hello, everyone. I am going to print my specifications here, because my computer crashes frequently and didn't save a draft:
Calculator: TI-nSpire CX HW-A
OS Version: 4.2
Other: nLaunchy from the CX folder at the Github + Ndless
I am asking if I can dualboot CX OS at the latest version and CX CAS OS at 3.2 (or later, if it is possible). There is a guide for switching to CX CAS, but not dualbooting it:
https://www.omnimaga.org/general-calculator-help/installing-cas-on-ti-nspire-cx-non-cas/60/ . I realize this may be a tall task, and if it is simply not possible, would someone kindly say so? Thank you in advance.
EDIT: Okay, um. It's been a while now, and quite a few people have viewed this thread... I guess no one knows the answer? It would be nice to know if anyone is even reading this thread, however.
EDIT2: Hey hey hey, I figured out how to hyperlink! I suppose I'll lock this thread now, seeing as it's pretty much useless (and mostly me just pushing for answers).