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Lol, that is awesome By the way, it has been a long time since the last time I saw you. Are you still working on nspiremovieplayer ?
#include <os.h>#include "libndls.h"static unsigned addr_addrs[] = {0x107C1DDC, 0x10801E3C, 0x107A2DC8, 0x107FF0D0};#define addr ((unsigned *)nl_osvalue((unsigned*)addr_addrs, 4))int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char lol[] = "Whatever you want"; char * lol2 = malloc(sizeof(lol)); strcpy(lol2, lol); *(addr) = lol2; return 0;}
@levakhow come your ':' are messed up a bit? since they have a space in front of them, and the third one even totally dissapeared
#include <os.h>#include "libndls.h"static unsigned addr_addrs[] = {0x107C1DDC, 0x10801E3C, 0x107A2DC8, 0x107FF0D0};#define addr ((char **)nl_osvalue((int*)addr_addrs, 4))static unsigned build_addrs[] = {0x10825114, 0x10865174, 0x10806100, 0x10862408};#define build ((char *)nl_osvalue((int*)build_addrs, 4))static unsigned version_addrs[] = {0x100A9CD8, 0x100A9F98, 0x100A93D4, 0x100A96BC};#define version ((unsigned *)nl_osvalue((int*)version_addrs, 4))int main() { int major = 3; int minor = 1; int revision = 0; int b = 392; int ok = show_2numeric_input("Change version", "model : [3.1].0.392", "3.", &major, -2, 0xF, "1.", &minor, -2, 0xFF) && show_2numeric_input("Change version", "model : 3.1.[0.392]", "0.", &revision, -2, 0xF, "392", &b, -2, 0xFFF); printf("%d", ok); if(ok){ char v[] = {major, minor, revision}; /* patch inside infos */ char * lol = malloc(sizeof(char)*15); sprintf(lol, " %d.%d.%d.%03d", v[0], v[1], v[2], b); *(addr) = lol; /* patch outide infos */ sprintf(build, "%03d", b); *(version-3) = 0xE3A02800 | (v[1]*10+v[2]); // MOV R2, #A, LSR16 *(version-2) = 0xE3A01400 | (v[0]); // MOV R1, #3, LSR24 *(version-1) = 0xE0800001; // ADD R0, R0, R1 *(version) = 0xE0800002; // ADD R0, R0, R2 show_msgbox("", "Successfully patched"); } else { show_msgbox("", "Patch canceled"); } return 0;}
Wow nice, so basically we can change most of the system menu text and stuff?
so now we can trick the sending software by telling it we are running another OS?