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so now we can trick the sending software by telling it we are running another OS?
I've got better and shorter : Code: [Select]#include <os.h>#include "libndls.h"static unsigned addr_addrs[] = {0x107C1DDC, 0x10801E3C, 0x107A2DC8, 0x107FF0D0};#define addr ((unsigned *)nl_osvalue((unsigned*)addr_addrs, 4))int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char * lol = "Whatever you want"; char * lol2 = malloc(sizeof(lol)); strcpy(lol2, lol); *(addr) = lol2; return 0;}el problemo ?Edit : oh, and by the way, show_msg_usr_input() does not work in the current revision of Ndless because my patch for it didn't yet get pushed to the Ndless svn by ExtendeD.
#include <os.h>#include "libndls.h"static unsigned addr_addrs[] = {0x107C1DDC, 0x10801E3C, 0x107A2DC8, 0x107FF0D0};#define addr ((unsigned *)nl_osvalue((unsigned*)addr_addrs, 4))int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char * lol = "Whatever you want"; char * lol2 = malloc(sizeof(lol)); strcpy(lol2, lol); *(addr) = lol2; return 0;}
What pointer are you patching? (Oh and watch your malloc - it'll always allocate 4 bytes )Or is this the format string?
I like how Levak's program makes every software think it is another version of the OS, but I also like how tangrs' program allows to write anything we want, not only numbers