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Heya and welcome here Augs. By the way Calc84maniac worked on such emulator back in Early 2010, shortly after releasing gbc4nspire. It was incredibly slow and he lost the files, but then recently he tried making another one and in its early state it seemed to run at better speed, even if slower than the real thing.
I'm seriously going to make a GBA emulator for the TI-Nspire. Although I'll need to look into ROM file structures, etc. But I'm going to do it anyway...
By the way you can multi-quote posts by clicking quote in one single message, so you don't need to post two messages to quote two different posts Also annoyingcalc got an alpha build of Calc84maniac's new emu I think :O. However I doubt it's really far into development yet.
I have wolfenstein 3d pokemon saphire mario world, etc it runs every game I have tried and btw if calc84 approves I could send you a copy of it (only if calc84 says ok)
? it is for the nspire, the 84 version is available for download(it only runs game boy games), the gba emulator for nspire only works on the nspire cx