Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => TI-Nspire => Topic started by: Netham45 on April 26, 2011, 03:47:43 am
*disclaimer, it's 2 AM on a tuesday.*
Basically, the nleash exploit for 2.x was a zip that extracted beyond the size of the calcs available ram, causing corruption that slid into some code that did stuff(What it did, I don't know.)
The .tno/.tnc's are zips(along with a large portion of the nspire.img inside.)
Would it be possible to basically make a custom OS upgrade and put ndless inside, or does the zip routine in the new boot2 actually check for an overflow?
Edit: changed all instances of 'ndless' in this post to 'nleash'
The OS still needs to be signed...
The OS still needs to be signed...
Do all aspects of it, though?
The phoenix part, yes, I believe. Unless you use OSlauncher of course... In that case, we might even be able to Ndlessate the OS 3.0 by running it on a previous OS...
EDIT: it might be possible to put Ndless in the examples folder, so as to have a tnc/tno with the Ndless file already inside, ready to be installed.
I tried putting it inside the samples zip, but all I could get was a 'corrupted OS' message. Same if I just put it inside the tno
It's not that simple, there is some zip editing to do (like what TNOC does when it removes the example files). You should ask Levak/whoever-made-TNOC for more info.
I was replacing the header, yea. When it gets to the end, though, it rejects it.