• kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin 5 1

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Re: kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« Reply #420 on: March 20, 2015, 09:50:45 pm »
Very nice! :thumbsup:

Offline Larry Schroeder

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Re: kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« Reply #421 on: March 23, 2015, 09:36:13 am »
Hi Sprio, thanks for the new version. Seems to work fine with Windows 8.1 with Bing. Version is the last one where USB Explorer works with Windows 8.1 with Bing. Files created by the handheld, iPad version, and TI Computer Software OS 3.6.x or higher can be transferred from Host to Nspire and will load but ask for a higher version of OS to run. The emulator's created tns files using Version will load in OS Version 3.1.x or higher of the emulator and TI devices. This makes the emulator a logical place to create tns files for OS 3.1 and devices having higher OS's. Having tns files that work on devices that have not been upgraded is important. By the way, if anyone needs a quick review of algebra fundamentals using the TI-Nspire my eBook is available at amazon.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 09:57:19 am by Larry Schroeder »

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kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator Windows 10
« Reply #422 on: August 14, 2015, 10:15:28 am »
Just tried kArmTI 1.78 with Windows 10 on two computers. On a large display the application appears to work fine. On the smaller display,1366x768, we used the kArmv170CX, 06Aug14 (land) skin. Skins such as recent kArmv_177_CX _no_lcd_v1 were too big for the smaller display. kArmTi 1.78 with the landscape skin appears to work fine on the smaller display.

Edit: I went to a display option 'Custom sizing options' which was set to 125% and switch to 100%. Now everything fits.

I found a FREE Windows, Android, Apple iOS7 CAS calculator app that function similar to kArmTI Calculator and Graph applications. You can use the App to add CAS to your phone and tablet. The app is shown in the screenshot. The free app is version 5 of Math Studio. Newer paid versions are available for Apple iOS8. There is also a free web version of MathStudio 6 for all OS’s.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2015, 08:54:12 am by Larry Schroeder »

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Re: kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« Reply #423 on: September 01, 2015, 10:10:57 am »
Hi, Here is kArmTI's update v1.79.

Changes from v1.78:

1. UsbExplorer:
   . Improved usblink speed (approx. 45-50% boost and the main reason for this release).
   . Vertical dialog is resizable
   . An extra column 'Date modified' on the HostLC (on wide screens might come in handy)
2. QuickKeys:         . Fancier icons
3. Skins Manager:  . Rearranged layout
4. Cpu:                   . Support for nonaligned memory accesses is (re)included (eg, required to play PokemonRuby on the Nspire gpSP emulator).
5. Help:                  . A more up to date Help file (a set of screenies with some comments, aimed at noobs)

In what concerns the end user that's about it . Internally, I've substantially touched the code so new bugs might come up.

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Re: kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« Reply #424 on: January 02, 2016, 06:58:42 am »
Hi, kArmTI's update v1.80 (x86).

Changes from v1.79:

1. Keypad Options:
   . RawMode - to play games
     ('cooked' keys like, eg, Shift, would get in the way)
   . DrawkeyFocus - follow the mouse while hovering over the skin keys
     (mostly a skin debug aid)
   . Skin keys overlay marks are now drawn using a gradient fill.
     The diagonal cursors keys have better matched overlays.
2. QuickKeys:
   . Read-only keys are hidden in the CalcLC.
     (only affects Clickpad)
3. Auxiliar Display:
   . Context menu options are now also visible on a frame bottom transparent toolbar.
4. Joypad:
   . Keys are live now, ie they are clickable.   

So, functionality wise the only relevant addition is the Joypad keys being clickable now. All the rest is mostly cosmetics but IMO also important for GUI geeks.


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kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator Producing Universal Files
« Reply #425 on: January 19, 2016, 01:04:24 am »
kArmTI current version 1.80 was used to produce Chapter 1 TI-Nspire CAS addendum files for the Brooks/Cole Math Tools Guide. They are included as attachments. I authored the 15 Chapter Math Tool Guide, located on Cengage/Thompson Interactive Video Skillbuilder CD. The Math Tool Guide covers the earlier TI graphing calculators. Sample page shown in the screenshot below.

kArmTI was used so that TI-Nspire CAS devices with TI OS 3.1 and higher can be added to the Guide’s tools. kArmTI allowed me to make TI-Nspire CAS addendum files available to devices that have not been updated to the later TI OS’s. Version 1.80 worked very well in the process.

The addendum files include comments so they can be used by themselves as well. You might want to look at them. For tabs 8.1 and 9.x the library attachment file, clsAlgebra.tns, needs to be added to the library and refreshed. My current  eBook, Ti-Nspire Guide to Algebra Fundamentals, cover global libraries and is dedicated specifically to both Ti-Nspire handheld CAS and non-CAS plus both TI-Nspire iPad versions.

Additional addendum files will be produced for the other chapters of the Brooks/Cole Math Tool Guide.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 01:15:24 am by Larry Schroeder »

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Preparing new Flash OS’s for kArmTI and Nspiriod
« Reply #426 on: January 31, 2016, 07:58:02 pm »
I decided to make my ebook, TI-Nspire Guide Algebra Fundamentals, document and library files plus all the TI-Nspire addendum, Brooks/Cole Math Tool Guide, document and library files part of a new TI-OS flash file. The addendum is in the process of being converted so I sat up a downloadable link at my website, ComputerLearningService.com that will always have the latest version of the addendum documents and libraries plus the complete eBooks files. I include some Bonus documents and libraries I have found very useful in this zip file as well.

In the process I discovered that TI-OS 3.3 allowed newer and older versions of ‘tns’ files to be read where TI-OS 3.1 did not  allow newer to be read. In 3.3 newer versions 3.6 and up had the same warning Dialog as 3.1 but let the file be loaded. I could then resave it as TI-OS 3.3 which had side benefits of no warning plus loading into 3.1 and higher OS’s.

Loading all files each time as startup would be a pain for both the kArmTI and nspiroid so I loaded into 3.3 and save the hybrid OS as a flash file. I used the kArmTI USB Explorer to save physical copies to my Windows 10 machine. The physical copies loaded into flash OS’s like 3.6, 3.9, and 4.0 worked as well with the caveat that they would not load in 3.1 and in 3.3 with a warning. With nspiroid the USB Explorer would not upload saved files unless I was using 3.3 or 3.1.
The attached keyboard on the kArmTI came in handy. The hybrid flash when done works in both kArmTI and nspiroid emulators. The big nspiroid tablet is a great one on one teaching aid. Click on the ComputerLearningService.com above for details of initial loading of documents and libraries. Once done use save flash or save as flash. Now set the emulator to load the hybrid flash.

The screenshot is from nspiroid emulator with a popup android window of file from the Brooks/Cole Math Tool Guide. Should note the flash 4.0 shown in the screenshot was made with kArmTI. As noted earlier reloading save files from USB Explorer would not work and you should use OS 3.3 or 3.1 for nspiroid with my recommendation being 3.3 as it works and reads high OS files.

Edit 1: MyDocuments1.zip: Updated MyDocuments.zip. Main feature Added AMch2.tns and AMch3.tns plus supporting Library files. See ReleaseHistory,pdf (contained in MyDocuments1.zip) for other changes and additions. AMch2.tns - Functions and Their Graphs. AMch3.tns - Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Can alway use ComputerLearningService.com for latest version. Renamed here as MyDocuments1.zip.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 05:39:57 am by Larry Schroeder »

Offline SpiroH

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Re: kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« Reply #427 on: February 03, 2016, 12:35:29 pm »
@Larry Schroeder

After so many kind words, I'm really a bit speechless. Simple: thank you! I wish teachers and students can take advantage of your good advice and my modest contribution as well.
I'm in the middle of an examination period and time is very scarce, but I do visit this great site every single day.

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Re: kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« Reply #428 on: February 22, 2016, 05:54:34 pm »
kArmTI v1.81 (x86), a minor update.

With all the hype around the new TI OS4.2 release I decided to try it out on kArmTI v1.80 (x86) only to come to the conclusion that kArmTI needed some retouch. Here's what I found and how v1.81 behaves with OS4.2.
1. Useless verbose console output
As expected, looking to the console output, I saw a lot of cluttering warning messages, such as: "Module ID lookup failed for module 646f6362 in TI_RM_GetString()".  I thought, maybe I can just just swallow them as done already with the equally useless IME messages.
2. UsbExplorer
I did some tests and apparently things are working as before. I mean, we can still transfer files in either direction by drag&drop, what to me is the important stuff besides being able to list the Nspire file system structure.
3. ndless 4.2
Alas, I was not able to install it, what in itself doesn't come as a big surprise given that the emulator doesn't identify itself as one of the latest (allowed) devices. Maybe some workaround can be found later.
4. Why this tiny update
a. People that are mostly interested in the Mathematics (not C/ASM programming or gaming) would preferably use the latest TI-OS version; b. kArmTI can still manage the latest TI-OS and is not yet a deprecated piece of software. Actually, I was expecting more troubles with OS4.2 given the past kArmTI experience with OS3.6 and O3.9.
Without further ado, hopefully kArmTI v1.81 will handle TI-OS4.2 better than v1.80, while remaining backward compatible with previous TI-OSes (well, at least some). I did not test it thoroughly, though.

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Re: kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« Reply #429 on: February 23, 2016, 07:05:43 pm »
Using OS4.2 with kArmTI v1.81 and 1,80. Was able to move files both ways with USB Exploxer. Multiple files up at once caused to lockup with both versions. Changing directories in computer view also locked up.

In OS 4.2 I was able to use new ctrl menus with expressions and add sliders by leaving constants in equations. OS 3.3 was able to read new OS 4.2 files with message and resave without message. OS 3.3 never locked up with above situations. Did need to press Home with OS 3.3 to wake up periodically.

Here is an update to earlier post of MyDocuments.zip: Updated MyDocuments2.zip. Main feature Added AMch2.tns, AMch3.tns AMch4.tns plus supporting Library files. See ReleaseHistory,pdf (contained in MyDocuments2.zip) for other changes and additions. AMch2.tns - Functions and Their Graphs. AMch3.tns - Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, AMch4.tns Math of Finance. Can alway use ComputerLearningService.com for latest version. Renamed here as MyDocuments2.zip.

Edit: Updated MyDocuments2.zip to MyDocuments3.zip. Main feature, added AMch5 to BCAddendum directory. AMCh5 covers Systems of Linear Equations: Unique, Undetermined, Overdetermined  solutiions. Gauss-Jordan, Matrix Inversions solutions, Matrix operations including automated, plus using row operations, and Global routine 'pivmat' that we wrote. 2-D and 3-D graphing of solutions. Emphasis on Unique, Infinite, and No solutions problems and appplications.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 04:34:04 pm by Larry Schroeder »

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Re: kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« Reply #430 on: February 24, 2016, 09:15:25 am »
@Larry Schroeder: Thanks for the feedback! Concerning the UsbExplorer lockups with OS4.2 could you please expand a bit on that. On which platform (cpu and speed) did you carry out the multi-file transfer tests, what were the file sizes involved, how many files, etc.

I just did some some multi-tranfers with an assorted group of 7 files and did NOT notice any lockups at all!? Please have a look at the picture. Of course, I will keep on testing the OS4.2 in kArmTI v1.81, time allowing. In general, OS4.2 seems to be a bit heavier and slower, BOTOH with some interesting improvements. :)

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Re: kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« Reply #431 on: March 03, 2016, 05:32:13 pm »

0: As the calculator screen is not touch, the mouse cursor must be disabled when you set up the virtual screen, incondicionamente try to operate the screen

1: Please group the skins in a single file so that they can download easily

/ where is the latest version of the skin editor?

2: new option to hide only the title bar

Thank you

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Re: kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« Reply #432 on: March 08, 2016, 06:40:40 pm »
Edit: Updated MyDocuments2.zip to MyDocuments3.zip. Main feature, added AMch5 to BCAddendum directory. AMCh5 covers Systems of Linear Equations: Unique, Undetermined, Overdetermined  solutiions. Gauss-Jordan, Matrix Inversions solutions, Matrix operations including automated, plus using row operations, and Global routine 'pivmat' that we wrote. 2-D and 3-D graphing of solutions. Emphasis on Unique, Infinite, and No solutions problems and appplications.

I just did a test with v1.81 and OS4.2 with Larry's AMCh5 + Libs. I could drag and drop files without any lockup. For people interested here's a screenie.


0: As the calculator screen is not touch, the mouse cursor must be disabled when you set up the virtual screen, incondicionamente try to operate the screen
1: Please group the skins in a single file so that they can download easily
/ where is the latest version of the skin editor?
2: new option to hide only the title bar
Hi CompSystems, long time no see, welcome back!
Skins: Please check the topic's first page. Plenty of skins info there ;)
Other: I'll take note of it and maybe tackle it when i have some more time.

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kArmTI - OS 4.2 SP3 and Asus 100
« Reply #433 on: March 18, 2016, 11:08:58 am »
Thanks SpiroH for verifying the files on OS 4,2.

The Surface Pro 3, I5, and Asus Tab 100, Atom, both still have problems under Windows 10 with multiple files, changing directories, and occasionally with saving files. The problem is that the USB Exploxer becomes unusable until I reboot. They both have the solid state memory instead of traditional hard drives. From console I get the message, "USBLink timed out (45 secs)". If I set Emu to Show Speed and Increase Speed one or two clicks the problems seem to occur only occasionally and makes OS 4.2 somewhat usable. However, I did when creating a note page once get a run away cursor. This was at the two clicks faster speed.

Here is a special version of MyDocuments.zip: MyDocuments4.zip. The AMChx.tns files found in the BCAendum directory and associated MyLib functions and programs can help with Algeba, Algebra 2, College Algebra, PreCalculus, and Finite Math courses. You can use ComputerLearningService.com for future updates.

AMch6.tns, AMch6a.tns have files on Linear Programming and use of my global function pivmat for Simplex solution of complex problems. AMch7.tns makes use of Note pages using images for Venn diagrams.

PS When I use OS 3.3 it is way faster and hardly ever has any problems even with my large files.

EDit: just added more images and OS 3.3 on Asus Tab 100 gave me USB Timed out no matter how many times I increased speed. Moved over to Surface Pro 3 and with Speed increased to 143% was able to save from TI to computer. See file AMch7.tns Tabs 10.1,10.2. 10.3.

Edit 3/29/2016 Just completed all of Chapter 7. Contains Sets, Set Operation, Probability and Rules of Probability. Uses Venn Diagrams, Trees, and Tables. All of these plus all of the other files is included with MyDocuments5.zip
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 10:51:45 pm by Larry Schroeder »

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Re: kArmTI - TI-Nspire emulator with skin
« Reply #434 on: April 12, 2016, 08:23:43 am »
Hi @SpiroH

is it possible to update the OS of the kArmTI (or the Android emulator nspiroid) directly with the *.tcc-file? In the kArmTI-Menü "Link" there's the option "Send OS Update" which let's me choose a file. But if I choose the *.tcc-file ist says "transfer failed. check the connection and try again". So this doens't seem to be a function to update the OS?

Is it only possible via creating a new dump image from the original calculator hardware?
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 03:35:57 pm by Eeems »