So I was browsing ti-calc yesterday, and I noticed that there was no Lights Out game for Nspire. So then... this happened.

How to play:
Try to get all the 1s to become 0s.
Use start(x,y) to create a random x by y board.
Use toggle(x,y) or t(x,y) to switch the state of a given square and those adjacent to it.
Current features:
•The game is 100% playable.
•There is a turn counter.
•Custom sized boards.
•Random level generation.
•Win detection.
Change log:
•Bugfix, such as fixing 1X2 boards (idk why you'd do that)
•Increased the amount of shuffling at the beginning of the game.
•Fixed my bad English.
•Initial release.
I'm open to new suggestions for features if anyone has some.
Anyways, I hope you all enjoy!