Author Topic: Matrefeytontias's various animations  (Read 18169 times)

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Matrefeytontias's various animations
« on: June 11, 2013, 11:20:24 am »
Hallaw people,

In my free time I like to program some small animations on my calc, and I thought it could be cool to make a topic to show you the ones that I think should be shown :)

[Ndless C] Plasma (I know this already exists, but it doesn't use SDL anymore, for this I reused part of a library I'm writing to deal with screen and pixels). My library handles cross-compatibility, so you can use the same *.tns file for both CX and non-CX calcs :)

It takes ≈ 6 seconds to start because it has to compute and store 76800 * 7 sines and 76800 * 2 square roots in a table in order to get a decent execution speed :P
« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 12:37:28 pm by Matrefeytontias »

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Re: Matrefeytontias's various animations
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2013, 12:11:59 pm »
It takes ≈ 6 seconds to start because it has to compute and store 76800 * 7 SINES and 76800 * 2 square roots in a table in order to get a decent execution speed :P
* Streetwalker runs

Also *.* at the numbers.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 12:12:46 pm by Streetwalker »

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Re: Matrefeytontias's various animations
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2013, 12:17:36 pm »
Oops :P gonna correct that right now.

And yeah, that is high, but you can see that I'm right if you actually run the program :P
« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 12:18:13 pm by Matrefeytontias »

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Re: Matrefeytontias's various animations
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2013, 12:29:38 pm »
Yeah it takes quite long to start but it looks AWESOME. :thumbsup:

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Re: Matrefeytontias's various animations
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2013, 12:38:38 pm »
Thanks :)

I just submitted a file at that contains this one, its source and a quick tutorial on how to write plasmas. It should pop up in a few hours/days :)
« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 12:38:47 pm by Matrefeytontias »

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Re: Matrefeytontias's various animations
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2013, 02:59:21 pm »
Looks nice. It reminds me the other plasma demo by Hoffa I think. Those animations actually reminds me of battle backgrounds in Earthbound.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 02:59:49 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Matrefeytontias's various animations
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2013, 06:16:24 am »
wow, that plasma is looking epic O.O
* Sorunome pokes you to make a derpy hooves animation
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Re: Matrefeytontias's various animations
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2013, 01:29:44 pm »
* Streetwalker wants a Rainbow Dash animation
BTW Rainbow Dash >> Derpy :P
* Streetwalker runs

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Re: Matrefeytontias's various animations
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2013, 09:00:49 pm »
for this I reused part of a library I'm writing to deal with screen and pixels
Like ... nSDL ?
My library handles cross-compatibility, so you can use the same *.tns file for both CX and non-CX calcs :)
Like ... nSDL ?

In short, I don't really like the word "library" to describe bunch of code you reuse from one project to another.
This is most likely called "toolkit". A library is attended to be distribued and used by others and as far as I can see you're not willing to release it as a standalone library.

It takes ≈ 6 seconds to start because it has to compute and store 76800 * 7 sines and 76800 * 2 square roots in a table in order to get a decent execution speed :P
I haven't looked at the code, but this is too long for such calculation, do you know about fast sine and fast cosine ?
Do you know also that using C++ templates you can precompile such values ? (you can also directly put the tables in the source code)
Only sine from 0 to 45° are usefull, not the entire 360°. Then you can also define cosine from sine.
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Offline Hayleia

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Re: Matrefeytontias's various animations
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2013, 02:40:21 am »
In short, I don't really like the word "library" to describe bunch of code you reuse from one project to another.
This is most likely called "toolkit". A library is attended to be distribued and used by others and as far as I can see you're not willing to release it as a standalone library.
Maybe the word "library" doesn't apply yet but it will apply when everything gets released, which willhappen according to this quote (and also according to the several releases we see in the quoted topic).

So I wrote this library which I named nRayC, because it's an Nspire lib about RAYcasting to be used in C ;D

Although this library is mainly focused on raycasting, it's not its only use : I also included a bunch of functions, like pixel, line and even triangle (why not) drawing, tile detection, bitmaps loading and stuffs.

Currently, the library features raycasting rendered by a unique function :

void nRC_rayCasting(int *map, Vector player, ScreenPoint mapDimensions, Vector dir, Vector planeVec, uint16_t *textures, char *buffer)

It also provides two structures as you can see, ScreenPoint and Vector. I don't release anything for now because I don't think it's ready to be released, but I attach a screenshot of what it can do :)
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Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Re: Matrefeytontias's various animations
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2013, 06:06:42 am »
What Hayleia said. How can you judge me when you know nothing about what I wrote ?

In short, I don't really like the word "library" to describe bunch of code you reuse from one project to another.
This is most likely called "toolkit". A library is attended to be distribued and used by others and as far as I can see you're not willing to release it as a standalone library.
It's exactly the contrary. I only use nRayC's setPixel function.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 06:07:55 am by Matrefeytontias »

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Re: Matrefeytontias's various animations
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2013, 07:27:23 am »
What Hayleia said. How can you judge me
Judging you ? Where is it question of judging people here ?

when you know nothing about what I wrote ?
I know about C programming on the TI-Nspire and the about the plasma demo, about your past projects and abut what you said in your post.
According to that I was able to determine the following without being able to look at the code :

It's exactly the contrary. I only use nRayC's setPixel function.
It is exactly what I'm trying to tell you, if you only use such a function, things are telling me you copy/pasted it in your code thus your not using a library but a tookit. There is a big difference between the two (copy/pasting vs compile time linking).

If you feel offended by my remarks where I'm trying to teach you good programming practice then I'm sorry and I promise not to help you in the future.
If, on the contrary, your using the proper to use a non-released-yet standalone library without copy/pasting your code from one project to another (since you're saying in a lot of projects that you're not using nSDL "because blablabla"), fine, but then please be more clear in the future, for example on how you managed to code a crossplatform setPixel that is not the Ndless nor the nSDL one ... (this caught my attention and was affraid you where boycotting nSDL for no reason).
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 07:29:01 am by Levak »
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Offline Matrefeytontias

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Re: Matrefeytontias's various animations
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2013, 07:34:14 am »
What Hayleia said. How can you judge me
Judging you ? Where is it question of judging people here ?
Well yeah, it's badly said, I meant judging what I'm doing. I don't like how you say :
In short, I don't really like the word "library" to describe bunch of code you reuse from one project to another.
This is most likely called "toolkit". A library is attended to be distribued and used by others and as far as I can see you're not willing to release it as a standalone library.
Without knowing that I only use a sole function of a whole engine that is already released.

And the reason why I'm not using nSDL (and not "boycotting", it's a great lib) is that I really like to know exactly what I'm doing, not only to make things work like I want them to, but also to understand concepts.

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Re: Matrefeytontias's various animations
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2013, 07:55:58 am »
Well yeah, it's badly said, I meant judging what I'm doing. I don't like how you say :
In short, I don't really like the word "library" to describe bunch of code you reuse from one project to another.
This is most likely called "toolkit". A library is attended to be distribued and used by others and as far as I can see you're not willing to release it as a standalone library.
Without knowing that I only use a sole function of a whole engine that is already released.
This confirm what I was saying : you're calling "lib" the use (=copy/paste here) of a "sole function" from one project (nRayC) to another.
Since you did not corrected the other points of my previous post, I take them as true statement.

And the reason why I'm not using nSDL (and not "boycotting", it's a great lib) is that I really like to know exactly what I'm doing, not only to make things work like I want them to, but also to understand concepts.
For sure it is nice to understand on what your walking, but I'm not sure it is usefull to do it on every project you do, most likely wasting time.
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Re: Matrefeytontias's various animations
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2013, 09:12:26 am »
Understanding the concepts is indeed nice and even important, but it can get in the way of progress :)
If you want to become a professional software programmer some day, you'll have to switch to another mode, otherwise it will hamper your progress. I'm not saying that you should  completely quit trying to understand the concepts at some point, just that doing everything by yourself will slow you down too much by being too time-consuming ;)

EDIT the next day: for instance, I did lots of graphics routines on the TI-68k series as part of ExtGraph, and more recently, ported several TI-68k programs to the Nspire (Clickpad/Touchpad) series as verbatim as possible (= no libraries), but for computer programming as part of my day job, I use lots of libraries.

If what I'm writing is not clear, then I guess we can discuss it in French, on TI-Planet (although not necessarily right after I'm posting this message, I have to go for a little while).
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 01:22:40 am by Lionel Debroux »
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