!!!Update!!!Version 0.11 is now attached to the first post!
New:Water & Lava:
- Spreads and behave like in the real Minecraft
- fancy rendering via polygons/non patented strip scale method
- Destroy non waterproof blocks (like torches)
- If destroyed by water, you get the item (for faster farming)
- Water on lava source ==> obsidian
- Lava on water source ==> stone
- Water on lava or lava on water ==> cobblestone
- Craft with 3 iron bars
- Pick up water/lava source block
- Place it anywhere else
- 1 per 50 blocks of the maps' width
- 0-2 chests with various items
- zombiespawner in the middle
- walk towards them do climb without jumping
- walk off them to get down without falling
- automatic orientation
Day/Night cycle:
- Sun rises and day starts exactly at 5 am
- Sun sets and night starts exactly at 7 pm
==> More time until monsters spawn
Export function:
- now enabled to export your worlds to the MC2D world container
- don't try to paste it to the notepad on calc, it will take forever to load!
Code optimizations
- world generator is now 25% faster
- loading function is now 50% faster
- bugpreventions via metatables
- replaced some bad identifiers:
Bugfixes and other improvements:
- gold sword as now correct texture
- fixed lightbugs with fire and lava
- light from lightsources is a bit smoother
- stars now twinkle a bit on fancy graphics
- another attemp to fix the OS 3.1 crafting menu bug

- various bugfixes
MC2D World Container:- Import worlds the clipboard
- See information about a world (Name, version, gamemode)
- Change the name of a world
- Export worlds to the clipboard
==> Import a world, send the container to an other Nspire and export it to its Minecraft: that's how you transfer worlds!