Author Topic: My first BASIC program- Pokemon Damage Calculator  (Read 3506 times)

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Offline blweldon2

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My first BASIC program- Pokemon Damage Calculator
« on: March 20, 2012, 07:26:07 am »
I have decided to write a program in BASIC for the Nspire that will calculate damage in pokemon games. I want it to be able to be run as a library from the scratched. How should i start on this project?  :)

EDIT: Here is an example of a damage calculator.
I want this on my Nspire.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2012, 07:40:05 am by blweldon2 »
Hmmm.... I wonder how to do this.....

Offline cyanophycean314

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Re: My first BASIC program- Pokemon Damage Calculator
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2012, 09:20:27 pm »
First, you would figure out the formula for the damage. I don't really know how you'd do that...

Then you can create a basic program that inputs all of those, then calculates it!

Good luck!

Offline 3rik

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Re: My first BASIC program- Pokemon Damage Calculator
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2012, 09:42:12 pm »
Here is a link with all the minute details of damage calculation.
You probably won't want to make it this complicated but it should have all the formulas you need. (This is for Diamond and Perl so the formulas could be slightly different depending on which generation you're writing the program for for)

It depends on how you want it to be used. If you want the inputs passed as arguments, I would say make a library full of functions. If you want the user to enter information in text boxes and such I would make one large program. Of course you could make both using your library functions in a program that collects the input from the user. Then you could use it both ways.

Good Luck!