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function on.arrowLeft() if fighter[x]>(min x-value here, eg. 0) then fighter[x] = fighter[x]-1 end platform.window:invalidate()endfunction on.arrowRight() if fighter[x]<(max x-value here, eg. 300) fighter[x]=fighter[x]+1 end platform.window:invalidate()end
the paddleStuff function gets called when the ball(s) move(s) via a timer, from on.paint, basically) ... function on.arrowKey(key) if key == "right" and paddle.x < platform.window:width()-20-XLimit then paddle.dx = 8 elseif key == "left" and paddle.x >= 25 then paddle.dx = -8 end end ... function paddleStuff(gc) if paddle.dx > 0 then paddle.x = paddle.x + paddle.dx paddle.dx = paddle.dx - 1 -- more if on-calc elseif paddle.dx < 0 then paddle.x = paddle.x + paddle.dx paddle.dx = paddle.dx + 1 -- more if on-calc end end
Hey, guys, I want to know something. I can't figure out how to draw things, so I found the smallest image of a spacefighter on google images that I could. I used ti-nspire scripting tools to convert it to a TI-Image. Nick, I tried using your script(The script you gave me is correct). But, when I defined the picture "spacefighter" as the TI-Image string, and then ran the script in nspire student software, the title screen shows, but after I press enter, the picture doesn't show. I didn't get an error message, so I obviously typed valid program syntaxes and arguments.