Author Topic: nAGIF - An animated GIF player (nSDL)  (Read 3478 times)

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nAGIF - An animated GIF player (nSDL)
« on: January 09, 2016, 06:21:01 am »
Once in a while you might want to play some animated GIFs on your Nspire calc. Here's a simple solution for that (nAGIF). Requires ndless.

This is actually a port of SDL_anigif (by Doug McFadyen):
"The project is not yet complete (lacks documentation and multiple OS support - only supports Win32 now), but all the source code is there for your animated gif enjoyment."
Also, today we tend to take nSDL for granted, but let's not forget the good work done by Hoffa (I know you are somewhere  ;)).
Have fun! You may have a look at the source code (no strings attached, BTW).

And it looks like the pics attached.