--> nDealOrNoDeal for Nspire --> -->

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Offline SpiroH

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Re: nDealOrNoDeal for Nspire
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2013, 01:49:48 pm »
... I didn't add it but was thinking of making it so you could exit the whole program and it would persist the game to a file and you could resume your game when you reopen the program.  This way if you were in class and needed to do some calculations you could and then resume.
How do you mean? Pretend that you are listening to the lecturer while you're actually playing? Beware i know those dirty tricks. Now i'll be extra warned. ;)

Now more seriously, i really like your contributions. If you don't my asking, what's the next project you're about to start? Is it also nspire related or is it secret stuff?

Offline ajorians

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Re: nDealOrNoDeal for Nspire
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2013, 02:26:46 pm »
Hey SpiroH,

For what it is worth I was thinking actually listen to the lecturer.  :)  So say you're playing a game and class is about to start.  Many games (mine included) don't allow you to completely pause and exit the game and resume later (such as when class is over).  You either have to finish up really quick or exit and when you return to the game you'll have to restart the level/map/whatever when you get back.  It may not really matter for Deal or No Deal; but all of these concepts (such as achievements, option screen, register file extensions, etc) can and will be used in the next thing I make.

I really love your contributions as well!  Please keep doing everything you are doing.  I know when you talk to friends/classmates/etc about programming for graphing calculators they don't always get it.  We enjoy programming for these devices.  It feels good when we make something.  We don't deny that our devices have limitations.  But hey we got color screens now! :)

I haven't started the next project yet; but hopefully should soon.  I was thinking of Jezzball and found a couple of existing SDL programs on the Internet that might be able to be adapted to the calculator somewhat quickly.  But I'd also like to make something that uses tangrs multi-threading proof of concept (https://github.com/tangrs/nspire-multithreading-poc).  I tried a little with it and really want to give it a second try.  So I don't really know the next thing but I'm liking the NSpire so it probably will be for that!

Have a great day!

Offline mdr1

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Re: nDealOrNoDeal for Nspire
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2014, 01:40:53 pm »
Cool, you fixed the gestion of the mouse. :)
It remains a problem: on the achievements menu, the cursor is really too fast and the "played 10 games" item can be selected only by going on the "close call" one's and then pressing up.


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