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For other purposes, why would it be forbidden ?
but it is legal because the CAS and non-CAS OSes are freely available on TI's official website.
1st) to get the CX CAS SO on my CX do i need to install the nLaunch CX on my calc??
2) ive read the .txt document (README) and says to rename the TNOC'ed OS to phoenix.tns.. does that mean to change the name of the file that i put through TNOC???
3) if something goes wrong could i still get into the maintenance window and delete everything?
the file that i put through TNOC is the CX SO or the CX CAS SO??
when it says "transfer phoenix.tns to your calculator in the folder /nlaunch/" i just create the folder on my calc??
or do i need to run another app to create it?
if i follow up this README it will get me the CX CAS so on my CX??
so do i need ndless to get the cx cas to work on my calc??
Hello Again... as im trying to get all the files to my calc ive had some problems.for instance when i want to send the phoenix.tns file to my calc and error shows up and says that i have the wrong handheld for the SO that i want to transfer ( i have a nspire CX and i want to transfer the CX CAS SO) the same when i want to transfer the nlaunch file...after reading a bit i thought that i dont have the ndless thing installed on my calc and idk if thats why i cant transfer all this..so do i need ndless to get the cx cas to work on my calc??