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Re: nPDF - A document viewer for the Nspire
« Reply #135 on: July 06, 2020, 08:32:46 am »
Interesting... I'm not quite sure what to make of that. What's you OS, ndless and calculator version? Have you tried running any other programs?

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Re: nPDF - A document viewer for the Nspire
« Reply #136 on: October 20, 2020, 05:43:38 pm »
I understand that this thread is ancient, and the person behind nPDF might not be too keen on updating it. However, I have hope that it's not so.

Just recently ndless has been updated to version 5.2.0 for the latest TI-Nspire software, and I've been having issues regarding nPDF. The problem is that I can not use it, after launching the nPDF.tns file a window pops up, stating, that the various traditional file formats will be supported. However, when attempting to open pdf files, I'm being informed that the file format is not supported.

Anyone else having this issue with the latest ndless? Are there any solutions? Is there any hope for an update?

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Re: nPDF - A document viewer for the Nspire
« Reply #137 on: October 21, 2020, 08:51:32 am »
Although this is a different software, have you tried this?

I don't think that tool was updated for Ndless 5.2 but there is a Lua option, which I think might be compatible.

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Re: nPDF - A document viewer for the Nspire
« Reply #138 on: January 31, 2022, 02:06:57 pm »
Hi all, I know this thread is old af but I just figured out how to make the nPDF work and since I strugled a bit to install it I just decided to make a reply.
Idk if its the same for all but the file found in the download link does not work when put on the calculator, when opening a pdf it just keeps on giving the error "file.pdf.tns is not supported".
I found this other link with all the files in order:

hope it helps anyone in the future! :3

Offline Mr.G3AR

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Re: nPDF - A document viewer for the Nspire - CONVERT .PDF to .TNS
« Reply #139 on: October 13, 2022, 06:27:16 pm »

Hello my friends!

Just thought I'd help anyone who is having issues with .pdf.tns files.   I just got a new laptop and it had windows 11 preinstalled.  :banghead:
My issue was getting PDF files to reformat when changing the name to "filename".pdf.tns. 

To fix this I did a couple things, but I'm not sure exactly what did the trick.

(Preliminary - downloaded and installed TI-Nspire CX Student Software, so this could have installed some necessary file drivers for .tnx extensions but I'm not exactly sure.

Next, I navigated to my systems extension settings to choose what file .tns opens with. I chose N-Link.

Here's what I think really did the trick.

1. go to windows menu and type "file extensions"

File Explorer, Change settings to show file extensions, Show settings
Check all the boxes under Navigation pane i.e. Always show availability status, Show all Folders, Show all Libraries

2. Download the .PDF and open it in a web browser PDF viewer page.
 click the save button, "Save As"  - then "Save as type:"  CLICK the drop down menu and SELECT "All Files" - then add the suffix ".pdf.tns" to the end of the document name and SAVE

In my case, the file automatically saved in the correct format and was set to open with N-Link (which may have been because of the preliminary step) - either way it worked!

Attached is a blank document of the correct .PDF.TNS formatting. You can download it to see if the file will open with Adobe PDF or N-Link. If it opens with Adobe PDF, you need to adjust some of the File Explorer / Extension settings.


Offline JasonMathewsUSA

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Re: nPDF - A document viewer for the Nspire
« Reply #140 on: November 16, 2022, 06:25:09 pm »
I am using an old TI-nspire CAS Touchpad version and successfully installed ndless, however when I try installing the latest nPDF.tns version 0.4 beta nothing happens and it won't install or open on the calculator. I was going to try older versions of 0.3 and 0.2 but couldn't find the .tns files anywhere. Any chance someone could help or send the older versions for me to try? Thanks so much!