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Thanks a lot But I am not able to run it on my TI-NSPIRE CAS but there only a black screen and it stays like that... Maybe because of the compression with 7zip?
Okay, now that is awesome. The fact that the nSpire is being utilized so well is just awesome, even if it is a rickroll. Someone should do the Double Rainbow... Now, sound would actually be quite easy to do. I'll illustrate how a filmstrip works:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------|o | | o | | o | | o| | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | | | o| | o | | o | |o | | | | | || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |o | || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------------------------------------------------------------------------As you can see, the top section contains the picture that is displayed on the screen. Alongside the picture area, there is a little area for sound (the ~ things). While a picture is shown on the screen, the sound adjacent to the picture is played on the theater's speaker system.A digital video would work much the same way. While a video is shown on the screen, the little sound bite associated with that picture would also play through the speaker system.
Re: TI-Nspire Video Player« Reply #49 on: 11 February 2011, 12:37:04 pm »Getting the information to play the sound is not what is difficult. That's easy, just make every 5th byte sound data or something. The problem is playing it on a calculator. Most computers and ipods have sound cards, so all the program has to do is send the sound data out for processing. Some cheaper devices just have a Digital to Analog Converter, which when sent a value, puts that proportion of voltage on the line. For this you would have to send the sound data out at a regular interval.However, the Nspire has neither. The Nspire has a choice of 100% or 0% voltage, not 65,536 steps. So to make intermediate values, you put it high then low for varying amounts of time depending on the value. And to make this happen accurately at 22,050 Hz takes nearly all the processor time. To add sound, you essentially have to make a sound player and add video. You can't easily add sound to a video player because it require extreme priority. With so many mp3 players around, unless you have great quality sound, people are going to complain while if you have a bad video, it's just a calulator.