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No errors appear in dmesg log on my pc...
Vogtinator, is midori fast? is it good or is it slow?, can we use it?
killall twmblackbox&
//Oops; deleted the message above.Just a question: did anyone ever succeeded in booting Linux on Clickpad?Of course, it's been made on CX. I also saw it's been made on Touchpad (http://ourl.ca/17131/326297). But did anyone made it on a Clickpad?//End of deleted message.Quote from: Vogtinator on December 20, 2012, 11:26:10 amMy friend doesn't want to downgrade his OS to 3.1 :-(Tell him how better OS 3.1 is for Clickpads, even without Ndless.You get much more free space, fewer bugs, faster OS*, ect...*3.1 isn't faster than others. 3.2 just happen to be much slower in some cases.---I've been trying a few configs again.So, it seems to be "quite" ok with any recent zImage found on TI-Planet and the initrd from here:Quote from: Vogtinator on December 20, 2012, 09:29:32 amhttp://ourl.ca/17131;msg=266194He referred to it as ramdisk..The only problem left being getting "can't open /dev/ttyAMA0: no such device of address" every second or so.I could still manage to type a few commands, and they are working OK.
My friend doesn't want to downgrade his OS to 3.1 :-(
http://ourl.ca/17131;msg=266194He referred to it as ramdisk..
kernel linux/zImage.tnsinitrd linux/initrd.tnscmdline root=/dev/ram console=tty0boot
Thanks for your anwser.Here is my script right now:Code: [Select]kernel linux/zImage.tnsinitrd linux/initrd.tnscmdline root=/dev/ram console=tty0bootI still get the error.
mount -t ext2 -o loop initrd.tns /mntcd /mnt/etcvi inittabcd /umount /mnt