On the Arm port:I coded the ARM JIT for micropython and it was ridiculously easy, easier than on x86 as every instruction is 32 bits wide.
As I told you sometime ago, I actually did some tests on the ARM port around August14, IIRC. Then i came to the conclusion the performance was so not good enough. Probably i won't try it again, because good and cheap x86 based phones are already available on the market. Besides, there are some difficulties when it comes to implement an efficient binary translator (aka dynarec or jit) on the ARM cpu. Here are a couple of links that partially talk about it and may help others:
Hope you port to ARM CPU.Finally, i think i've got something that might interest you. Isn't very fast but should enable you to use the calculator. Please tell me what you think. You can use PM if you want to.
Greate app...
Hix, it doesn't work...Hope you port to ARM CPU.Finally, i think i've got something that might interest you. Isn't very fast but should enable you to use the calculator. Please tell me what you think. You can use PM if you want to.
Greate app...
Hi khiconmtv,Hix, it doesn't work...Hope you port to ARM CPU.Finally, i think i've got something that might interest you. Isn't very fast but should enable you to use the calculator. Please tell me what you think. You can use PM if you want to.
Greate app...
Samsung Galaxy S3 4.4, Galaxy Tab 2 10" 4.3
HiHi diebold, welcome to omnimaga and thanks for the feedback.
Please change vertical offset key sensor, it very low on my galaxy note 3. Thank you!
I click "K" but clicked "R"Well, that looks pretty awful! thanks for that.
key offset is still workThat looks way better. At least now you should be able to test all the available functionality.
Thank you very much for work. Graphics on 1.02 version very well and all functionality working but displacement response of buttons hampers to work normallyOkay, i suspect we might have a problem (i'll explain later) with fast cpu's. What's yours? Quad-core 1.9 GHz Cortex-A15?
it working similar previous version, my cpu is Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 Quad-Core CPU 2.3GHzThat's important info, thanks. But i still need the exact OS version on your phone. Android has some version specific bugs, for which i've introduced some work-arounds which probably i'll need to remove.
version 4.4.2Thanks, again. Unfortunately, i'm now pretty convinced this is yet another Android bug. I just did a bit of 'googling' and found something with similar symptoms.
Yes I meant when you press on the top of the key "k" pressed "d" as if the calibration is shifted down all buttons have the offset response down to about 4mm, I think this is not a bug of the OS in other programs there is no such thing
Yes, vertical bug is fixed. Great thank you! Good work!Good! Thank you too for the precious feedback.
<Key android:codes="14" android:keyEdgeFlags="right" android:keyIcon="@drawable/key_ret" />
to<Key android:codes="105" android:keyEdgeFlags="right" android:keyIcon="@drawable/key_ret" />
Actually, i did not prepare (yet?) Nspiroid_arm to work on devices with lower resolution than 1280x720 or 1280x800.
Hi khiconmtv!Okie, like this...:)
I'm not sure I understand what do you mean by a simple color skin? Can you please show me a simple-color theme that appeals to you? Anyway, would you like something along these grayish lines? :-\
Dear SpiroHActually, I've already done that (skin stuff) a long time ago. The problem is, it doesn't scale very well for different screen resolutions and orientations. I'll have a look at the possibilities when i have a little more free time. Thank you. ;)
Can you create this screen? :)
Thank you.
On Samsung Galaxy Note 3, small Nspire emulated LCD screen surrounded by black areaThe small LCD seems to be a pixel-density related issue. I've just tried to adjust Nspiroid internal pixel-density settings to better accomodate you phone (Samsung Galaxy Note 3, with ~386 ppi).
How to solve this problem? Hardly can read the emulated LCD
Please help
Thank you, but unfortunately nothing changed. I'very uninstaled the previous one then installed what you sent and the result is attached.Well, what do you mean 'unfortunately nothing changed'? Now, it looks better (I'd say normal) to me! Of course the LCD size is still no scaled to the full width, because that requires interpolation what makes it blurry and slower. For the time being please use the landscape view for a larger LCD size.
Thank you, but unfortunately nothing changed. I'very uninstaled the previous one then installed what you sent and the result is attached.Well, what do you mean 'unfortunately nothing changed'? Now, it looks better (I'd say normal) to me! Of course the LCD size is still no scaled to the full width, because that requires interpolation what makes it blurry and slower. For the time being please use the landscape view for a larger LCD size.
OMG! Thanks!For people with 'bad eyesight' and with 1080x1920 resolution and dpi > 360 phones/tablets, I guess I can provide a GUI solution like the one drafted below.
but can you expand screen area?
That area is small... and too large black blank area.
(Galaxy S4 Lte-A)
I didn't select Auxcalc view, but screen size was that size.
I had bad eyesight...
:3 :3 :3
And else...?
Flat or simple color button is better than now, I think.
Gradient color conceals blue sub button color.
Thanks!!! This is excellent work!
OMG! Thanks!For people with 'bad eyesight' and with 1080x1920 resolution and dpi > 360 phones/tablets, I guess I can provide a GUI solution like the one drafted below.
but can you expand screen area?
That area is small... and too large black blank area.
(Galaxy S4 Lte-A)
I didn't select Auxcalc view, but screen size was that size.
I had bad eyesight...
:3 :3 :3
And else...?
Flat or simple color button is better than now, I think.
Gradient color conceals blue sub button color.
Thanks!!! This is excellent work!
Because this still requires some draft work i would like to hear from interested users first. The theme can be the grayish one, that's a no problem. Please tell me what you think.
Hi to all! This project works great!As has been said countless times, you have to dump them from your TI-Nspire device using an utility PolyDumper (https://tiplanet.org/forum/archives_voir.php?id=3829) and follow the instructions in its readme. We aren't allowed by TI to distribute the 'roms'.
I download software here, and I can not load roms by this emulator.
Whay is that so?
Also, is there misstake becasue andorid phone must be rooted?No, there's no need to root the android phone to run Nspiroid.
@rkd2003 and @matteob92Hi mate, in the previous days I've learned how using Polydumper https://tiplanet.org/forum/archives_voir.php?id=3829 and I dumped my actually installed : this afternoon following some advises I was able to create a flash image on my notebook using latest firebird for Windows https://github.com/nspire-emus/firebird/releases and selecting Boot1, Manuf and Diags previously dumped + OS and Boot2 taken from this file https://tiplanet.org/forum/archives_voir.php?id=142298 (Boot2 obtained renaming it from .tcc to .zip).
Here you go, Nspiroid_fat_v112.rar with a larger LCD and the gray theme. Hope it works for you and your eyes will feel less pain ;).
I've never tested Nspiroid with a TI-Nspire image with a higher version than 3.3, because these higher version flash images output a lot of 'garbage' stuff to the usb serial line, etc.
According to my tests you should be able to boot to the desktop screen in about 32secs using the N128M 3.1 image (with an average speed ARM cpu). On a mobile phone/tablet x86 CPU that boot figure drops to about 22secs. On a desktop x86 cpu is even faster depending on the frequency.
Short, the major speed bottleneck is the performance of the ARM-to-ARM binary translator (aka dynarec or jit). I hope future ARM v8 cpus will improve the situation, though.
So, these numbers should give you a feel for what to expect from Nspiroid using the 3.1 N128 flash image, which can easily be found on the net, and then report back your experience.
SpiroH, thank you very much for response. I do not have any Nspire calculatror, but I have TI 92+.
For Android phones, you simply install this amazing emulator from link
which emaulate TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-83 Plus Second Edition, TI-84 Plus, TI-84 Plus Second Edition, TI89, TI89 Titanium, TI92 Plus and Voyage 200 roms.
All neded to run this amazing emulator is download legally ROM files from TI site
and you can have all these incredible TI calculators on Android phones.
Why somone do not make Nspire and Nspire CX CAS emulator, which will simply rum ROMs downloaded from TI site, without needed some boot files + OS files???
Can someone do that in reality finally???
That would be very much appreatiated!
There MUST be solution to do that, it is just question of time when such great emulator will be made!
I will buy it first :)
Edit Sorunome: merged posts
...Hi @rkd2003,
After screen off and on, nspiroid screen is stopped.
Have a nice holiday season (some will be Christians but not all for sure). ;)You too... ;)
@khiconmtvOh thank you, work well...
Oops, that was a silly clash with the last changes. Sorry about that and thanks for reporting it. Hope is fixed now. As a bonus, i've slightly adjusted the usbexplorer listview row and also the favorites popup. I won't change the version, it stays v1.14.
No luck for the padfone s.Oops, that's bad!
With 1.14 version, I had a strange bug : language preferences were reset at each launch !No idea about what that might be. I'll check it out later.
Hi, :)Good to know and thanks.
Galaxy tab pro is back :thumbsup: and no trouble with language preferences ;D.
Lenovo screen is smaller.
Keep going ;).
edit : redupload files
No problem ;)I need to run a test before proceeding into a final Nspiroid version (if ever :-\) for the Lenovo Yoga2 Pro tablet, which IMO behaves in a peculiar way in Android terms.
And it is a success ! :)Good news indeed!
Happy new year :)@PERRON : Nice new year cat. Is beautiful!
Happy new year mate, you deserve a break (in Italy miss still 8+ hours) :)Auguri di Buon Anno 2016!
Thanks for the cat (a maine coon) :).Nice!
Auguri di Buon Anno 2016!Where are you from? How do you know Italian? :D
Oh no, just simple sentences really. Mind you, there are actually a lot of similarities between Italian and Portuguese. Also, I've been to Italy a few times and I was born and now live in Portugal. So, yeah! :DAuguri di Buon Anno 2016!Where are you from? How do you know Italian? :D
Samsung S6 (xxxhdpi ~560 ppi) - 1440 x 2560 (@khiconmtv: the lcd area has been maximized)Oh, work well...
I'm glad it works (a little better) for you :). Thanks for the quick reply, BTW!Samsung S6 (xxxhdpi ~560 ppi) - 1440 x 2560 (@khiconmtv: the lcd area has been maximized)Oh, work well...
Thank you so much.
Still working ;D... Well, joke aside, I have not seen what have changed in the layout :crazy:...Well, minor things really: a) buttons are taller (smaller black area at the bottom) ; b)there's a gap between them; c) the graphic symbols aren't blurred as before, maybe something else I forgot ;)
Also, what is favorites popup ? Sorry to be a little dumb :hyper: !Favorites popup is displayed pressing a toolbar button (the starred one) on the usb_explorer view, to allow you to save/delete/edit your nspire file system path bookmarks to ease the access to certain often used folders. Please have a look at the attached picture.
As always, thanks for the job.Thank you too for the v1.20 confirmation (oops, excuse me :P).
Good news: Version 1.20 works perfectly on my Samsung Note Tab and my FireTV. Still problem with Nexus Player use of Content Menu but OK since I got it to work with rooted FireTV. Used CPU-Z to see FireTV arm processor running Android 4.2.2. Connected wireless USB mouse takes place of touch screen on TV screen. Minor issue of FireTV dpi. About 3/4 screen.Good to know! Yeah, the USB mouse replaces the finger on the touch screen (but IIF you don't need up to 5-finger multi-touch which Nspiroid does support in gaming view ;)).
Think problem with Nexus Player Atom processor Android 6.0.1 is system/remote has no content key and thus no global content software. Same Content USB key that works on nspiroid FireTV USB keyboard does not work on nspiroid Nexus Player. Nexus Player can not use your content icon either as menu shows and disappears. Not a problem because I can use FireTV with my 50 inch Visio TV. A possible clue for the problem: Kodi software fix since no content menu on the remote was to modify keymap for its data (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=59821276&postcount=111) to excute Content Menu for the remote's play/pause key. Content Menu was only item in Kodi specific keymap.AFAIK, the Atom (vs ARM) CPU shouldn't really make any difference. I would be more inclined to blame the Android version being 6.0.1 on the Nexus Player. On the FireTV you have 4.2.2 which is a much more robust (tested) OS version. Android 6.0.1 is still relatively new and hence not sufficientely tested (I mean, quite likely some bugs are still lurking around). I'll keep an eye on the issue, but i'm afraid it will take some time because things are getting a bit busy for me. Anyway, thanks for letting us know.
I know similarities between our languages because they are both new latin, which places of my country have you visited?Oh no, just simple sentences really. Mind you, there are actually a lot of similarities between Italian and Portuguese. Also, I've been to Italy a few times and I was born and now live in Portugal. So, yeah! :DAuguri di Buon Anno 2016!Where are you from? How do you know Italian? :D
I know similarities between our languages because they are both new latin, which places of my country have you visited?Well, I actually lived in Switzerland for some time, where I had some italian colleagues. So, I've mostly visited (by car :) ) the north of Italy: Torino, Milano, Bergamo, Verona, Venezzia, Vicenza, etc, but have also been to Firenze and Roma, of course. But please, let's not make this a too personal dialog. I wouldn't like it much, in this context. So, let's go back on topic Nspiroid. ;D
However you're performing a great work, let me know if you need images/tests from my Samsung Galaxy S4I surely will, thanks!![]()
Works well!Some WIP (Work In Progress) for v1.24 ... :3
Thanks! :3
But how can I move cursor?Thanks, but: You don't! That's the very idea. When you really need it, oh well, just switch to the "large-finger layout', yup! ;)
I think that only 4 arrow keys look some deficient.
@SpiroH I'd leave it up, someone else might come asking something similar. Might as well leave the answer.Thanks for the advice! But now, just for the record, please do have a very happy wedding. I'll meet you in another planet pretty soon. ;)
If you'd like I can test for you (The nice thing about a nexus 6 is being able to set whatever ppi I want.)
Another thing I noticed is that you are uploading as multiple rar files. What you can do is host via google drive, or dropbox in a single file and just link that in your post if you'd like.
...Yeah, some Android SDcard readers suck (or slow flash memory, idk) as they are really sluggish.
And on the Note 3, the only time the program is slow is when it loads the ROM image for the first time.
P.S. Did I mention that Omnimaga rocks!OFC Omnimaga rocks, thanks for acknowledging it 8)!
Hi all, I was trying to run the 153 on oneplus 3t, its on 7.1.1 right now. nspiroid runs and launches the nspire OS but while the loading bar is in middle the app crashes. Any ideas? I tried the same everything on Nexus 5 (android 5.1.1) which works all fine.Hi cas4500, Welcome to Omnimaga!
Thank you for this nice and useful app. I'm using it in my Samsung Galaxy Tab S2. This is great. But when after closing the app and in run again it need to boot and it take while time to boot. Is there a way to prevent this trouble? I think the firebird emu solve this problem with snapshot file.Welcome to Omnimaga!
Any idea please?
keyboard error?Hi there!
Hi,You'll have to dump the rom for your own calculator. We do now allow sharing roms on this site. As per the rules (https://ourl.ca/rules).
Somebody can share rom, or can you tell me where can I find T310CX_CAS N128.bin.
Illegal content, including copyrighted material (such as TI's copyrighted software).