Author Topic: Nspiroid - TI-Nspire emulator on Android (ZenFone 5)  (Read 175429 times)

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Using TInspire CAS as a Tool (Hundreds of Problems and Associated Libraries)
« Reply #135 on: April 28, 2016, 04:47:26 am »
My passion is to help EVERYONE readily “get” and have confidence in their ability to do math.

Using TInspire CAS as a Tool enables students struggling with math to succeed; hard working students to shine; and gifted students to increase their understanding and problem solving skills.

Attached you will find the file that contains a complete set of ‘tns’ files for my Kindle eBook, TInspire Guide Algebra Fundamentals, and the addendum I wrote for my Graphing Calculator Tutorial, published by Cengage. Hope that using the nspiroid emulator and TI handheld you find the files and associated libraries useful.

Kindle eBook, TInspire Guide Algebra Fundamentals files are located in the TGAlgFundV1 Directory.

Addendum files for the Graphing Calculator Tutorial were built to be self-contained so they can be referenced anywhere at any time on any TInspire CAS device or emulator without needing the original CD the Tutorial came on or its textbook. They are located in the BCAddendum directory.

You will also need the libraries found in the MyLib directory.

More information can be found at HSpiro karmTI emulator thread. I used it to create a Flash rom containing all of files and libraries. I then loaded it into nspiroid emulator.

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Re: Nspiroid - TI-Nspire emulator on Android (ZenFone 5)
« Reply #136 on: May 03, 2016, 06:16:19 pm »
Hi there,

I've been working on a way to theme Nspiroid and I think by now I already have a solution on how to do it.  Below you can get a feel for the looks' difference using the standard theme and a gradient background one. The example shows a Samsung Tab S2 8.0 'wearing' the default theme versus a colorized one.

Usually math geeks do not give much importance to these accessory details. I personally think it can be fun for some young people, though. ;)

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Re: Nspiroid - TI-Nspire emulator on Android (ZenFone 5)
« Reply #137 on: May 10, 2016, 07:38:16 pm »
Nspiroid update v1.40:

What's new: Support for theming (aka skinning) the keypad. A simple theme editor for the keypad keyBackground gradient drawable is included.

Theme editor features:
 * Offers a choice of different(16) background gradients and then lets you modify each of them, for instance: the stroke's width and color, the corner radius and the gradient angle.
 * You can save the edited theme to a file and also load a new theme from file.
 * In case you don't like the changes you can always revert to the initial theme (the grayish one)

Some effort has been put onto this extra facility, but is not yet finished, as usual . Final touches always require more time. Anyway, I feel it's time to let you know about it.
Other than that, I also did some better tunning of the supported devices layouts.

Attached are two animated gifs for Nspiroid and its theme editor made with screenies from my phone (Asus Selfie). Things will look a bit different on tablets, but the functionality should be about the same.

As always, please report any bug you might find. Have fun with colors,

Edit1: I forgot to mention that Nspiroid themes (aka skins) are stored in the /sdcard/nspire/skins directory, which must exist.
Edit2: I'm attaching a sample theme file 'Nspiroid_Theme_QuickStart.txt' which you can place in your phone/tablet's /sdcard/nspire/skins directory.
After the theme is loaded ("Settings->Keypad theme->Save or load theme->Load...->Load Nspiroid theme") Nspiroid should look like the next attached picture 'QuickStartTheme_land_MemoPad.png'.

Offline Nik Barbour

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Re: Nspiroid - TI-Nspire emulator on Android (ZenFone 5)
« Reply #138 on: July 16, 2016, 06:06:44 am »
Hi - great emulator. Thanks for sharing it.
The UI is a little messed up on my Samsung Note 4 SM-N910F running LP5.0.1 though, just for feedback purposes.
In portrait, the keys don't fill the screen leaving a blank strip at the bottom.
And in Landscape, the menu key and 2 other  keys to the right of the direction pad are all obscured by the overlapped keyboard.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2016, 07:41:46 am by Nik Barbour »

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Re: Nspiroid - TI-Nspire emulator on Android (ZenFone 5)
« Reply #139 on: July 16, 2016, 09:30:51 am »
Hi Nik,

Thanks for your interest on Nspiroid. The problem that Nspiroid has with your phone, has to do with pixel density. On high resolution devices (1440 x 2560 px) Nspiroid has only been tested on the Samsung S6, which has a  higher pixel density ( ~557ppi) whereas your device has only ~518ppi. (Yep, Android's density buckets can be this picky!)

BTW, you can get a more detailed specs of your device using the well known utility CPU-Z. I'll see if I can find a fix for it.

Edit1: Please try the following quick fix version (v1.41) and tell me how did it go.
Edit2: Anybody out there? Shall I delete this post?

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Re: Nspiroid - TI-Nspire emulator on Android (ZenFone 5)
« Reply #140 on: August 08, 2016, 05:59:46 pm »
@SpiroH I'd leave it up, someone else might come asking something similar. Might as well leave the answer.
If you'd like I can test for you (The nice thing about a nexus 6 is being able to set whatever ppi I want.)

Another thing I noticed is that you are uploading as multiple rar files. What you can do is host via google drive, or dropbox in a single file and just link that in your post if you'd like.

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Re: Nspiroid - TI-Nspire emulator on Android (ZenFone 5)
« Reply #141 on: August 18, 2016, 09:25:03 am »
@SpiroH I'd leave it up, someone else might come asking something similar. Might as well leave the answer.
If you'd like I can test for you (The nice thing about a nexus 6 is being able to set whatever ppi I want.)

Another thing I noticed is that you are uploading as multiple rar files. What you can do is host via google drive, or dropbox in a single file and just link that in your post if you'd like.
Thanks for the advice! But now, just for the record, please do have a very happy wedding. I'll meet you in another planet pretty soon. ;)

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Re: Nspiroid - TI-Nspire emulator on Android (ZenFone 5)
« Reply #142 on: August 27, 2016, 04:22:08 am »
Nspiroid update v1.50.

What's new:

1. Low resolution devices (improved support) . Currently the supported device classes (13) are as follows:

Tablet (9):
   1024 x 600,      AR: 16:9.4,    ex: Asus ZenPad C           7.0" , ~170 ppi (mdpi)
   1024 x 768,      AR:  4:3,        ex: Acer Iconia A1             7.9" , ~162 ppi (mdpi)
   1280 x 800,      AR: 16:10,     ex: BQ Maxwell2               7.0" , ~160 ppi (mdpi)   
   1280 x 800,      AR: 16:10,     ex: Asus MemoPad           7.0" , ~216 ppi (tvdpi->hdpi)
   1920 x 1200,    AR: 16:10,     ex: Asus PadFone S          9.4" , ~251 ppi (hdpi)
   2048 x 1536,    AR:  4:3,        ex: Samsung Tab S2         9.7" , ~264 ppi   (hdpi)    
   2048 x 1536,    AR:  4:3,        ex: Asus ZenPad S            8.0" , ~320 ppi   (xhdpi)
   2048 x 1536,    AR:  4:3,        ex: Samsung Tab S2         8.0" , ~320 ppi (xhdpi)
   2560 x 1600,    AR: 16:10,     ex: Samsung Tab Pro        8.4" , ~320 ppi (xhdpi)      
Phone (4):
      540 x 960,     AR:  9:16,      ex: Samsung S4 Mini         4.3" , ~256 ppi (hdpi)   
      720 x 1280,   AR:  9:16,      ex: Asus ZenFone5           5.0" , ~294 ppi   (xhdpi)
   1080 x 1920,    AR:  9:16,      ex: Asus Selfie                  5.5" , ~403 ppi   (xxhdpi)      
   1440 x 2560,    AR:  9:16,      ex: Samsung S6               5.1" , ~577 ppi (xxxhdpi)   

   AR - Aspect Ratio
   Android bucket densities (ppi): mdpi=160; hdpi=240; xhdpi=320; xxhdpi=480; xxxhdpi=640   
   Please note that, by design, only phones with AR 9:16 are supported. This covers a significant share of devices on the market.

2. Emulator settings: change the emulator speed (or rather the throttle delay) to better match the application needs to the target CPU (x86 or ARM) performance.

3. Theme settings: the Gradient Editor has 4 extra 'user gradients' where is also possible specify the gradient start and end colors (unlike the fixed-colors gradients).

4. Device utilities: LCDInfo and CPUInfo. LCDInfo is particularly useful to help sorting out keypad layout issues; CPUInfo displays a table with various cpu specs.

5. Other improvements: resources and code have been somewhat streamlined. Meaning, more functionality and smaller overall size.
I hope you enjoy it.

  I'm attaching a Nspiroid v150 light that runs only on phones. Its size is much smaller (< 1 MB ), so it might come in handy.
  BTW, this phone-version already fixes a (small) bug in the full-version. Unfortunately, these things can happen  :( .

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Re: Nspiroid - TI-Nspire emulator on Android (ZenFone 5)
« Reply #143 on: September 08, 2016, 09:06:49 am »
Update v1.52: Large tablets support (> 10")
1. Lenovo Yoga2 Pro, 13.3" (2560 x 1440): I've managed to integrate this tablet, with a low cost in terms of overall executable size. Sometime ago I posted a Yoga2Pro-only version (v1.19). Now Nspiroid includes some new features (keypad theming + other stuff). Judging from the number of downloads, I assume there's some interest in it, especially by educators (given its rather high price).
2. Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 Plus, 10.1" (2560 x 1600): Another interesting large tablet (due to go on sale this very month) still with a pretty high price tag for students ($300).

3. Bug fixes: A bug in v1.50 which would prevent the favourites popup from showing (on xhdpi phones AFAICT).  Other minor fixes.


Offline MichaelaJoy

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Re: Nspiroid - TI-Nspire emulator on Android (ZenFone 5)
« Reply #144 on: October 16, 2016, 07:16:15 pm »
Hi SpiroH,
Firstly, I'd like to say thank you to you for producing this excellent Android App. I'm running it on a Samsung Galaxy Verizon Note3 (SM-N900V)
And it runs really great.

The OS image I'm using is CAS CX

It takes a while to initialize, but it works great.

I am, however, having a slight problem with the arrows on the touchpad. for some reason, the up,down,left, and right arrows are not working for me.
I'm still testing it out. It may be operator error. :)

Best of luck.

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Re: Nspiroid - TI-Nspire emulator on Android (ZenFone 5)
« Reply #145 on: October 16, 2016, 09:53:53 pm »
Hi Michaela,

Thanks. Could you please try it with an older OS version? The OS version I normally use, before anything else, is this one: CAS CX OS I know, is a bit older but is also lighter and faster.
You should be able to download it from the TI site or TI-Planet. About the arrows problem on the touchpad, I've never experienced that myself and I have a phone with similar specs to yours.
ATM, i have no clue about what that might be. Good luck.

Offline MichaelaJoy

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Re: Nspiroid - TI-Nspire emulator on Android (ZenFone 5)
« Reply #146 on: October 18, 2016, 08:35:49 am »
Hi SpiroH,
As I thought, it was operator error with regards to the arrow keys.  ::)

And on the Note 3, the only time the program is slow is when it loads the ROM image for the first time.
Once the OS image is loaded, it's -lightning- fast. For both OSes.

Thanks again for all your hard work, and for your fast reply.

Warmest Regards,

P.S. Did I mention that Omnimaga rocks!

Offline SpiroH

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Re: Nspiroid - TI-Nspire emulator on Android (ZenFone 5)
« Reply #147 on: October 22, 2016, 10:44:50 am »
And on the Note 3, the only time the program is slow is when it loads the ROM image for the first time.
Yeah, some Android SDcard readers suck (or slow flash memory, idk) as they are really sluggish.
I hope you enjoy Nspiroid though.  :3

P.S. Did I mention that Omnimaga rocks!
OFC Omnimaga rocks, thanks for acknowledging it  8)!

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Re: Nspiroid - TI-Nspire emulator on Android (ZenFone 5)
« Reply #148 on: June 27, 2017, 09:17:41 am »
Release v1.53: Android Marshmallow (6.0.1) update
Hi there,

Yesterday I bought, for the first time, an Android marshmallow device (a 10.1" Lenovo Tab 3 Plus tablet, BTW).

Alas, when trying to install Nspiroid v1.52 on it it, all I got was "Unfortunately Nspiroid v1.52 has stopped" sorta error, apparently due to an even more 'misterious' "Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE", WT*?

So, without further ado, here's an update for those interested in testing Nspiroid on a marshmallow device. I haven't made any code changes to Nspiroid yet, except for the "targetSDK" in the manifest file  (yeah, with Google you'll never know what they are up to  :P, permissions stuff in this case, AACH).

Hope it helps some of you,

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Re: Nspiroid - TI-Nspire emulator on Android (ZenFone 5)
« Reply #149 on: July 24, 2017, 08:53:58 am »
Hi all, I was trying to run the 153 on oneplus 3t, its on 7.1.1 right now. nspiroid runs and launches the nspire OS but while the loading bar is in middle the app crashes. Any ideas? I tried the same everything on Nexus 5 (android 5.1.1) which works all fine.