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Re: OSLauncher 3.1
« Reply #45 on: August 02, 2012, 03:19:21 pm »
IIRC, the speed of calc84maniac's emulator was not ridiculous, and it used the best 68k emulation core for ARM platforms, Cyclone.
Performing decent emulation of a 10-12 MHz 68000 (< 3 MIPS) + associated hardware is normally well within the capabilities of a 150+ MHz (> 75 MIPS) ARM platform :)
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Re: OSLauncher 3.1
« Reply #46 on: August 02, 2012, 05:07:27 pm »
Also I am unsure if Omni staff would allow it to be posted here, since the original version that got attached here was taken down and the threads were temporarily deleted.

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Re: OSLauncher 3.1
« Reply #47 on: August 02, 2012, 07:01:41 pm »
why did they take it down?
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Re: OSLauncher 3.1
« Reply #48 on: August 02, 2012, 09:32:43 pm »
I think it was to try and salvage our image as a community to TI. Give them no further reason to block Ndless, iirc. That or various legal issues that could arise. I know that PTT Killer was taken down for similar reasons.

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Re: OSLauncher 3.1
« Reply #49 on: August 02, 2012, 10:38:10 pm »
I wouldnt think a TI-89 emulator in a program could be that bad... as long as it still required a rom i cant see the legal troubles
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Re: OSLauncher 3.1
« Reply #50 on: August 03, 2012, 01:12:22 am »
I wouldnt think a TI-89 emulator in a program could be that bad... as long as it still required a rom i cant see the legal troubles
I think the "bad thing" they are talking about was OSLauncher, not the 68k emu. But maybe the 68k emu is a "bad thing" too since it can bring the CAS to a calc that doesn't have it. At least it is not its main purpose, unlike OSLauncher.
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Re: OSLauncher 3.1
« Reply #51 on: August 03, 2012, 01:44:06 am »
EDIT: I replied about the initial goal of OSLauncher, while you and jwalker focused on the main _practical_ purpose, so we weren't talking about the same thing...

At least it is not its main purpose, unlike OSLauncher.
Wrong, you should know better. It's sad to see members of the community misunderstanding OSLauncher that grossly, and misrepresenting its purpose...

As I've explained multiple times:
* the main purpose of OSLauncher is not to bring CAS functionality to the CAS-capable model sold as non-CAS, it is to hot-launch arbitrary OS. Besides, OSLauncher was released alongside with DummyOS, and without any instructions on running the CAS OS on the CAS-capable model sold as non-CAS;
* OSLauncher is absolutely no threat to the acceptance of the Nspire in standardized testing...

But needless to say, launching the CAS OS on the CAS-capable model sold as non-CAS was a testcase that I executed on my calculator :)
Still, It's not our fault if the CAS OS runs unmodified (well, at least, when one manages to achieve a successful launch) with OSLauncher.

I'm one of the very few persons of the community who can't be blamed for the fact people didn't make alternative OS for the Nspire (making DummyOS much less dummy, simply by porting an existing OS to the Nspire, etc.): I released OSLauncher, after all. But nobody cares about the Nspire...
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 02:04:48 am by Lionel Debroux »
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Re: OSLauncher 3.1
« Reply #52 on: August 03, 2012, 01:53:06 am »
Wrong, you should know better. It's pretty sad to see members of the community misunderstanding OSLauncher that grossly, and misrepresenting its purpose...

As I've explained multiple times:
* the main purpose of OSLauncher is not to bring CAS functionality to the CAS-capable model sold as non-CAS, it is to hot-launch arbitrary OS. Besides, OSLauncher was released alongside with DummyOS, and without any instructions on running the CAS OS on the CAS-capable model sold as non-CAS;
* OSLauncher is absolutely no threat to the acceptance of the Nspire in standardized testing...

But needless to say, launching the CAS OS on the CAS-capable model sold as non-CAS was a testcase that I executed on my calculator :)
Still, It's not our fault if the CAS OS runs unmodified (well, at least, when one manages to achieve a successful launch) with OSLauncher.

I'm one of the very few persons of the community who can't be blamed for the fact people didn't make alternative OS for the Nspire (making DummyOS much less dummy, simply by porting an existing OS to the Nspire, etc.): I released OSLauncher, after all. But nobody cares about the Nspire...
Sorry, I didn't express my self right. I was not talking about the purpose of the program but about the purpose of users. Of course some of them want to downgrade for some reasons, but you have to agree that most of them are using this to put the CAS on a non-CAS calc ;)
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 02:02:29 am by Hayleia »
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Re: OSLauncher 3.1
« Reply #53 on: August 03, 2012, 01:54:40 am »
But that is what everyone is using it for though, to launch a CAS OS.
If the original pupose was not too launch a CAS OS, then could you write code to block any CAS OS?

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Offline Lionel Debroux

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Re: OSLauncher 3.1
« Reply #54 on: August 03, 2012, 02:02:50 am »
If the original pupose was not too launch a CAS OS, then could you write code to block any CAS OS?
As I have probably already explained as well, anybody could add code to that effect, but it would be useless because anybody could remove that code ;)

The same holds for Ndless containing special code to prevent it from working in PTT mode. If anyone were to commit such fundamentally undesirable changes, I'd use my commit access to the Ndless SVN repository to revert them.
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Re: OSLauncher 3.1
« Reply #55 on: August 03, 2012, 02:26:50 am »
Actually I kinda got confused with PTTKiller here (which was the file that got taken down). My bad.

The main thing Omni tries to salvage as reputation towards TI is not helping members to cheat in tests. I think that a release of OSLauncher with limited doc could possibly be tolerated on Omni.

The main issue with OSLauncher here is that most people who want to use it only want to do so to cheat in math tests, where CAS models are banned. I remember when members would sign up here asking "How do I run CAS on non-CAS? I need CAS else I'll fail my math exam it's URGENT!".

I assume that staff could possibly tolerate a copy being posted on Omni, but they would not tolerate elaborate discussions or tutorials on how to run a CAS OS on a non-CAS model. Not only that would tarnish our reputation among TI, but also other calc sites (remember the Free PRIZM training answers leak incident? Or the controversy that resulted from SimonLothar's possible release of a tool to read non-cg10 pictures on a cg10?). There were already enough bad things said about Omnimaga elsewhere in the TI community in the past.

You would probably have to ask staff permission to make sure.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 02:27:22 am by DJ_O »

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Re: OSLauncher 3.1
« Reply #56 on: August 03, 2012, 02:33:41 am »
Actually I kinda got confused with PTTKiller here (which was the file that got taken down). My bad.

Ndless is already a PTTKiller. Just put things in ndless/startup/ folder and it will be launched at startup even in PTT mode.

Problem ?
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Offline Hayleia

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Re: OSLauncher 3.1
« Reply #57 on: August 03, 2012, 02:42:49 am »
Ndless is already a PTTKiller. Just put things in ndless/startup/ folder and it will be launched at startup even in PTT mode.

Problem ?
No, Ndless has the possibility to kill PTT but PTTKiller does kill it. And once again (truly this time), Ndless purpose is not to kill PTT while PTTKiller's purpose is.
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Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Offline Lionel Debroux

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Re: OSLauncher 3.1
« Reply #58 on: August 03, 2012, 02:43:37 am »
There were already enough bad things said about Omnimaga elsewhere in the TI community in the past.
Indeed, but wouldn't the unacceptable move of censoring free speech and distribution of ideas and code, about our basic user rights to run whatever we please on our calculators (freedom to tinker), result in more bad things said about Omnimaga, and making Omnimaga less relevant ? :)
Perhaps the censorship exercised in the PTTKiller episode has already resulted in bad things said about Omnimaga...

The staff will indeed have to make a decision on the matter - being good citizens caring about their fellow users' rights, or keeping to side with TI in not caring about users' rights :)
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Offline Levak

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Re: OSLauncher 3.1
« Reply #59 on: August 03, 2012, 02:54:49 am »
Ndless is already a PTTKiller. Just put things in ndless/startup/ folder and it will be launched at startup even in PTT mode.

Problem ?
No, Ndless has the possibility to kill PTT but PTTKiller does kill it. And once again (truly this time), Ndless purpose is not to kill PTT while PTTKiller's purpose is.

one line of C
Code: [Select]
rename("/documents/myfolder", "/exammode/usr/myfolder");
I can't see how more simple it could be. PTTKiller is just an already-made code, it is not difficult to understand, even for newbies who never programmed.
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