I've been working on a pseudo-3D (using ray casting) engine for the TI-Nspire. Chokosta has already made one (actually I got the idea from him), but I want to have a flexible and fast engine that could eventually be used to make some sort of games. Lua on the TI-Nspire is already quite slow, and so I will try and optimize the most critical parts as much as Lua allows it to have a decent rendering frame rate. At the moment I am in the testing phase, trying different techniques of ray casting (namely, using vectors like Lode Vandevenne in his tutorial does, or using angles) as I want to have good and clear code while still being fast. Also for texture mapping I have a few choices, so I'll have to weigh all that and choose the ones that suit the best.
As a summary, what I will try to make is an engine that has/is:
- A decent rendering frame rate
- Easy-to-use, easily configurable and flexible
- Texture mapping on walls
- Various rendering effects
- Some sort of fog
- Other stuff that I can't remember
As I love splash screens and screenshots in general, here you go:

Ain't much else for now. Let's just hope making this thread will keep me motivated. :*