I have decided to revive this thread because i was embarrased people are still downloading older versions here...
Anyway, i will quickly cover what i did post-omnimaga.
The speed of PocketSNES has significantly improved since then, especially after i have ported the core of SnesEx 1.39
to PocketSNES.
You have now 4 different files : their core range from being the fatest to the most compatible.
To give you an idea how fast it is (with PocketSNES 1.39 minimal version) :
Super Mario World is so fast, it runs fullspeed on my 266Mhz Nspire with no frameskippign.
Super Mario Kart is much faster than it used to be.
There's also now a more accurate core that emulates the APU.
Games like Ys V now work.
Remember Hugo ?
Since then, Exophase released the source code to Temper, a much better PC-Engine emulator.
You can now emulate CD games too, provided you remove the CDDA tracks from the games.
To play games, you need a syscard filed called "syscards3.pce.tns" in the syscards folder created by Temper.
Things will go even faster once i fully switch the input code to native. (sadly not easy in temper's case)
Potator is a Supervision emulator. It can run all games fullspeed at 266Mhz.
Without overclocking, it runs games at 45 FPS.
This new version is much faster than the previous SDL-based version.
Gameblabla's Oswan
Gameblabla's Oswan is a much improved version of Oswan with greater accuracy and speed.
This new version is faster and crashes much less than the previous one.
Super Methane Brothers
Super Methane Brothers was originally an Amiga game that was remade by rombust.
It's a decent game based on the Bubble Bobble and Mario Bros.
Vecx is a vectrex emulator.
It's not amazingly fast but it does have support for overlays.
A really fast Master system/Game Gear emulator.
It can emulate a good portion of them and has a good framerate, even when not overclocked.
A port of Wolf4SDL for TI Nspire.
It runs at a decent pace and it is provided with the shareware files.
You can download it hereMy original gamesHelicopt3rs
A clone of Swing Copt3rs i wrote, originally for 3DO.
I posted in another thread here but this version is much faster. (and smaller too)
KillMindsA puzzle game based on Quartet.
Where's DerpyA Where's Waldo-like game where you have to find Derpy and the three muffins in twenty seconds.
You can download it here.You can download everything i have posted down below.