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I won't risk putting boot2 v3.xxx on my nspire cuz I don't want to live with the impossibility to downgrade to OS 2.1 however it looks that ndless3 is near from being out. So maybe it is wiser to wait a while and try all Lua programs out there until it is out that to spend the time and effort on downgrading for nothing...
nspire_emu.exe /MC /N /F=emu.bin /PO=c:\nspire.tnc
Code: [Select]nspire_emu.exe /MC /N /F=emu.bin /PO=c:\nspire.tncThat's the command, isnt't it?
Code: [Select]nspire_emu.exe /MC /N /F=emu.bin /PO=c:\nspire.tnc
nspire_emu /B=boot2.raw /MC /PO=os.tnc