(This should probably be in news)
TI-Planet is having a big programming contest, and this time it's to make an AI for the game Wumpus. The full description is
http://tiplanet.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=144685#p144685 but basically, you have to kill the monster with your arrow and get the treasure and then leave. The Lua script will only tell you information about your immediate surroundings though, so it's tricky

I got that from Google Translate/English part of post, so could someone explain these things to me:
1. Is there a limit to n (number of rooms)? Because the window just looks ridiculous once n>16 or so.
2. Could someone please translate these two lines? They didn't do well with Google Translate:
"La seule chose interdite sous peine de disqualification est d'utiliser/modifier les autres fonctions ou variables préfournies par le script."
"soit l'opposé du numéro d'une salle voisine dans laquelle tirer une flèche pour y tuer le Wumpus"
3. What type of calculator will this be run on? Can I assume that it has Ndless r825 and that it's an Nspire CX or Nspire CX CAS (NOT a black/white calc)?