Hey Guys,
I was working on a puzzle game for the TI-NSpire calculators. It is called Towers. The game board represents a city grid with buildings of various heights represented only by the height. Looking at the buildings from a spot you can see a certain number of buildings. If a building of a smaller height is behind a taller building it is obscured. The number on the side represent the number of buildings you can see from that position.
Included is a document showing an example game and the rules. So hopefully the game will make more sense if it sounds confusing.
The game can be played with external levels (included is a small example level). There are 24 levels built in; and you can view the solution with the 'tab' key. You can undo/redo any moves.
All of the source files are included.
Give it a try and let me know what you think!

Here some video/images! Have a great day!