Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => TI-Nspire => Topic started by: aeTIos on March 14, 2013, 09:44:22 pm
You can download the most recent "stable" versions from these links:
Clickpad (
Touchpad (
CX (
original post:
A lot of people might have noticed jacobly and some other people working on/debugging a thing called "calcemu2" (Well, jacobly did the programming and the other guys tested it).. A lot of you might also have figured what it is: A z80 emulator for Nspire!
So yeah. After a lot of testing we finally came around getting something that's a bit acceptable: A graphics and input demo. It doesn't run the TI-OS yet but it is a great start already!
Demo controls: 2468 are mapped to arrows, 5 to 2nd (CX version attached). Might crash if you try to run it for the first time :)
Developer: Jacobly
Testers: DJ_O, ParkerR, Matrefeytonias, ElementCoder, adriweb, floris497, aeTIos
PS. If you tested but you aren't on the list, note me and I'll add you onto it.
Sweet! Does the new Nspire OS still have the old TI-84 emulator on it because I know that the old OS still had the old emulator on it right?
<b>Edit:</b> Even though we couldn't use it.
I don't know if the actual emulator is there. I, however, do know that there's a folder called ti84.
This is great!
When it's finished later on, i'll actually have a use for my CX :D
I wonder if you could make this work with the 84 keypad later on. That'd be cool
Don't think so because on the 84+ keypad, there's a special OS.
Don't think so because on the 84+ keypad, there's a special OS.
Are you saying that there is an OS on the 84+ keypad or it just runs a special OS when it has the keypad plugged in?
The 84+keypad contains an OS itself I believe though I might be wrong.
Yes using the 84+ keypad is possible. I already have a 84+ key-mapping written, but I don't know how to detect the type of keypad if it changes while a program is running.
Clickpad (
Touchpad (
CX (
Yes using the 84+ keypad is possible. I already have a 84+ key-mapping written, but I don't know how to detect the type of keypad if it changes while a program is running.
Clickpad (
Touchpad (
CX (
Ah, you're finally posting in this thread, I can give you another +1 :P
However, I only clicked on this thread because I knew you were working on an emulator, but I guess some people think it is yet another discussion about "when will an emulator come ?", so I think it would be a good idea to change the title into something more appealing, like "Finally a z80 emulator for Nspire !" :P
Sounds like I soon won't have any more excuses of learning z80 ASM :P Why doesn't our school allow me to send this to my calc now :( I'll give it a shot when I'm home.
Sweet! Does the new Nspire OS still have the old TI-84 emulator on it because I know that the old OS still had the old emulator on it right?
<b>Edit:</b> Even though we couldn't use it.
Only in Nspire CX OS 3.0.1, I think. It was removed later.
Also glad this is now CX compatible. The version I tried was for the Clickpad so I hoped there would be a CX version too, since it's the one that lacks 84+ emulation. Will the Click/Touchpad version still be maintained and will we continue being able to use the regular keypad, so that we don't have to swap them back and forth like with Calc84maniac's emu (causing connectors to wear out quickly)?
Clickpad (
Touchpad (
CX (
Links do not work. Mind attaching them on the first post if they're up to date? because Heliohost is absolute garbage and should die in a fire.
By the way is the already attached copy just supposed to display a chicken? ???
Yup, it's indeed a great start :)
However, I disagree with Hayleia: I don't think that the topic should be renamed (much less moved) until, at the very least, the emulator can run TI's OS and a number of third-party programs. My rationale is that not running TI's OS is a sign of significant emulation bugs or deficiencies.
PatrickD's JS TI-68k emulator is in the same situation: it can run old PedroM and AMS versions, but "recent" versions (well, AMS 2.xx and 3.xx, i.e. everything since 1999) fail to start due to emulation bugs. I've spent a while trying to fix the problems I tracked down, to no avail. I have near-zero experience in JS, and I'm not really linking this extremely weak typing in JS: I do, now, clearly understand the need for Haxe, TypeScript and suchlike typed scripting-type languages, from which JS code can be generated.
However, I disagree with Hayleia: I don't think that the topic should be renamed (much less moved) until, at the very least, the emulator can run TI's OS and a number of third-party programs.
Yeah, it is true that it is still in early stages. Renaming (but I never mentionned moving the topic, only renaming) the topic could give more motivation to Jacobly but it is true that it could also give hopes to people for something that is not (yet) complete.
So, yeah, the developper chooses according to his need for motivation :P
(but I never mentionned moving the topic, only renaming)
Yup. I mentioned it because some moderators might move the topic (some TI-Planet moderators / admins sometimes do), and I don't think it would be a good thing in the current state, it's a bit early :)
Okay note to everyone:
The game is a special version of Harvest Moon 83+. When the chicken appears, click second (CTRL on the new version, 5 on the old one) and enjoy :D
Only problem is that there's no text :p
A good start ! The program calcemu3.tns works perfectly on my TI-Nspire CX CAS.
But calcemu_cx.tns doesn't, what is its utility ?
mdr1, I don't get it D: What do you mean?
mdr1, I don't get it D: What do you mean?
I mean that the calcemu_cx.tns file always makes my calculator crash.
Every single time? Try to resend or redownload it.
Ok, I redownloaded it, the first time, the calculator was blocked so I pushed on the reset button, and the second time, it worked but the "q" key didn't work to quit the program.
By the way, why the program makes the calculator crash the first time ?
Cool to see a z80 emulator on the TI Nspire !
However, what about porting Wabbitemu instead?
I already ported it to another platform and this is quite easy because it is designed in a portable way and the GUI is not mixed with the core engine. (allowing to easily create a custom interface using a custom library)
Is WabbitEmu the most stable (as in, both relative lack of crashes, and features not breaking constantly), accurate and portable emulator ? It's not necessarily the only one with a GUI / core separation, at least.
Additionally, writing an emulator can be an interesting learning exercise :)
Although I knew this project was in the works I didn't know it was for the Nspire until this topic was made. :) Very nice!
@Lionel:It is quite stable (most of the time) and over the years it has become very popular. I think it's cool to see a Z80 emulator on the Nspire regardless of it being a port or not.
This is written in ASM so it should be faster than any port. Also a port with GUI for keys and stuff does not make sense when you use it on a device with an input interface that's very close to the thing that's emulated.
Question: Will the screen size for the CX version be changed so that each pixel are 3x3 in the future? Because the screen looks kinda small with D:
Calcemu3.tns displays a small chicken over the document screen. Calcuemu_cx.tns doesn't seem to do anything when opening it.
[edit] Pressing ctrl twice or more causes the program to space, making almost everythin black except a chicken and the bottom row.
I am sorry but I seem to be very confused.
How does one emulate a microprocessor?
No, I am not trying to be a smart-ass I am confused
Edit: Mistakes
The way I understand it is that the emulator basically creates a sandbox that intercepts and interprets all cpu, memory, graphics, etc. Could someone with more experience than I weigh in on this?
So this could lead to a ZX spectrum emulator?
In short, yes.
*.* Are you telling me that a Ti83+ will be usable on my nSpire soon? This means, theoretically, I could have the entire 8x series on one calculator, and have it run so fast I can optionally set up a throttle? Make an options menu if a full fledged emulator is written!
I love you guys.
Are you telling me that a Ti83+ will be usable on my nSpire soon?
The older Clickpad and Touchpad Nspire models had an interchangeable keypad and a 84+ emulation mode, though it was incomplete, inaccurate and slow.
And yes, a ZX Spectrum emulator is clearly possible on the Nspire, as TEZXAS for the TI-68k series ( ) is more than a decade old, and the Nspire has higher raw power (but less programmability) than the open TI-68k series.
Then that could lead to ZX programming!
Which would be awesome to have more on-calc programming
My father BEGAN his computer career on a Timex Sinclair Z80. I can emulate one of these, can't I? I suppose that hardware emulation other than just the CPU is required, things like displays, memory mapping, storage, interfaces, and data transfer are all crucial components of any device, emulated or not. I'll have to emulate a Z80 when I get my CX CAS :)
I know that the old click/touchpad nSpires had the interchangeable 84+ keypad. My friend owned two of them because his parents were rich and bought one for his sister and one for him. His sister never used it, and he never used his either,he usually borrowed on of mine. So he just had them in his bag all the time and I messed around on them, testing compatability between certain ASM programs and Applications written for the real 84+. He wouldn't mind giving me the one that he damaged the screen on I bet, and I know people love getting help from people testing things on a clickpad! The thing was slow, and one of the worst problems it had was emulating the display. Certain graphing could actually completely f*ck the display up, IIRC. Playing games was a very dangerous thing. Though, he had a very old calculator OS on his nSpire and his 84+ was 2.44 I think.
Update (same links as before). To run, rename an 84+SE rom file to "rom.tns" and send it to the same folder as the executable. Use the menu key to turn it on, and ret to exit. Many things probably don't work yet.
Looks like you're making good progress :). The CX and touchpad download links 404 for me though, clickpad link works.
Great :D
Of course not everything works, but I am sure that you won't stop there and that your emulator will become a lot better than TI's ;)
Also, does (or will) it support roms created by Wabbitemu (when on Wabbitemu we do "Save...") ?
Awesome and much-needed project! Maybe someday I can program TI-83 Plus programs on a TI-Nspire so I don't have to carry three calculators in my backpack all the time.
And then there's the inevitable: Emu8x ( on TI-84 Plus on TI-Nspire <_<
EDIT: nspire_emu in VirtualBox
Thought: Use emulate a Gb ROM on a ti84+ emulated by a ti84+SE emulated by an nSpire on windows. :) just a thought! :P
So, that much progress has been made that quickly? :D
Insert obligatory comment hoping Axe will work on it when finished. :P
Definitely keeping an eye on this :D
Looks nice so far :). And yeah hopefully this fixes all compatibility issues that TI's emulator had on clickpads.
Awesome and much-needed project! Maybe someday I can program TI-83 Plus programs on a TI-Nspire so I don't have to carry three calculators in my backpack all the time.
Woah Jacobly, that looks awesome ^^
Indeed :)
So you guys mean a calculator with a z80 microprocessor. And not a z80 microprocessor. Right? ',:|
I think they only emulated the microprocessor, not the whole ASIC or the hardware. You'd have to jury-rig that.
I'm sorry, but what? ??? @Augs
I am very confused here, I don't know much about calculators and since you guys are talking about calculators I thought this was a calculator emualtor. Is it a calculator emulation?
Yes, it is emulation of z80 based calculators (TI84 only atm I think).
Awesome. Thanks for clearing that up.
Ninja edit: So no chance of a ZX Spectrum?
Wait guys, this is actually a calculator emulator with emulated hardware. How else do y'all think this thing can actually run a TI-84+SE OS?
EDIT: nspire_emu in VirtualBox
uh ?
If I correctly understood your remark, here is mine : nspire_emu works fine under Wine.
And BTW, in order to pull something more related to the topic : Didn't this project already existed in the past or am I missing something ?
Same for 68k:
The nspire one was calc84's project, but he lost the source in a hard drive crash. Iirc it is/was hard-coded into a rom so it can't be legally shared.
I keep hearing about things calc84 lost. Was it one huge crash or just his hard drive isn't too good?
It was one huge crash afaik. Anyway, this malfunctions weirdly on my touchpad noncas. However, nice work!
Iirc it is/was hard-coded into a rom so it can't be legally shared.
I understand now. Since I had the binaries ...
I keep hearing about things calc84 lost. Was it one huge crash or just his hard drive isn't too good?
One huge crash and failure at keeping multiple backups :P (his entire Nspire work was lost, including the TI-89 emulator for the TI-Nspire)
I still have a copy of the Z80 emulator, but as Darl says, it can't be legally shared. Many people asked me on Youtube and Facebook if I could send them my copy, but I never replied to them since the reason why was stated publicly. My version lacked Garbage collecting, linking support and turning the calc OFF. It also had no speed throttling so it was barely useable in menus. Also I recall key detection not being as good as on a real calc, because in Desolate I was stuck on the title screen and intro for a few minutes trying to get past them to no avail. The ROM in it was a TI-83 Plus one that already includes Desolate, a very early build of Project M that is messed up, the downloadable F-Zero demo and MirageOS.
[hs]The downloadable F-Zero demo ? O.O I never found this one anywhere, are you able to send it to me please ?[/hs]
Anyway, jacobly will your emulator able to run custom OSes ?
Anyway, jacobly will your emulator able to run custom OSes ?
Certainly. Any emulator unable to run third-party OS, on such a limited hardware (no fancy MMU, etc.) as the TI-Z80, wouldn't be very good ;)
I foresee being able to load multiple ROMS :D
Also a ROM contains all Flash memory too, isn't it?
Can't wait until a stable release..
I foresee multiple different calcs being supported, as well as CX series support... I hope there are lots of nice features like being able to switch between calcs. Idk I'm just excited.
Anyway, jacobly will your emulator able to run custom OSes ?
Certainly. Any emulator unable to run third-party OS, on such a limited hardware (no fancy MMU, etc.) as the TI-Z80, wouldn't be very good ;)
Can I take this as a stab at the built-in TI-Nspire 84+ emulator? :P
I wonder if the built-in emulator was using a modified OS? Because I remember you couldn't send any OS to it to upgrade/downgrade.
[hs]The downloadable F-Zero demo ? O.O I never found this one anywhere, are you able to send it to me please ?[/hs]
Anyway, jacobly will your emulator able to run custom OSes ? :P
I wonder if the built-in emulator was using a modified OS?
Yup, it did use a special build.
DJ_O not this one, it's a program, and the one bundled in the emulator was an app with actuals course and opponent D:
From what I remember, though, there was another F-Zero demo posted that was kinda like the App. Or maybe I'm just being confused with the app one and there was no other demo.
But yeah as I and others said many times I can't give you the one inside the emulator because it's illegal to redistribute (it includes the calculator ROM). Just bug Calc84maniac for it.
EDIT: The file is gone from my computer now anyway (along with any e-mail copy I had that included it). Calc84maniac now has it.
EDIT: nspire_emu in VirtualBox
uh ?
If I correctly understood your remark, here is mine : nspire_emu works fine under Wine.
I think Deep Thought was joking in reference to Xzibit, as in emulating an emulator in an emulator in an emulator in an emulator.
I've done that, actually. My computer emulating Wii emulating Linux emulating Wabbit emulating a virtual calc via mnicalc emulating a TiBOYSE ROM was just for fun. :)
Unlike the last update, this one actually seems to work!
Proof (thanks to ParkerR):
Rename a 84+SE *.rom file to rom.tns and put it in the same folder as the executable. Run the executable and press [menu] to turn the calculator on and [↲] to exit the emulator.
Clickpad (
Touchpad (
CX (
Very nice!
Very cool video!
Sadly though, my CX seems to have an inability to even run it :C .
(Maybe an error, or just my CX.)
EDIT: Oh jeez, i'm an idiot.
Didn't even put the .rom in there >_>
EDIT: nspire_emu in VirtualBox
uh ?
If I correctly understood your remark, here is mine : nspire_emu works fine under Wine.
I think Deep Thought was joking in reference to Xzibit, as in emulating an emulator in an emulator in an emulator in an emulator.
Yeah, just trying to imagine how many layers of emulators we could fit in with this. (Also here's a quote in a quote in a quote.)Can't wait until a stable release..
Same, though I'll probably have to try the current version soon :D That video looks great.
Does it have to be a TI-84 Plus Silver Edition (no plain 84)?
EDIT: nspire_emu in VirtualBox
uh ?
If I correctly understood your remark, here is mine : nspire_emu works fine under Wine.
I think Deep Thought was joking in reference to Xzibit, as in emulating an emulator in an emulator in an emulator in an emulator.
Yeah, just trying to imagine how many layers of emulators we could fit in with this. (Also here's a quote in a quote in a quote.)
You was faster, I wanted to do the same joke. :D
When I launch the executable on my TI-Nspire CX CAS, nothing happens.
when I open it on my CX, it reboots my calc.
what do i have to do to make it work??
On my CX CAS, when I launch it, "nothing" happens for 1-2 seconds, and then the OS is back (the menu appears since I tried tapping on Menu to turn the 84 on)
Also, btw : what about a 84C emu since only the LCD driver changes ? :P
Added touchpad arrow support.
Fixed bug causing bootfree roms to exit the emulator.
Fixed bug causing crashes.
@adriweb Let's not get ahead of ourselves ;)
Great :)
Anyway, yes, focus on the non-color :P. But you do know you pretty much have to ask KermM (for example) for the LCD driver details ! Anyway it will be awesome ^^
I made a little video about it running OS 2.43
Improved display.
Added automatic save state on exit.
Thanks :) (Also, you should have version numbers :P)
Hello, may one of you be kind enough to tell me how to install this emulator?
Thank you.
Edit: It doesn't work on my CX
Hello, may one of you be kind enough to tell me how to install this emulator?
Thank you.
Edit: It doesn't work on my CX
1) Get a TI-84+SE rom and rename it ro "rom.tns"
2) Transfer that to your ndless/ directory
3) transfer the emulator in the same ndless/ directory
4) launch the emulator and press [menu] to turn on the 84
5) Enjoy ?
(the whold "ndless/ directory" thing is probably 100% exact, I guess you can put it anywhere as long as the emu and the rom are in the same folder)
Thank you.
However, I have one more question. Where can I get a TI-84 SE rom?
edit: you can find one on google
(can i legally put this link here???)
Hosting the roms directly like that is illegal, so ...
But yeah, ways to get ROMS are to find them through the mysterious ways of the Internet ... (:P) or to dump it from your calc.
(can i legally put this link here???)
No you can't. Omnimaga doesn't want to have to be linked to any kind of illegal stuff in any kind of way, so please remove the post/link.
Damn, :ninja:
also, adriweb, please remove the link in your quote too :)
OK, so it's the OS file?
And it should it be a .8xu file?
Hosting the roms directly like that is illegal, so ...
But yeah, ways to get ROMS are to find them through the mysterious ways of the Internet ... (:P) or to dump it from your calc.
Or to make one with Wabbit, even though it's inferior quality.
Not a 8xu file but an actual ROM dump or a Wabbit made ROM. It's actually the entire flash.
Let me help you : look at Google :P (
Question: Where can I download the latest version of the CX build other than on Heliohost?
Added automatic save state on exit.
Sounds like it acts like a full second calculator now :)
Here's a mirror :
Tried with:
84+SE ROM 2.41 (Boot code 1.00): Only a black screen shows up. Pressing Menu does nothing, even after waiting 1 minute. Can still quit fine, though.
84+SE ROM 2.53MP (Boot code 1.02): Only a black screen shows up. Pressing Menu does nothing, even after waiting 1 minute. Can still quit fine, though.
84+SE ROM 2.55MP (Bootfree 11.246): Only a black screen shows up. Pressing Menu does nothing, even after waiting 1 minute. Can still quit fine, though.
84+SE ROM 2.43 (Bootfree 11.246): Only a black screen shows up. Pressing Menu does nothing, even after waiting 1 minute. Can still quit fine, though.
I checked if they were really 84+SE ROMs and they're really 2048 KB. Do I need a ROM version in particular combined with a boot code in particular?
Btw do I need a TI-Nspire CX hardware in particular? My hardware revision is P-0411B.
The ROM discussions.. Of course they are illegal, so illegal that it's not easy to find them.
Oh yeah and SO EXCITED
Is there a speed toggle? I don't mind slowing down/speeding up the emu :) I would like to suggest a greyscale display thingy similar to Wabbit's.
Or work on the display.. It looks like Axe's perfect greyscale isn't working out on the vid of the dude playing Portal.
You should use the bottom and side of the unused screen portions as live info displays! :D
Bug report: In Doors CS, the cursor can't move. Actually it can, but incredibly slowly, unresponsive before it finally starts moving normally.
Also there are problems with For() loops: I get an ERR:INCREMENT on the following code:
You should use the bottom and side of the unused screen portions as live info displays! :D
Actually I like that idea. Another one was to use a picture of the real calc around those parts, but I like having the top bar like on the Nspire and 84+CSE. You could have the bottom say which ROM is loaded, what calc is emulating and in the case where it's not used, the sides display the boot code version or other things.
Another idea could be to just shift the display a bit lower, make the sides white then add a plain gray bar at the top displaying the calc modes like on the 84+CSE, but I'm unsure if TI would like :P
Don't do the modes like on the CSE. You're obsessing over the CSE, DJ_O! :PThink about us who wont get one until a year has passed and they have a nice library of programs and bug and hardware fixes/revisions.
Real calc picture is wasting that space, which could be used to show FPS, speed, memory, and help tabs. It could be used for option tabs like file transfer or setup wizards.
I say you make a directory that can be explored so somebody could have a huge directory of files to transfer to their emulated calc. Thats like expanding storage memory indefinately :)
An options bar would fit perfectly there!
I'm not obsessing over the 84+CSE. It's actually for people who don't want to buy one but like the interface. :P
This looks quite nice! I'll have to give it a try on my cx soon. :)
On a side note, once this is completed, is there a PRIZM C version planned?
Would be nice to see a Prizm version indeed, especially seeing that the keypad/ports are similar. (except it's not a mini-AB for the usb but oh well).
It's working for me anyways. :)
I take it linking isn't implemented yet :P Could be possible to have 2nd>Link point to a folder or something?
I testet the emulator for some time and i discovered some things that won't work.
1. random numbers:
I tested the random numbers and i found out that they where not in the range that is specified.
after a little bit of testing you can see a pattern on calc emu the where in this case the amount of different numbers that can be given (11) + one of the negative numbers gives the number wabbit emu gives me (this is probably the same on TI-84SE).
calcemu 9 -6 4 -9 5 0 -1 -1 0 -8 0 -3 -2 2 0 -1 -1 -7 -8 3
wabbit 9 5 4 2 5 0 10 10 0 3 0 8 9 2 0 10 10 4 3 3
the output on calcemu is the same when you take randInt(10,20) and probably also with randInt(5,15) randInt(100,110) ect.
2. the Solver gives me an ERR: ITERATIONS after a long time of calculating :(
Hello I am back, I looked into the ROM thing and apparently you can get one from wabbitemu.
And there any differences between the original ones and the wabbitemu ones?
Also I noticed that the clock doesn't work properly.
Hello I am back, I looked into the ROM thing and apparently you can get one from wabbitemu.
And there any differences between the original ones and the wabbitemu ones?
The WabbitEmu ROM builder creates a ROM image using the open-source BootFree boot code, along with the latest 8XU file from TI's website, instead of the actual (copyrighted) boot code used by the real calculator. That way, anything that's in the ROM is already freely distributable.
There are some minor quirks, but it works.
And there any differences between the original ones and the wabbitemu ones?
The difference is what boot code the ROM uses. The open-source one is good for general use on emulated calcs, but the TI boot code is needed if you want to emulate the calc in a very accurate manner, and I think the open-source one has some kind of issue that prevents it from being used on physical calcs. WabbitEmu is also able to create a ROM with the TI boot code if you provide a dump of the code.
EDIT: Ah, seems like I was ninja'd.
I'm not obsessing over the 84+CSE. It's actually for people who don't want to buy one but like the interface. :P
If this isn't "promoting illegal ROM distribution" Idk what is xD Nahh I don't mean it DJ_O. But seriously.
I testet the emulator for some time and i discovered some things that won't work.
1. random numbers:
I tested the random numbers and i found out that they where not in the range that is specified.
after a little bit of testing you can see a pattern on calc emu the where in this case the amount of different numbers that can be given (11) + one of the negative numbers gives the number wabbit emu gives me (this is probably the same on TI-84SE).
calcemu 9 -6 4 -9 5 0 -1 -1 0 -8 0 -3 -2 2 0 -1 -1 -7 -8 3
wabbit 9 5 4 2 5 0 10 10 0 3 0 8 9 2 0 10 10 4 3 3
the output on calcemu is the same when you take randInt(10,20) and probably also with randInt(5,15) randInt(100,110) ect.
2. the Solver gives me an ERR: ITERATIONS after a long time of calculating :(
So randint(A,B) returns Plus or Minus (B-A)+1 the actual value that Wabbit or a real calculator SHOULD return?
And there any differences between the original ones and the wabbitemu ones?
The difference is what boot code the ROM uses. The open-source one is good for general use on emulated calcs, but the TI boot code is needed if you want to emulate the calc in a very accurate manner, and I think the open-source one has some kind of issue that prevents it from being used on physical calcs. WabbitEmu is also able to create a ROM with the TI boot code if you provide a dump of the code.
Of course, you're still expected to have a physical calculator of that model.
(In which case you can easily get an accurate ROM image from your real calculator, such as with TiLP or rom8x.)
I'm not obsessing over the 84+CSE. It's actually for people who don't want to buy one but like the interface. :P
If this isn't "promoting illegal ROM distribution" Idk what is xD Nahh I don't mean it DJ_O. But seriously.
Not even close. If someone decides to make a TI-84+ emulator that fakes the TI-84+CSE interface in any way it doesn't automatically makes it ROM sharing. You might want to cut down on the trolling lately because if you haven't noticed your total post rating level seems to be going down as days goes by.
I was confused about what you meant with the interface, DJ_O. Nevermind.
May someone please tell me how to do a " symbol?
Find it in catalog (2nd 0) think thats the only option for now i think?
The guy in the video doesn't do that.
ah i found it: [ shift ] + [ + ]
I see many people asking for the emulator's keys. But the principle is very simple and the same as Wabbitemu :
If you want the press the "(" key, you can see that the corresponding alpha key on the real calculator is "K", so you just have to press "K" on the emulator. Of course, some keys don't have any letter corresponding :
menu => ON
ESC => mode
scratchpad => zoom
tab => X,T,Θ,n
ctrl => 2nd
shift => alpha
var => vars
del => clear
"=" => "Y="
trig => Window
"key for some formula models" => trace
book => graph
pi => stats
"?!" => (-)
"flag" => DEL
"newline" => quit the emulator
EDIT : for the parenthesis, you can also use the "(" and ")" keys.
Thanks for that, but the rom im using (2.41) 84pse isnt working im going to take a new rom dump now and see if that works
Hum, you should update to 2.43 <_<
so with this, does that mean the Nspire can have all those extra features that the 84 keypad lacks?
Like maybe nspire people could get mirageOS and those other games that wouldn't work before?
Yes, that's what a usable third-party TI-Z80 emulator means :)
Even if the 84+ <-> Nspire Touchpad keyboard mapping proves a horrible annoyance for those who are very much used to the 84+ keyboard, but on the CX, there's no way around that.
Yes, that's what a usable third-party TI-Z80 emulator means :)
Even if the 84+ <-> Nspire Touchpad keyboard mapping proves a horrible annoyance for those who are very much used to the 84+ keyboard, but on the CX, there's no way around that.
Now this will be interesting. I've got an 84+SE, and I've dumped the rom before, now its a matter of finding it in old documents. And yea, I forgot about the CX, this will help them majorly! Nice job Jacobly! So have we figured out a way to plug say a flash drive into the nspire and read from it?
I have problems running it ???
I have a CX CAS, a 84+SE rom that I initially dumped from my own 84+SE but it is now a save state from Wabbitemu, I put both in the ndless folder (the rom being named rom.rns), then I run calcemu_cx and get a grey screen (with the red bar on top) with nothing happening, even when I press Menu ??? I can still quit fine though.
I seem to have accidentally uploaded a broken version... so here's an update.
On key moved to nspire's on key.
You can now add something like ext.rom=calcemu_version to ndless.cfg.tns and you can open both rom files and save files directly.
Some bug fixes, probably.
The classic versions are completely untested, so run at your own risk, or something (If anyone tests, please let me know if it works).
Will we ever be able to load programs on the calc. What I mean by this is getting a TI-84+SE file and renaming it to <Program name>.tns putting in on the calc and running it from the emulator? Or is modifying the ROM file impossible on the calculator?
Ti-Programmer: yes, we theoretically can plug in a flash drive and read from it, but that requires Linux, as far as I have seen, and the flash chip driver does not work, so files cannot be transferred to the calculator from the flash drive.
Ti-Programmer: yes, we theoretically can plug in a flash drive and read from it, but that requires Linux, as far as I have seen, and the flash chip driver does not work, so files cannot be transferred to the calculator from the flash drive.
Ah, thanks for clearing that up. And welcome to the forums, I'm a bit late to say that, but welcome all the same!
I like the way you did your sig, those bars look nice.
Hmm.... if we could get transfers to and from calc to flash drive, that would be amazing.
Thanks :)
This may be a new topic in itself, but ExtendeD was working on the USB drivers, but never got to a release. I imagine that the Linux source would have usable USB code in it, since it uses USB devices well.
as far as I have seen, and the flash chip driver does not work, so files cannot be transferred to the calculator from the flash drive.
From Linux, the problem is not so much with the Flash chip driver as with the fact that there's no driver for the proprietary Datalight Reliance filesystem used by TI, layered on top of the FlashFX proprietary layer. Linux has support for dozens of filesystems, but not this one.
From TI's OS, the problem is that it does not support Mass Storage Devices.
But indeed, we're getting into off-topic territory :)
I fixed For( loops, graphing, and who knows what else... all with one character of code. :D
Awesome, congratulations :D
That's impressive.
I just got a chance to test the clickpad version, and it does not seem to work. it just gives me a blank screen. I can still exit but it takes a while.
By the way, you made some changes to nspire_emu? I would like to know what you did. It might fix compatibility issues with other programs.
Make sure you have the right rom. Also you have to press menu to start it up.
ah, I thought the 'on' key was moved to the Nspire's ON key. What is the right ROM? I dumped my own multiple times, and only BootFree roms seem to work. Other roms just display a blank screen.
The pixels are readable, but there is some white space on some of them.
Idea: for the people who have memorized the 84 keymap, could we use the letter keys as direct-mapped keys?
ah, I thought the 'on' key was moved to the Nspire's ON key.
jacobly did say that but I don't think he's posted an download since then so that's probably in the next update.
Idea: for the people who have memorized the 84 keymap, could we use the letter keys as direct-mapped keys?
Yes! It would be nice to have a drawing of the Nspire and the 84+SE next to each other showing arrows to translate the keys.
i'm busy with the concept of it: (
I finally got the popover placement working so i can focus on getting the ti-84 map in place.
any suggestion for functions to add?
Oh wow awesome!
any suggestion for functions to add?
Maybe add it backwards? So showing a TI-84+SE and the corresponding Nspire key
Edit: Fixed comment
Maybe add it backwards? So showing a TI-84+SE and the corresponding Nspire key
i'm busy with that :)
it takes some time to discover the capabilities of bootstrap.
Oh and since I bookmarked it I noticed it has no Icon, I know it's very minor.
Edit: you got the X key wrong. It should be: [ x ]
[ -> ]
ctrl: [ RCL ]
shift: [ x ]
Oh and since I bookmarked it I noticed it has no Icon, I know it's very minor.
i will add an icon later :)
i wanted the version i posted on the forum to stay working as it is
so i'm working on it at another place:
but you might find some strange things here since i'm constantly editing it.
if i get another working version I place it to the first URL.
Ok, glad you are doing this.
jacobly, I think we are missing a [stat] button.
jacobly, I think we are missing a [stat] button.
it's the pi sign
when I launch calcemu I only get a grey screen with the battery level, I pressed on and menu, and I loaded the rom (2.55MP) I cant exit either, I have a CX
Fixed some bugs with the classic versions. I'm fairly certain it works now, but let me know whether it works anyway.
Edit: Oh yeah, I also significantly decreased the size of all versions.
Press next line(Small enter) to exit.
jacobly, can you do something with a version number in the black bezel? so we know which version and build we are in.
I made a map to find the keys, it's not done but it is useable.
you can find it here -> (
Awesome, thanks
BTW, not sure if it was clarified, but aeTIos, the 84+ pad is just a keypad. It has certain wires shorted to ground rather than vcc so the calc can tell which one it is. It doesn't store the OS.
It does have a few bits for debouncing the link port, but nothing as big as a flash chip. The keypad port is just raw I/O for the most part.
BTW, not sure if it was clarified, but aeTIos, the 84+ pad is just a keypad. It has certain wires shorted to ground rather than vcc so the calc can tell which one it is. It doesn't store the OS.
It does have a few bits for debouncing the link port, but nothing as big as a flash chip. The keypad port is just raw I/O for the most part.
Oh I thought it actually stored the OS on it. Munchor made a post that kinda implied that a while ago.
Nope, in fact that is pretty much the whole reason the nonCAS and CAS nspire OS differ in size. The ROM is nearly exactly the size of the difference.
You mean *the CX and non-CX?
Nope. The CX doesn't have the emulator, so I'm not sure if that's still the case.
So basically, a CAS is only better for having more storage space/memory in this case. Just to clarify. Because the CAS models don't have the ROM on it.
Yeah. Plus, they don't have removable keypads, but that can be seen as an advantage or disadvantage, as it's both easy IO access, and a failure point. (The connectors wear out)
True, the previous z80 emulator by Calc84maniac required changing keypads over and over because keys were all scrambled everywhere with the Nspire keypad, and if switching between the real Nspire 84+ emulator by TI and Nspire mode weared out connectors this much, I can't imagine how fast someone would have broken them with a third-party emu launchable from the documents menu.
As for which calcs have the built-in emulator, only the non-CAS TI-Nspire Clickpad (powder blue) and Touchpad (dark blue) has it. All CAS and CX/CM models lacks it. The regular CX used to have the emulator still present in OS 3.0.1 but it couldn't be accessed due to lack of interchangeable keypads (although I wonder if it could have been via Ndless?)
It would have needed to be modified to accomodate the new screen, if the emulator itself was still there. For all we know the only remnant was the ROM file, not the actual emulation program.
Oh I thought the emulator was also there, just maybe unmodified (or maybe modified but scrapped?)
Do we know what the emulator is even named? From what I understand the standard way we checked it was there was via the ROM, which was its own file.
it doesn't really have a name I think.
I meant the file.
i've repared that the file "calcemu_touchpad.tns" of the link have changed (the size changed from 215 kb to 152), new version?:s
Ummmm I just got my CX CAS
When I run the emu (which is named calcemu on my calc. I have a file named rom.tns in the directory where calcemu is. It shows up as rom) I just get a little sprite of a chicken and when I press menu it moves down 8 pixels. Then, I press buttons and I end up in an RPG for calcs. WUT
Ummmm I just got my CX CAS
When I run the emu (which is named calcemu on my calc. I have a file named rom.tns in the directory where calcemu is. It shows up as rom) I just get a little sprite of a chicken and when I press menu it moves down 8 pixels. Then, I press buttons and I end up in an RPG for calcs. WUT
Wellll rather takes files from this post than those from the 1st pots i guess
got it :)
When I run the emu (which is named calcemu on my calc. I have a file named rom.tns in the directory where calcemu is. It shows up as rom) I just get a little sprite of a chicken and when I press menu it moves down 8 pixels. Then, I press buttons and I end up in an RPG for calcs. WUT
If you're wondering, that's a community (not copyrighted) ROM image called z.rom that's used for testing emulators. That's basically all it does :D
Well I used my very own image! So there is a problemo
There is not, you just have the wrong calcemu_cx.tns file.
then I can't find the right one...
Isn't the right one the one linked on the first page a few posts below the first?
Yes. I'm too lazy to edit the first post :(
Yes. I'm too lazy to edit the first post :(
But why didn't Jacobly do the first post himself ? ???
Yeah it'd help if you guys fixed that
You can download the most recent "stable" versions from these links:
Clickpad (
Touchpad (
CX (
well, in my touchpad nspire, this new version doesn't work -.- only the previous version ( 215kb version)
So is archive manipulation ever going to be fixed?
Btw, running the emulator in superfast mode (e.g. a dangerous AHB setting, like 75... or 85 in my case :P) is the easiest way to call for a filesystem reformat.
The AHB frequency should never be overclocked on the CX... The corruption starts occurring quickly with a mere 10% overclocking, which means that there is zero overclocking headroom.
So is archive manipulation ever going to be fixed?
Btw, running the emulator in superfast mode (e.g. a dangerous AHB setting, like 75... or 85 in my case :P) is the easiest way to call for a filesystem reformat.
I thought you just got your nspire. You might not want to run your AHB at 85MHz >.<
aeTIos, indeed I did JUST get it, but in my experience, the only way to corrupt anything that CANNOT be fixed, such as boot code, is by RUNNING said boot code at wayy too fast
is by RUNNING said boot code at wayy too fast
Just say that to all the CX users that broke their calc by changing AHB above 10%
Okay I will never raise it above 75.
Okay I will never raise it above 75.
Have you read what I wrote above ? The AHB frequency should never be overclocked on the CX, it's too unsafe.
Isn't 75 the default? Any less would be underclocking.
The default AHB frequency is 66 MHz: (and myself earlier at )
Some people some people experienced corruption even at an AHB frequency of 72 MHz, which is less than 10% higher than the defaults, and 75 MHz is definitely well in the danger zone. Reasonable overclockers do not do anything when there's less than 10% headroom wrt. known trouble :)
Guess I was wrong then. Sorry about that!
Well I keep my Nspire at 222, 222, 76 with Nover, and it works fine.
Though just wondering, what is the optimal configuration?
I understand the risks. However, I've got a certain trust for computers and understanding of the sciences that tell me "It's okay in moderation." But that is just me.
There is no optimal configuration for a general set of calculators, they are all very different. My calculator can overclock to 85 AHB with a limited chance of dangerous effects, so 75 is more than safe for mine. Mine is also a new revision, it was manufactured less than a month ago and I take pride in that :P there are older ones with even better rates than mine, it just varies.
I have a problem with using Portal, when i quit the game it does not save the file properly.
If i go to the MEM management and scroll over the save file it displays an ERR MEMORY and the place where the file size should be is empty (not zero)
has it something to do with the emulator or is it bad coded software?? (witch i doubt because in Wabbit it is working)
i also looked into older versions, like the one without backgrounds, they where also not working.
(and this topic is maybe not the over-clocking/nover topic? but for the emulator...)
How much stuff do you have unarchived? ERR:MEMORY indicates it ran out of room in RAM. Try archiving some other programs.
1482K archive and 24288 ram so thats not the problem.
This problem occurs when a memory pointer points to an address with FFFF in it, and is a sure sign of a terrible bug. Clear your RAM immediately.
I cannot open the .tns file calcemu_cx.tns, when I press the [enter] key, my ti nspire cx (running cx cas 3.10.16) just freezes.
How do I start up the emulator (What keys do I press) ??? ?
-Thanks :)
By the way, to clarify, I am running a cas os on a non cas os using nlaunch
make sure the rom.tns is in the same folder you can exit with ↵
Oh, when you exit the emulator using the return key, you have to turn your calculator off because the keypad no longer responds.
Sorry, to specify, I meant that when I open calcemu_cx.tns (when I hit the [enter] key on my calc), the whole calc screen goes blank and my calc freeze (it doesn't respond to any keys I press). :-\
Is my rom.tns file corrupted or do I need a newer version of the emulator? If so where can I find it?
Thanks! :)
try to find a new rom, and the latest version is on the first page of this topic.
it the screen going black or white?
make sure you have an TI-84+SE rom
don't use enter but the button in the lower left corner of your calc the "↵" sign
Also when you start, press MENU then ON then MENU then ON until it comes up lol
Fixed a sector erase bug, so Axe works now.
Would TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition and linking support be hard to implement, considering most differences are the LCD size/color depth (they run at 15 MHz like the 84+SE)?
the 84C probably not that much, but the linking... yeah :D
After doing everything you said (Dapianokid and floris497) I still cannot open the emulator. I think I might be pressing the keys in the wrong order. Does any one mind making a tutorial on how to open the emulator (after I press the return key and hit menu and on repeatedly, the calc screen is still on the home menu).
1. Install ndless
2. Download calcemu_cx.tns
3. Get a TI84+SE rom somewhere.
4. Rename the rom file to rom.tns and send everything to your nspire, making sure calcemu and the rom are in the same directory.
5. Run calcemu_cx.tns and press your nspire's on button to turn it on. (If it doesn't, hold it for a second or 2-3 before releasing it).
It should now turn on and greet you with a ram cleared screen :)
Okay, thanks everyone! It works now! :)
By the way, how do I run apps (for example, Portal Prelude) on the emu? I've been searching for it online but can't find it.
By the way, how do I run apps (for example, Portal Prelude) on the emu? I've been searching for it online but can't find it.
Well, you run your ti84+SE rom in the wabbitemu (a ti-84 pc emulator), then you send the apps to the emulated rom and them you save your new rom with the apps that you want and then you use that rom on the calcemu...
By the way, how do I run apps (for example, Portal Prelude) on the emu? I've been searching for it online but can't find it.
Well, you run your ti84+SE rom in the wabbitemu (a ti-84 pc emulator), then you send the apps to the emulated rom and them you save your new rom with the apps that you want and then you use that rom on the calcemu...
I tried that but it didn't work (84+SE OS 2.43 rom saved with no compression). What version of Wabbitemu are you using ?
Hayleia: You have to save as a *.rom file, otherwise it creates a save file which won't work.
Edit: To clarify, click File -> Save, choose a file name that ends with .rom, and then rename the resulting file to .rom.tns.
Hayleia: You have to save as a *.rom file, otherwise it creates a save file which won't work.
And renaming the .sav into .rom.tns doesn't work ? Because that is what I did :P
So how do I save as .rom then ? ???
So how do I save as .rom then ? ???
File > Save > tell it to save as .rom by typing it in or the drop-down menu.
So how do I save as .rom then ? ???
File > Save > tell it to save as .rom by typing it in or the drop-down menu.
Yeah, Jacobly explained me that I actually had to directly name the file with the rom extension, and not saving with sav or with no extension then rename.
Thank you too, I'll try it when I get home :)
edit: I gave you your 255th post rating :P
I have checked this multiple times: when I save a rom file from wabbit emu, all my programs are missing. Is there a way to fix this?
I have checked this multiple times: when I save a rom file from wabbit emu, all my programs are missing. Is there a way to fix this?
Did you archive the programs? The ROM file doesn't contain any of the RAM.
I got an Nspire the other day, so I got this program. The only problem I have is that it freezes whenever I try to open the program more than once. I have to delete the save file and reset the calc to use it again. Is this supposed to happen?
I have this problem. It's a glitch that hasn't been adressed, but it has been made known to the developer.
Soooo... I finally tried to create my rom with Wabbit by saving directly with the .rom extension, and it worked in some way :P
It said "Flash Failed". I guess it means it doesn't support all zStart features. At least it displayed something this time :D
By the way, has anyone managed to get this to run on nspire_emu? it just freezes and I can't exit...
DJ_O, yes. To get it to work, different computers just need to play with the settings. Try to be as minimal as possible, and use the software that isn't entirely new, ya know, just keep with the times, not ahead of them.
Hayleia, it's just great ain't it? :)
jacobly: if you can draw some text to the screen like version numbers, you may want to add some basic instructions to the black screen like how to load the rom and what kind of rom is needed and things like that
DJ_O, yes. To get it to work, different computers just need to play with the settings. Try to be as minimal as possible, and use the software that isn't entirely new, ya know, just keep with the times, not ahead of them.
So, bug report, on my CX CAS, as said on IRC.
-An archived Axe source doesn't show up in the compilable progs list, and trying to unarchive it leads to ERR:Memory even before getting to the program list and even if I have 23000 bytes of RAM.
-Screen shifting bug: after quitting the emu, pressing ON makes the screen shift weirdly, but other keys work fine. See the video (sent by email because too large for attachement), where I whack the ON key so that you see what happens, and make some stupid calculatings in the scratchpad so that you see that other keys work fine
-Screen shifting bug: after quitting the emu, pressing ON makes the screen shift weirdly, but other keys work fine. See the video (sent by email because too large for attachement), where I whack the ON key so that you see what happens, and make some stupid calculatings in the scratchpad so that you see that other keys work fine
Yep, got the same.
well I had a strange bug, when i used the knight OS rom, it worked but when I closed it it corrupted my filesystem, leaving me with en system error on the bootscreen. so i had to wipe my calculator.
i'm not 100% sure that was the cause, but it was the only thing i did with it.
I will not try to reproduce the problem in a month because i'm not going to install ndless during my exams.
(this message is warning to everybody who wants to try 'knight OS' on the emulator, backup your stuff)
Hmm the new version you provided ( ) doesn't have any bug... because it doesn't do anything :P
It just produces a file with a .out extension, but its size is 0KB so I don't think I actually have to send it to you to know what thre is inside :P
(note: I tried by renaming ontest into calcemu_cx, launching with file association or launching it directly, and I also tried renaming the rom into "rom" and launching ontest, none of those did anything)
When I try to open the emulator on my cx, it says "this document format is not supported even though it's a .tns.
Does this only run with ndless?
Yes, it requires ndless.
Yes, it requires ndless.
ok, thanks.
*shakes fist at TI*
Is calcemu development dead anyway ?
Wasn't jacobly developing this? I haven't seen him around for quite some time now, so who knows.
Yeah Jacobly is, but since I didn't see him for a while either, I was wondering.
He might have moved on from calc programming to other life stuff, like many people do. But again, Eiyeron and Assemblybandit came back from 1 year hiatuses a few months ago and some people like Art of Camelot came back into calc stuff almost a decade after leaving the TI community.
i also tried to reach jacobly over skype - without success :(
Have you tried e-mail? That said, if he absolutely wants no IRL interaction with any of his online activities, it's possible that he uses a different Skype, e-mail, Twitter and Facebook account for real life matter than he does for Internet stuff. I know that some people did that before, so if they somehow move on from any online stuff, they are no longer reachable. Else, he might just have lost internet access, something might have happened to him (I hope not) or he just have no time (although that would be weird considering he went inactive this SUmmer).
i don't have his email
*cough* Check <a href=;u=2910>his profile</a> *cough*
woops, fail xD/me emails
Can someone please tell me or provide a link to the keys for the emulator? I can't find the documentation, if there is any.
EDIT: Appearently someone make a key map, but the server is down. (
I think some documentation should be in the first post. It was hard enough for me to find the installation instructions hidden inside this 16-page thread! I tried opening calcemu_cx.tns without properly renaming the rom because I had no documentation, and it froze my nspire cx causing me to reset and corrupt entire device. I had to wipe the whole thing.
When the file association is set, you just have to launch a rom in the OS file browser.
More about instructions:
And the key controls:
Does somebody still have the file? When I click on the download links it says "account suspended".
Unfortunately Jacobly kind of vanished. I'd guess the account where it was uploaded went inactive. Not sure what state this was in when he left. It's possible someone does have a version on their hard drive. You'd need to let them know which model you have and hope they have the one you need.
I should have the tns on my Dropbox.
Ummm no sorry I don't. :/
nspire cx cas
I have a copy
Wasn't there more than just that one file?
I think there was a version for classic calcs too.
I just assembled the source which he gave me at some point, I hope it works, as I don't have an nspire with me at the moment. I assembled all three versions.
I might still have an old version on my Linux box. Will search and reply if I have it. Big chance I do!
Phew, I'M glad some people still had the files. I'm unsure if I still have any copy, but it was a great emulator, so it would have been a shame if he vanished and everything disappeared for good.
Maybe someone should upload a copy on TI-Planet too in case. Also, is it compatible with Ndless 3.6?
I don't think it's compatible with Ndless 3.6. I tried and it crashed, and it gave me "system error" when I pressed the reset button. I had to do a complete format to make my calc work. So yeah, you probably shouldn't use it, at least for the CX CAS.
My experience with 3.6 is that it works, but you can't exit. If you reset with the button, you have about a 10% chance of getting a system error. I got a system error from this on 3.1 as well.
Any chance that the source might eventually become public or did he disallow publishing it? It could be modified by people to run on OS 3.6.
So this is late but I completely missed it... Another Z80-emu-for-Nspire project with source lost? D:
I guess so as nobody ever got able to reach him again D:
But maybe Hooloovoo could post what he was given or something
While I am new to the NSpire and the omnimaga community, I'm not new to ARM asm development so if we did get something started I would be willing to setup SCR on either github or a git repository on under my MSDN.
Heya and welcome to the forums. It would definitively be nice to see this project revived. I guess it would need to be disassembled if nobody publishes the source or maybe you could PM Hooloovoo for it. It was a very promising emulator before the author vanished.
Will have to do, I can't even get the current tns to run on my CX CAS with 84, or 83 roms
That doesn't surprise me since the 84 doesn't exist (you probably have seen "84" elsewhere but people saying "84" are wrong, except if they talk about the "84 series" and not a "TI 84" calc) and the 83 is not supported :P
I think that emulator only supports the 84+SE, not even the 83+ (here ('s the post that makes me say this).
Btw, little heads-up: the KnightOS community is working on a new z80 emulator which might or might not be ported to the HP Prime and/or Nspire.
That would definitively be interesting. Hopefully the part of the team that can access the forums can share updates when there are any big ones. For the HP Prime, keep in mind that the emulator basically has to be a modified OS file or launched via an ASM command added via a modded OS, though, since the official OS doesn't support assembly through normal means.
I meant plus in both cases, it's just a lazy weekend so I lopped off a character
Hi, i don't really mean to revive an old thread, but i found this recently and when i read through it there was a lot of great ideas suggested. School is starting soon for me and i'm taking a software programing class at my for a bunch of languages including the C+ and C++ so i can try to help continue this emulator. i think this is an amazing emulator by itself right now and hopefully (if someone is able to release the sources publicly) i could try my hand at resurrecting this emulator so it can run more Z80 calculator roms. (and possibly a Z80 spectrum???) I think this has a lot of potential and i just don't want to see it die. if anybody has the sources or is willing to help out i'd appreciate it. If you think this deservers a different topic i can create a new one later when i have some time to learn more about C+ and C++ as i go through my class.
EDIT: Removed because I didn't realize what was actually being discussed, whoops!
Ok thank you very much Ivoah for the help ill look into it :D
It's okay to bump an old thread if you are adding something relevant. Welcome to Omnimaga!
All of KnightOS is opensource (including the toolchain) and can be found at
The source for the emulator (z80e) can be found here:
Pull requests are welcome for any part of KOS, and feel free to hang out in #knightos on the Freenode IRC server.
That is completely irrelevant and off-topic. This topic is for Jacobly's z80 emulator, and has nothing to do with KnightOS.
Yea, knight os has nothing to do with this emulator at all. I'm unsure about the status on this. You'd have to ask @jacobly.
I've talked to jacobly and he has said that he will be coming back to this emulator on about a month which is great :thumbsup: Apparently it is also written in assembly :o I though it was is in c or c++ sadly I'll have to find another think to work on for I am inexperienced with assembly.
I just released another z80 emulator on the nspire. It's incomplete, but it's about as functional as this one was.