I was going to post a screenie, but I found a bug that I accidentally made yesterday >.> If you go into battle with no health, you automatically win

Anyways, I also rewrote the saving routine yesterday, so now it takes about 10 seconds to save a game. I created an all BASIC routine to convert L1 to Str1 (appending the data), and so I now store the save file internally. The save file is about 200 to 300 bytes this way, and the code for converting the list is about 300 bytes, so the net savings for this is 1112-300-225=512 bytes (I added in a progress bar and some other things). I am also working on adding in the player sprite (it is currently all zeroes), and the editor for it. Size is looking like it will start to be a problem since I have about 5000 more bytes that I will probably add for all of the weapons, armor, and spells, but all the programs combined are >9000 bytes, now

I am probably going to need to use more assembly to handle memory troubles like this o.o Probably TPROG or COPYPROG (the old version) should do the trick. I will do something like this:
Create a launcher program, keep the main program and battle engine (and probably a few other subprograms) in archive.
Copy the main program to a tempvar, execute it. When a battle or some other event occurs, exit the program, passing a value to Ans
Convert the value to figure out which program needs to be loaded, then load that program from archive and run it.
When it is finished, copy the main program back to RAM and relaunch.
The only issue that I see with this is that I will need to devise some method of entering a program in an appropriate place (If I just enter the main program, it will reload from the last save state, so I will need to edit one of the first lines of code to jump to a different label) o_O This is making my brain get loopy.
Oh, in other news, I have a story that I am still working on:
It is the eve of December 21st, 2012. You know the whole Mayan calendar thing and you know the details, so you are quite sure that nothing is going to happen--it is a laughable matter, actually. You close your eyes and you fall asleep into a deep dream. You find yourself in a different world, but you see a path, so you go to step on it. You hear a sound behind you, though, so you turn and you see it a house. There is an old lady standing in the doorway and she says, "You be careful now, child, lest one of the Twisted find you." She turns around and walks through the door-- you realise she was a ghost. You are a bit shocked, but you walk down the path-- you can see a fence in the distance. Before you can get there, though, you are attacked. You know this is a dream, so you fight back-- you instinctively know what this creature is and you know what your strengths and weaknesses are. You know you can use some magic and you know you are trained in fighting. After defeating your attacker, you take some of their stuff that you need-- you have a long journey ahead and they won't be needing it. You then get the feeling that you are surrounded by assailants, they hinder you, but do not stop you. You find another house, this time you see that it is a store, so you enter and purchase some items to help you recover from your injuries and feed yourself. When you exit the shop, there is a person in a mask, waiting. The person speaks a simple phrase, with no introduction, then fades away: "When Samocal wins, you will never wake up and Earth will fall."
Does this sound like a good story?