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so how did you make the appvar browser?
Great main menu!
It looks great, though
Another option for the key layout which would be a little easier to hold would be to use the first column (with "clear" to "-") as the frets and Enter or some other key to strum. That way you could hold it like a guitar, though the keys wouldn't necessarily line up. I think you would adapt to it pretty easily though.
.FINDAPPVClrHome{E9830}r→P→UData(0,0^^r,0^^r,0^^r,0^^r,0)->Str1IN21→{Str1INFill(+1,8,00→I→N~1→L→QNxtAV(!If LvlOk()Disp "No level pack",i,"found!Pause 1800ReturnElseL++EndWhile 1If P>{E982E}r and getKey(1)P→UI→NNxtAV(ClrHomeEndIf I>0 and getKey(4){E9830}r→PI--L--If I>00→N0→QWhile 1Next(N++LvlOk()+Q→QEndIf LvlOk() and (N≥I or (Q≥L))N→IQ→LEndClrHomeEndOutput(0,,"Type:",{P}>DecOutput(0,+1,"Namelength:",{P-6}>DecGtNam(Output(0,+2,"Name:",Str1IN+1Pause 225EndIf getKey(15)ReturnLbl NextP-7-{P-6}→PReturnLbl NxtAVWhile 1!If P>{E982E}rU→PN→IReturnEndNext(I++EndIf LvlOk()L++ReturnLbl LvlOkIf {P}=21GtNam(GetCalc(Str1IN,Y1){Y1}rr=E4755Else0EndReturnLbl GtNamFill(Str1IN+1,8,0For(r1,1,{P-6}{P-6-r1}→{Str1IN+r1EndGenerated by the BBify'r (http://clrhome.org/resources/bbify/)
(17:20:50) Hayleia: tu mets "It is awesome !! You are awesome !!"
Quote(17:20:50) Hayleia: tu mets "It is awesome !! You are awesome !!"
il ne manque plus que le son
Quote(17:20:50) Hayleia: tu mets "It is awesome !! You are awesome !!" super jeux! il ne manque plus que le son
And please speak in French here, except in the French section.
EDIT: Yeah, 500th post, 12 to go until a round number! :p
Back to topic: great update, I'ma try it out soon