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Also, you probably should not call it PuzzPack since that name is already taken by a popular app (170267 downloads for now ).
Looks like fun, at least the way you introduce it It only lacks screenshots, even though I read what you put in that spoiler.
I'm happy to see you used my Menu( axiom ... But less happy to see you used my Asteroid game without even asking me , and without writing "Game by Zemmargorp" anywhere in the game . The worst thing is that you added bugs to it ! Please, remove the download link until you change the level 3, and don't use my game in the next version. And like said Hayleia, find another name, because PuzzPack is already taken .Otherwise, I like the way the text scrolls between levels !
Sorry, but all the code was written by me (except one thing : I took the sprite of the ship and I flipped it)I mentioned you because it was your idea)
It might be best to look at the source code of both games before judging if any code was stolen, else it can easily be just another Asteroid game that reused your sprite (although I guess that could be changed).
.PUZZMAST Some puzzles ! (In a pack ^^).-- by ISSOtm.Zemmagorp's Menu( axiom#Axiom(MENUS.I find the activity indicator annoyingDiagnosticOff#ExprOffFull^^r^^rFull^^rClrDraw^^r^^rFix 5Disp "PUZZLE MASTER -- DISSOLVED ?"getKey^^rWhile 1Lbl MENUClrHomeMenu("TITLE MENU","New game","Continue","How to play","Quit".NOTE: this command clears the screen like ClrHome, so it isn't needed Then.!If -4.quit selectedLbl QUITGetCalc(Str7FILE)?Archive Str7FILEClrDraw^^r^^r.reset activity indicator onDiagnosticOnAsm(FDCB00AE)ReturnElse!If +3.new gameLbl NEW!If GAL2(Str7FILE,1,1)Disp "ERROR: SAVE FILECOULDN'T BE CREATED."getKey^^rGoto QUITElse!If -1!If UnArchive Str7FILEDisp "SAVE COULDN'T BEUNARCHIVED."getKey^^rGoto QUITElseGetCalc(Str7FILE)->[Y1T]EndEndDisp "WARNING: DOING THIS WILLERASE YOUR PREVIOUS SAVE.",getKey^^rDisp "PRESS [ENTER] TOCONFIRM, OR ANY KEY TO CANCEL"getKey^^r-5??1->{[Y1T]}|LGAME,|LMENUGoto ()Else!If -1.load game!If GALC(Str7FILE)Disp "Save file does not exist. ",,"Creating a new one."getKey^^rClrHomeGoto NEWElse!If -1!If UnArchive Str7FILEDisp "SAVE FILE HASN'TBEEN UNARCHIVED"ElseGetCalc(Str7FILE)->[Y1T]EndEndClrDrawFix 1Text(0)Text "YOU HAVE ACCESS"Text(2048)Text "TO LEVELS FROM 1"Text(4096)Text "TO ",{[Y1T]}>Dec,"."Text(6144)Text "CHOOSE :"{[Y1T]}->ARepeat 0Text(6204)Text {[Y1T]}>DecDispGraph!If getKey^^r-1{[Y1T]}-A?{[Y1T]}++Else!If -1{[Y1T]}-1?{[Y1T]}--EndEnd!If -3Fix 0Goto GAMEElse.Game helpDisp "PLAYING PUZZLE MASTER : PAGE 1 ",,"The goal of thisgame is to pass all the levels."getKey^^rClrHomeDisp "PLAYING PUZZLE MASTER : PAGE 2 ",,"But, it may be abit harder than it seems... >=))"getKey^^rEndEndLbl GAMEprgmSUBthetaPUZZGoto MENU.Program end.-------------.Data is saved hereprgmDATthetaPUZZ.Data end.-------------.Displays all the rocks.ROCKS()Lbl ROCKSGDB0ROCK->[X1T]1->[X2T]For(7)^^rPt-Change({[X1T]}*8,[X2T]*8,Pic7ILE+8)Pt-Change({[X1T]+1}*8,[X2T]*8,Pic7ILE+8)[X1T]++[X1T]++[X2T]++EndReturn.-------------.My custom (optimized as i could) randIntNoRep( axe implementation.RANDINTNOREP(INT How many numbers to sort)->PTR Sorted data.Overwrites [r1]*2-1 bytes starting at L1Lbl RANDINTNOREPFill(L1,[r1]*2-1)0->[X1T]->{[r1]+L1->[X2T]-2->[X3T]+1}For([r1]-1)^^r[X1T]++If rand<<0[X1T]->{[X2T]}[X2T]++Else[X1T]->{[X3T]}[X3T]--EndEnd[X3T]+1Return.-------------.Nice display routine for dialog-like texts.DISP(PTR String to display)->PTR Position of the next stringLbl DISPWhile {[r1]}-255.Character [00] ends line!If +255Disp getKey(9)?40,800ElseDisp {[r1]}>ChargetKey(9)?40,200EndPause [r1]++End[r1]+1Return.-------------.GetCalc() lib to easily get OS vars.GAL2{requires GALC}(STR var name, INT var size, DATA default value)->ENUM[0=creation failed,1=in Archive ,2=in RAM] data location.If in RAM : INT var pointer->[Y1T]Lbl GAL2.try to find the var!If GALC().it doesn't exist ? then create it !!If GetCalc([r1],[r2]).If we can't create it, Then Return0ElseGetCalc([r1])->[Y1T].let's fill the var with the default value[r3]->{[Y1T]}^^r.now it exists in ram2EndEndReturn.GALC(STR var name)->ENUM[0=doesn't exist,1=in Archive ,2=in RAM] data locationLbl GALCIf GetCalc([r1])->[Y1T]2ElseIf GetCalc([r1],[Y1])1Else0End
..PUZZMAST first (and only) include fileWhile {[Y1T]}-4ClrHome!If {[Y1T]}-1Str7ITLE->ADisp "You wake up. You don't remember anything..."For(4)^^rgetKey^^rClrHomeDISP(A)->AEndElse!If -1DISP(Str2LEVEL)->[Y2T]ClrDrawHLine(28,43,53)HLine(38,43,53)HLine(33,44,48)VLine(43,29,37)VLine(53,29,37)0->X->YPt-Change(42,27,Pic5QUARE)DispGraphWhile Y-1 or XIf getKey^^r->A<5Pt-Change(X*5+42,Y*5+27,Pic5QUARE)!If A-1X??X++Else!If -1X?X--Else!If -1X and Y?Y--ElseX-1 or Y??Y++EndPt-Change(X*5+42,Y*5+27,Pic5QUARE)DispGraphElse!If A-9Goto MENUEndEndText(28,41)Text "WELL DONE !"DispGraphgetKey^^rClrHomeDISP([Y2T])ElseClrHomeDISP(Str3LEVEL)->[Y2T]getKey^^rClrDrawFix 1Text(0)Text "LV 3: :"For(A,0->C,2)Pt-Change(A*8+29,0,Pic4EART)EndFill(GDB0ROCK,14,0)12->BFor(2)^^rRANDINTNOREP(7)->AFor(7)^^rB->{{A}*2+C+GDB0ROCK}B++A++EndC++EndHLine(0->A->G->I,60,93)HLine(6,60,93)VLine(94,1->B->D,3->C+1->L+1)Pt-Change(0,32,Pic7ILE)ROCKS()While A-36Pt-Change(0,C+1*8,Pic7ILE)!If getKey-1C-6 and {C+1*2+GDB0ROCK}?C++Else!If -3{C-1*2+GDB0ROCK} and C?C--Else!If -11Goto MENUEndDS<(B,128)A++VLine(A+58,1,5)EndDS<(D,64).Clear old rocksROCKS()GDB0ROCK->EFor(14)^^r!If {E}{E+1}->{E}{E}<12?13,{E}+1+(rand^8)->{E+1}Else!If -1 or (E-GDB0ROCK/2-C)Pt-Change(L*8+13,0,Pic4EART+8)For(10)^^rDrawInvPause 500EndDS<(L,1)ClrHomeDisp "TOO BAD !",,"YOU DIED !",,"PRESS ANY KEY TOTRY AGAIN..."getKey^^r1->GEnd4->C+1->IEnd{E}--E++EndROCKS()I?I--EndPt-Change(0,C+1*8,Pic7ILE)DispGraphEndIf GIf Goto GAMEEndText(4104)Text "+------------+"Text(6152)Text "I LEVEL NO 3 I"Text(8200)Text "I COMPLETED! I"Text(10248)Text "+------------+"DispGraphFix 0Pause 600getKey^^rClrHomeDISP([Y2T])EndgetKey^^rClrHomeDisp "YOU JUST PASSED LEVEL",{[Y1T]}>Dec," !",,,"GAME SAVED."{[Y1T]}++!If getKey^^r-9Goto MENUEndEndGoto MENU
..PUZZMAST first (and only) include fileBuff(14,0)->GDB0ROCK[0000001818000000]->Pic5QUARE[6CFEFE7C38100000006C7C3810000000]->Pic4EART[3070787E7E78703046EEFF7F7EFEEF06]->Pic7ILE"appvPUZZSAVE"->Str7FILE"Where am I ?"->Str7ITLE"It's dark there."[00]"..."[00]"You hear a voicesaying :"[FF]"Welcome to the PUZZY LAND !"[00]"Here, you will need much logic."[00]"Because I won't tell you what todo."[FF]"But anyways, youshould exit and try to get out of here..."[0000]"The voice stops speaking."[FF]"A ray of light appears while a door creaks."[00]"You move to thatdoor, and..."[FF].Strings displayed at the beginning and the End of the levels"You are in a bigwhite room. You see a small gameunder a glass."->Str2LEVEL"You can move an iron jetton witha magnetic pieceof wood."[FF]"Putting the tinypiece of iron inthe hole opened a door."[00]"You head throughthat door."[FF]"There is a room,and inside, you only see an old arcade game."->Str3LEVEL"It's on, and itsscreen displays:ISSOtm ASTEROID Idea : Zemmagorp"[FF]"You have won !!"[00]"The arcade game rotates, and a corridor lights up behind."[00]"The voice says :Thou are doing pretty well..."[FF]
@ZemmagorpI used the same names in the code because these were good ones.
I did NOT steal your code. Never.
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on August 30, 2014, 09:45:52 amIt might be best to look at the source code of both games before judging if any code was stolen, else it can easily be just another Asteroid game that reused your sprite (although I guess that could be changed).I know, but I didn't have access to the source code, as I told ISSOtm before. There's an error saying I have not enough space on the calculator, whereas I have all the RAM free. Besides, as he made a clone of my game (they look and play exactly the same), and wrote in the game "Natch's ASTEROID modified by ISSOtm" (Natch being a surname he gave me), I had strong reasons to think he used my source code.EDIT : I'm probably not the only one to judge without knowing. Thanks for the -1.
The following are disallowed on the Omnimaga forums in any topic at any time.Flaming, flooding, intolerance, and provocative comments.Illegal content, including copyrighted material (such as TI's copyrighted software).Pornography and shock images of any sort.Discussions or tools intended to facilitate cheating, be it for classes, standardised tests, or any other situation in which academic dishonesty is possible.
Don't complain incessantly over every negative rating you receive. Your life doesn't depend on your rating score.
True, but then if the source code is corrupted, you cannot jump to conclusions until an non-corrupted version of the source is posted. Now that he posted the source above, you can post yours then compare them both, but it would have helped if you posted yours first or a link to the game on Ticalc.org. I only -1 people if they break the forum rules (although your first post was modified after the -1 was given).
If ISSOtm actually stole code then in his case the rules about copyrighted material and cheating would apply to him (and I would rate his initial post down if that's the case), but you would still have broken rules since there are different, non-trollish ways to bring up code stealing issues (although at least the edited version of your first post is much better than it was earlier) and you didn't even bother posting your own source to prove it.
Actually now that I remember, it was the 2nd and 3rd posts that got edited. But again maybe it's because of the newly added note. It just seemed you were insisting about the code stealing issue from the tone you used in the second post and the second post sounded overly confrontational.
I guess it is solved now, though, so that's good. But it's best to be careful because back in the days I saw other people getting temporarily banned for being too confrontational and to a lesser extent false accusations. Plus it is no longer possible to remove -1 and +1 downvotes.