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I have several things: 1) Can you replace all the lower case letters with uppercase ones in the commented version? they take up a lot of MEM. (lowercase letters are two bytes right?)
2)If i don't know weather my user is using a ti83 or a ti84 then how do i compile? Should i just fallback upon the ti83 method? Is there a way for greylib, when run, to automatically choose the correct setting?
3) Can i strip out every thing i don't need to just leave the timer/inturupt stuff.
4)Is there any advantage of using the Crystal timer (84 method) verses just using interrupts?
5)Doest using the Crystal timer (84 method) mess with the cpu speed?
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Your library can render text with all shades of back/fore ground. And yet when i asked about the ti84 and the location of the sprite sheets, you "At least, I hope that information's correct. I haven't tried any of this, but this would be my best guess as to doing it correctly." (https://www.omnimaga.org/general-calculator-help/where-does-ti-(84)-os-store-the-sprite-sheets-for-chars/msg399940/#msg399940). So how exactly do you render text? ("performs magic" is not a good enoufe explanation for me )
Ok thanks. But by "stip out" i litraly ment take all the Asm() opcodes out and insert them into my program.
Ps: why cant you just make a small PDF for this, as i think it will be the easiest option for everybody.
Quote from: Runer112 on April 20, 2015, 04:45:05 pm-snip-Ok thanks. But by "stip out" i litraly ment take all the Asm() opcodes out and insert them into my program. Ps: why cant you just make a small PDF for this, as i think it will be the easiest option for everybody.
Quote from: c4ooo on April 24, 2015, 07:11:39 amQuote from: Runer112 on April 20, 2015, 04:45:05 pm-snip--snip-The whole idea of a library is to make things easier. I don't see why you'd want to pick it apart to reuse the code just to do the same thing either.
Quote from: Runer112 on April 20, 2015, 04:45:05 pm-snip--snip-
I've successfully torn out the juicy asm codes and put them in my program. Just want to make sure that you will be ok with me doing so? I will credit you for "writing the greyscale interrupt code" in my programs.
Also can you pls explain what exactly Gwait() does?
<sarcastic comment> waiting seems the best thing to do when the interupt takes up a third of the cpu time!</sarcastic comment>.
Ps, in an earlier post on this thread you said you where writing a more efficient timer interrupt. Was that implemented or is it still coming?
One third? I think you might be dreaming. The interrupt takes more like three fourths of the CPU time.
When I used GIHB for some before hooks, I think it didn't work for me. Used it a while ago, so don't know the specifics of what was wrong. When I looked at the code, it also called up a subprogram called GHB0(), which does not exist. Is it a typo with the last label of GHB?