Nice menu!
I have to agree this is pretty cool.
Yup, it's a rad menu you have here!
I just tried this now and very good job! My suggestion, though, would be to add an option to prevent you from looping through the screen or make it so that it takes a while for your bullets to refill, else I just stop moving for 0.1 second or so then I can shoot another horde of bullets again while looping and rarely ever stopping.
Well if you couldn't loop through the screen, it would be very hard to avoid bullets
That would also make the sprite routine I wrote useless, and I spent time on it
But I agree about the bullets thing, you have to stop but you can don't have to stop for a while. I think I'll change that into "you have to change your direction before being able to fire again". You'll still be able to quickly change direction twice, but it is already harder to do
Also I can't access the menu in previous screenshots. When I am on the title screen, it goes directly to the game
Yeah, that menu is a post-contest update. Same for the graphical lolwats there were in the HUD, they are still here in the contest version and are only fixed in the version I attached to my previous post.